3. Fire◎Flower Edition (1/2)

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Fourth of July, half way into summer break along with the display of colors filling up the night sky. Donnie was able to secure the perfect place a week before that day and so far everyone started making preparations along with their dad Splinter.

Around 6 pm...

(Y/N) hurried upstairs and busted the door opened.

"Sorry I'm late!" (Y/N) panted trying to catch their breath.

"The fireworks don't start until nine (Y/N)." Donnie said.

"I know that but I'm really excited to spend it with you guys since I got the okay from my parents." (Y/N) said.

"Awww that's sweet of your parents (Y/N)." Mikey said as he helped Raph set up the tables for the food.

(Y/N) scratched their head smiling at Mikey's comment. Leo appeared behind (Y/N) carrying one of the chairs.

"You should take a breather (Y/N), you were the blue blur for a few seconds when you went up the stairs." Leo said as he assembled the chair down before heading towards the stairs again.

(Y/N) pouted at the blue turtle as he left and went over to where Raph was carrying one of the aluminum trays packed with food.

"Really nice of your parents giving out some extra food for this day." Raph said as he placed the tray down.

"It tends to be another potluck at our place and my mom didn't mind sharing some of her homemade food." (Y/N) said.

When Raph was about to remove the aluminum foil, Mikey slapped his hand.

"We'll eat once the whole place is decorated." Mikey said glaring at his older brother.

"All right fine." Raph said as he and Mikey go downstairs to help Leo carry the other five remaining chairs.

(Y/N) covered their mouth trying not to laugh at Raph being scolded by Mikey and afterwards they suddenly got a text from April.


April: I can't make it to this year's fourth of july fireworks but have fun with the guys though!

(Y/N): that's okay April I'll send pictures tomorrow. You take care too!


After sending the reply to April, (Y/N) went downstairs to help the three turtles with chairs.

Near 8:55 pm...

(Y/N) watched a video on their phone listening to the song "Fire◎Flower" by Halyosy with english subtitles. They paused the video as they heard a chair being pulled next to them. They look to see...



💜 Donnie nonchalantly sitting near them scrolling through his phone.

He looked over to check what's on (Y/N)'s screen and read out the title.

"Fire Flower - Kagamine Len?" Donnie said as he search the video with the exact name now equipping headphones.

(Y/N) startled by Donnie's sudden reaction tried to grab his phone but one of the robotic arms from his battle shell caught it before they did.

(Y/N) slouched in defeat and sat back in their chair.

"It's kind of a cheesy song but one of the seniors in my classes said it's a classic from this artist along with the singer so I had to listen to it." (Y/N) said.

They notice Donnie fully immersed in the song's subtitles.

"Like a"

In perfect timing the two stood up from their seats and saw fireworks beginning to surface the night sky.

As the song ended on Donnie's phone he looked at (Y/N) with smirk on his face.

"So you've been humming the phrase 'I'm glad I was able to love you from the beginning' during this whole week." Donnie teased at (Y/N).

(Y/N) blushed but nodded at the purple turtle.

"By Saturday, I thought of you after remembering the times you helped me with assignments and just goofing around in general." (Y/N) said.

Now Donnie was the one stunned by (Y/N)'s words with blush covering his purple bandana.

"Well I guess we're even then." Donnie says as he holds onto (Y/N)'s hand.

"Whatever you say Donnie." (Y/N) said replying back by taking his hand in return.


💙 Leo not sitting in a chair correctly as usual.

"Sup." Leo said as he waved his hand towards (Y/N).

"Hi Leo." (Y/N) said as they turned off their phone and faced towards him.

"Still listening to that fire flower song last Thursday?" Leo said as he stretches his arms.

(Y/N) puffed their cheeks not amused at Leo's statement.

"It's a catchy song and Mikey agrees with me on that!" (Y/N) said turning away from Leo.

"Chill out (Y/N). I'm not dissing that song but you're not bothered by one of the lyrics." Leo said.

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) said.

Leo rolled his eyes and stared at (Y/N).

"You go by they/them pronouns right?" Leo said.

"Oh! The male and female part. I mean at first I was kind of let down but I try not to acknowledge it and just enjoy the song for what it is." (Y/N) said.

"I get that it's a song from 2008 but as of this year and onwards, the artist should at least update the lyrics considering the fact there's other genders than the typical man and woman." Leo said.

(Y/N) nudged at Leo with a smirk.

"You and Donnie really act like twins sometimes but thanks for your concern Leo." (Y/N) said as they hug Leo.

Fireworks appear afterwards and (Y/N) lets go of the hug while beaming at the illuminating atmosphere.

Leo gazed at (Y/N) lovingly as he loosens his shoulders.

("I'll wait tomorrow to tell them my feelings.") Leo thought to himself.


I love listening to this song every fourth of July and I'm not that into that holiday as well

Part two will continue with the other two along with April

Feel free to leave comments or criticisms

Edits [August 17, 2019]: Deleting requests

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