14. That Time of Month once Again...

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[Warning of the period topic but no indecent content] 

The good thing is you took medicine for it but you forgot to bring an extra spare of your preferred brand.

You really didn't want to mention this to the guys and felt conflicted as the thoughts began to swirl and overthink more situations to a similar purple turtle's rational logic.

And with that thought, the same turtle spotted you raising an eyebrow in question.


"Donnie! You don't mind calling April for me?! It's kind of an emergency!" (Y/N) said as they sat up immediately.

"I'm pretty sure April's working right now. Is it only specifically with you two in general that we don't know about?" Donnie said slightly annoyed.

(Y/N)'s face turned red as they waved their hands disapprovingly.

"N-no no! It's just that-"

Leo walked in the living room seeing the two and a smirk surfaced on his face.

"You trying to flirt with Donnie, (Y/N)?" Leo said bothering the teens putting his elbow on Splinter's chair.

[ (Y/N) will remember this... ]

Still red in the face, they gave a scowl at Leo but regained some of their composure back as they let out a sigh in annoyance.

"You know why April texts you guys saying she can't hang out for a week?"

The two turtles briefly looked at each other before looking at an annoyed (Y/N).

"That week is one full of uncomfortable stuff, both emotional and physical."

"Plus, I'm sparing the details on this because it's really disgusting to talk about." (Y/N) said as they held their arm with the other not looking at their friends.

"Eh. I'll search it up just out of curiosity." Donnie said while shrugging.

"So you weren't flirting with him?" Leo said as he pointed to (Y/N).

(Y/N) facepalmed and went over to Leo.

"Please... just portal me to my apartment so I don't have to talk about this even more." (Y/N) said removing their hand from their face and adjusted their jacket to their waist.

"You had me at portal." Leo said as he waves his sword and the portal materializes leaving Donnie behind as he types the vague description from (Y/N) on his phone.


The two teens exit the portal as (Y/N) opens their apartment door.

"Thankful that my parents are out until 11 pm; I just need to grab the stuff and we'll be out in a bit."

"Still not saying about the gross details?" Leo said chilling inside by the door.

"Knowing how Donnie's curiosity gets the best out of him, I'm not saying more to this topic." (Y/N) said walking away to their nearest bathroom in the hallway.

After a few minutes, Leo noticed (Y/N) stretching feeling refreshed as they're near by.

"In a better mood (Y/N)?" Leo said smug.

(Y/N) stared at the turtle deadpanned.

"Let's just check in with Donnie for now." (Y/N) said as Leo made another portal and the two reappeared near the living room in the lair.

Donnie instantly dropped his phone and dashed toward (Y/N) in concern.

"Please tell me you took medicine for your menstrual cramps (Y/N)!?" Donnie said placing his hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders.

"M what cramps?" Leo said tilting his head.

"Now's not the time for jokes Leo! Those cramps need to be taken seriously because some people are known to bedridden from those!" Donnie said he runs out of the living room to get medical supplies.

(Y/N) blinked their eyes twice stunned by Donnie's reaction.

"Huh... I never expected that reaction from him." (Y/N) said as they scratched their head.

"Hoo boy... If Donnie freaks out like that, it's definitely serious."

"Do guys at your school react the same way like Donnie?" Leo asked a bit worried.

"Nope! They usually make crude jokes at it and they're not even funny."

"Only a few guys in my classes are respectful toward this and sometimes call out on those jerks." (Y/N) said.

Leo rubbed his neck feeling a bit ashamed at teasing (Y/N).

"Did my jab at you flirting with Donnie count as one of the jokes?" Leo said.

"Not really. At least you know what qualifies as a good joke and don't go far into pushing people's buttons." (Y/N) said.

"I'm still sorry about it and now knowing how big a deal it really is..."

"I'll be aware of the next time you get whatever that m word is called with cramps." Leo said.

"Apology accepted Leo." (Y/N) said happily as Donnie sprinted through the living room with the medical kit in his left hand.

"I don't know what medicine you use for your menstrual cramps but I'll ask April to go with me in the next grocery to do list." Donnie said.

"Thanks D! By the way, I already took medicine for it before I got here so you can relax for now."

"I'm still taken back at how you two are considerably nice with this situation." (Y/N) said smiling at the two turtles.

"Well Leo took a little time to acknowledge the serious consequences but segway..." Donnie said as Leo glared at his brother.

"We're glad that you're feeling better talking about this with us."

"Heh! Thanks!"

"All though I'm kind of scared on how April will explain it to with you guys plus Raph and Mikey." (Y/N) said.

"What do you mean by that?" Leo asked.

"You know how she is with horror stuff and she might turn it into a scary and gory story with her version of the menstrual cramps."

Leo and Donnie felt chills down their shells.

"Funny thing is, April thought of a cool phrase relating to the week."

"And she calls it the '7 Days of B-'"

"Hoo Okay?! (Y/N)! You can stop with this discussion!" Leo said trying not to sound panicked.

"The b word is unquestionably related to the menstrual cycle and we both refrain more further explanation!?" Donnie added.

"Pffft! You two are funny!" (Y/N) said smirking at the frightened turtles.


I've only seen a few prompts with this in other sites but never in a full oneshot form (it's not really implied which one likes (Y/N) but if you want part 2 or which route of this oneshot just request it)

For the next three oneshots I might go with more platonic interactions (writer's block is starting to set in)

Leave comments/criticisms

Edits [August 17, 2019]: Deleting requests (but I'll willing to do Donnie or Leo's route when I close requests; just to get back into the the oneshot vibe if I'm free from assignments)  

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