23. Leo X Short!Tsundere!Reader

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Requested by LuckyJean_13 (3/4)

Inside the center of a mall at 3 pm...

(Y/N) and a few of their co workers held up signs for the summer sale event taking place there. Most of them wore costumes ranging from a mascot head with a casual look to a full on cosplay of well known anime characters.

(Y/N) took a sip of their favorite soda hating that they're wearing a maid outfit with short leggings.

They secretly adored the outfit but didn't like wearing it in a public place especially during their part time work for this time of year.

(Y/N) heard a camera phone flash after setting their drink down on the table.

They instantaneously turned around to see Leo in his PrimeTime disguise as he covered his mouth trying not to laugh at (Y/N) with the phone in his left hand.

"(Cool Co Worker Name)! I told you not to let people take pictures!" (Y/N) said stomping their shoes angrily.

"Can't help it (Y/N)!"

"This Leo guy really knows you and also.."

"The boss asked me to let you to know..." 

"To take the two week break early!"

"So just hang out with your friend as of today!"

"I won't take no for an answer!" She said getting (Y/N)'s drink and giving it to them.

(Y/N) glared at the young woman now slipping on the mascot head of black and white bear strolling away from the two teens.

Leo pulls (Y/N) by his side eyeing at them.

(Y/N) puffs their cheeks slightly upset at their short height avoiding their gaze on Leo.

"Not sure what to do after this shocking news?" Leo asked.

"I'm only doing what she says."

"And I won't go anywhere outside of the mall in this heat wave!" (Y/N) said.

"Hmmm... Welp!" 

"I really want to check that one place with the cool pastel mascots so.."

"Our first stop is there (Y/N)!" Leo said as (Y/N) trailed after him not amused.


Leo and (Y/N) went their separate ways after entering inside the store.

(Y/N) wandered around the place unsatisfied only seeing the same cat mascot with various merchandise as there were only a few niche ones (Y/N) was familiar with.

After a few minutes scanning the plushie section, Leo spots (Y/N) taking a medium sized white puppy plushie.

"I'm guessing that puppy is your favorite.." Leo said as (Y/N) hugged the plushie alarmed at him.

"L-lucky guess..."

"I've only seen clothing or other miscellaneous stuff of this guy."

"It's rare to see an actual plushie.." (Y/N) said now hugging the plushie tightly.

"I don't mind buying that fella for you (Y/N)." Leo said.

(Y/N) turned red and closing their eyes afterwards.

"I-I have enough to purchase the plushie!" (Y/N) said.

Leo rolled his eyes but still entertained by (Y/N)'s actions.

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