104. ROTTMNT X Female!Chubby!Reader: Saved by the Four Turtles

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Requested by Boogirl107

The final class of the week draws to a close. Returning back to a boring high school schedule as (Y/N) stares anxiously at the clock. With it's metallic hands close to the ringing the bell.

Despite her figure, she managed to be the first out of the classroom. Before the crowds of slow students fill up the entire hallway in groups or just standing in place. A few students saw the quick reflexes she made, before resuming their usual routine. Seeing one of the popular kids and their posse slowly following (Y/N).

Back with (Y/N), her face lit up with joy seeing the exit in the distance. But, she paused as a door close by opened, revealing one of her ex friends part of the student council this year. A girl much taller and prettier than (Y/N), held the lost love letter that was supposed to be for one of the turtles. 

(Y/N) stood her ground but started shaking with a glare on her face as her ex bestie spoke.

"You're still the same,"

"A crying (Y/N) in distress as always..." (E/N) said as (Y/N) couldn't reply, fighting off tears soon to appear.

"Even with a yes or no option."

"Only a loser would want to date-"

The lights above the teens go out for a few seconds as everyone noticed four hoodie individuals shielding (Y/N), pop out of nowhere. The largest one wearing red sends a menacing stare at (E/N) as he carried (Y/N) in his arms.

Two lackeys behind (E/N) ran off as the other half did the same.

The light blue one with neon colors began to talk, amused at the taller girl cursing under her breath.

"I'm pretty sure you're the loser since (Y/N)'s former crush felt heartbroken."

"Now that she has a crush on someone else."

"Where I heard that is another thing but,"

Leo twirls his odachi sword, creating a portal behind him with ease as he continued to speak.

"Knowing how schools are with rumors, it'll probably harm your popular status"

"Due to gossip and other negative stuff."

"And on a final note..."

"You're in for the worse if my brothers were by themselves with sweet (Y/N)."

"And believe me, you guys wouldn't stand a chance!" Leo said as the turtles escorted (Y/N) in safe manner into the portal.

"This also applies to me but I'm more calm and collected,"

"That is... until one of you make her cry." Leo said in a cold tone causing (E/N) to gulp in fear as he exits through the portal while it disappears out of thin air.

Back at the lair, Leo returns pulling the hoodie strings, hiding his blushing face as the trio briefly commented on his well thought out speech. Then switching the topic lifting (Y/N)'s spirits.

(Y/N) felt her face flushed for the entire day but in a better mood as she heads back with Mikey by her side.

Time skip to the parking garage close to (Y/N)'s apartment...

They arrived a bit earlier than usual as she notices the turtle handing her a note with a blushing face away from her direction. She takes it silently reading the paper. The paper had the yes or no option with the turtles' names in their signatures which prompted (Y/N) to start blushing as well.

"Err... I'll let you guys know tomorrow."

"Is it okay if I hold onto this?" (Y/N) asked as Mikey gave a thumbs up before running off.

The next day at the lair...

When (Y/N) gave back the paper with her reply, the guys were astonished by the four circles with yes in all their names.

After a few days, the turtles got accustomed to sharing (Y/N) in a poly relationship with her.

One of (E/N)'s friends recognized (Y/N) and a purple hoodie individual together as (Y/N) pouts not amused by Donnie's comment.

"The popular kids already back off after you and your brothers scared them with cold glares."

"And don't you have a history with the Purple Dragons."

"Those guys will find out about your hacking code and please don't add more petty paybacks..." (Y/N) said as the turtle shrugged off that detail changing the tone to something else.

(E/N) showed an angry expression until she hid behind her friend, also observing the two teens.

"Hey (E/N), I think she's dating that purple hoodie guy."

"You should have seen the scared look on (F/N)!"

"He didn't get a chance to talk with her as the guy stared him down when (Y/N) was searching her locker for a book."

"Like he ran off afterwards just as (Y/N) found it and the guy switched to a more content attitude around her."

"I wish a bad boy fell in love with me..."

The girl sighs daydreaming in hopes of encountering a person with a similar personality as (E/N) drags her away just as (Y/N) recognizes her leaving.

"Her loss and decision to be that type of person..." Donnie said as he holds (Y/N)'s hand noting (E/N)'s reaction.

"She hasn't bugged me after that surprise rescue you guys did."

"Although, I didn't expect that comment from one of her friends, with your whole self proclaimed bad boy image." (Y/N) said as Donnie scoffed pretending to be hurt by her comment.

During a slow night patrol...

(Y/N) sat in Raph's lap as she looked at the night sky.

"I only heard a bit from Donnie about (E/N)."

"Still deep in thought, (Y/N)..." Raph asked as (Y/N) nods her head no.

"I'll just focus on having four wonderful boyfriends!" (Y/N) said hugging Raph as the turtle's bandana turned fully pink.


Typed and edited February 2, 2020

I changed a bit of the prompt (but I'll make some edits if it's necessary)

I couldn't think of a bonus scenario since I have other requests ; w ;

For future requests and (maybe if I feel like making another x reader oneshot book) more specific prompts are required since I'm kind of neutral to my writing at the moment

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