32. Raph X Female!MutantBeardedDragon!Reader

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Requested by Undertalefangirl08

5 pm...

(Y/N) stretched her arms after the final delivery for today. She thought she was going to lose her part time job after all of the coworkers witnessed her oozesquito transformation when she came in contact with the boss's bearded dragon. One of her coworkers who kept a cool head during the stressful situation, came up with a brilliant idea having (Y/N) as the mascot.

And surprisingly it worked as a lot of people started placing more orders after last week's event.

(Y/N) sort of blushes at the cute art some consumers draw as a thank you and she keeps some of the drawings as a memento to forget about those annoying customers she's had terrible experiences with.

She ends up smiling to herself as she begins to daydream.

After 30 minutes, (Y/N) ends up near an unfamiliar part of the city.

Above a roof top building, Mikey nearly spits his boba drink out spotting (Y/N) as he pulls Raph to look at her.

Raph almost drifted into a nap because of the humid weather until his eyes widen seeing a cute bearded dragon girl. He shook his head as he grabs his youngest brother now going to (Y/N).

(Y/N) took a thrown metal pipe as a weapon remembering a red panda used a similar one (well a wrench but anyway). She rather defend herself than run away.

(Y/N) heard footsteps behind her as she instinctively went to strike the person as she turned around.

Mikey leaped away from Raph as his oldest brother did a smash-justu attack blocking (Y/N)'s attack.

(Y/N) opened her eyes in awe at the red turtle's amazing strength.

Raph nearly fumbles about to embarrass himself to (Y/N) as Mikey stepped in front of him to greet (Y/N).

"(Y/N)! Big fan of your delivery job!"

"And what a lucky gig to be a mascot too!" Mikey said.

(Y/N) lowered her weapon and loosen her shoulders after the friendly greeting.


"I'm not used to the attention but..."

"At least I'm getting adjusted with this whole situation.."

"Having the bearded dragon look!" (Y/N) said.

After a few minutes getting acquainted with the two turtles, Raph managed to suggest that (Y/N) sticks with them for today as a safety precaution. (Y/N) happily complies by nodding at him as he almost stutters afterwards. Mikey quietly notes Raph's recent crush on (Y/N) trailing behind his brother.

Mikey's phone rings as he puts it on speaker.

"Dude! Where are you guys!?"

"We're supposed to carry the groceries today!" Leo said.

Mikey shushes Leo while Raph diverts (Y/N) with a random topic.

("Raph has a crush on a new friend we met today!") Mikey whispers in a thrilled tone.

Leo gags afterwards as Donnie overhears the conversation and joins the call.

"How's it looking for our brother Raph?" Donnie asked.

("He was able to awe her with his strength blocking an attack but...")

("He's close to being a blushing mess.") Mikey said.

"That's not good.."

"Hmmm..." Donnie said as he begins to think of a plan.

"I want no part of this!" Leo shouted.

Then Mikey thought of a plan as he turns the volume down going to Raph and (Y/N).

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"You don't mind Raph accompanying with you!"

"I've got to help my other brothers with something else!" Mikey said.

"Sure! No problem!" (Y/N) said as she grinned at him as Raph internally screamed in shock while his brother waved good bye leaving the two teens together.


7 pm...

(Y/N) munched on few slices of watermelon she bought not caring about spoiling her dinner. Raph put his hands on his lap overjoyed hanging out with her alone.

He shrugged off the potential teasing from his brothers. For now, he's just savoring this peaceful moment.

"Er (Y/N)..."

"Does the delivery business also involve food?"

"Because I might place an order some time this week.." Raph asked as (Y/N) wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"It's still a work in progress with the food delivery but..."

"We're holding reservations on it."

(Y/N) took out her phone as she taps the app.

Raph looks over her shoulder and sees the cute mascot pointing to the other icons.

("Yep! Definitely cute!") Raph thought to himself as a big grin surfaces on his face.

"I can show you how to or-"

(Y/N) pauses as she glances at Raph.

"Ah! Sorry!"

"I can see why Mikey really likes the art of this delivery company!"

"Both you and the mascot are cute-"

Raph froze after catching what he just said to (Y/N) as she blushes with her mouth open.

The two teens looked away with red faces.

Then (Y/N) laughs as she speaks to him.

"If you keep complimenting me like this, I don't even need the drawings customers made to boost my confidence..." (Y/N) said as she held her hand to her face blushing at Raph.

Raph snickers as he folded his arms smiling at her.


Four days later...

(Y/N) went in the lair to dropped off a huge stack of pizza boxes. And Raph being the generous boyfriend, aided in lifting half of it as they went into the kitchen together.

(Y/N) still had other deliveries for the day and before she left, she gave a bunny kiss to Raph as he also returned it as well.

Leo covers his face with a random newspaper disgusted by the routine pda as his other brothers gushed about the cute couple in their own ways.

"So glad you didn't went with Donnie's plan Mikey."

"Hopping out of the turtle tank while embarrassing Raph's first impression on (Y/N)." Leo said in a muffled voice.

"Nah! We'll do that when he gets introduced to her parents!" Mikey said as Donnie nods approvingly.

"Excuse me!? WHAT?!" Raph yelled who was glad (Y/N) left not hearing this conversation.


I remembered a middle school teacher having a bearded dragon pet in science class (man reptile pets are so underrated when it comes to the cute content; I want more gdi)

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