186. ROTTMNT X Reader: Extra What If Scenario - At the Beach

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Requested by tsume110

🧡Seashell Mosaic🧡

(Y/N) tagged along with Mikey as they stopped to let a group of tiny crabs head towards the ocean.

"What's with the two bags and plastic gloves?" (Y/N) asked as Mikey started to look around.

"One's for trash and the other for recycling."

"When I was little, I used to collect a lot of seashells."

"But, I stopped once I found out some sea animals need them to protect themselves."

"I figured, I might as well help clean up the litter for my fellow sea turtles and other creatures of the ocean!" Mikey said spotting a discarded take-out box.

"That's very sweet of you."

"By the way, does it take a few minutes or hours with clearing up some of the debris?" (Y/N) asked as Mikey tossed the garbage into one of the bags.

"Its usually at half full by the time, the guys text me 'we're about to head home.'"

"Then, I scramble trying to take a picture of some seashells in an artistic arrangement." Mikey said as (Y/N) snickered.

"I can save time finding the seashells for you and send the picture to your brothers." (Y/N) said. 

"Oh sure! Also, can you tell me when you're about to take the picture?"

"I want to see your take on it!" Mikey said as (Y/N) giggled.

"No worries Mikey, I always love that artistic curiosity of yours."

"So I'm a bit inspired to try it because of you."

"Let's meet up after a few minutes!" (Y/N) said with a wink as they ran off in search of seashells.

Oblivious to the box turtle starting to blush at the thought of those inspiring words.

15 minutes later...

The two teens gathered around the spot of (Y/N)'s attempt at a seashell masterpiece.

"I drew a squiggly line as the sea floor and put some seaweed on top of it."

"Along with some seashells under the line."

"I still wished I had a pearl for the 'classic pearl in a shell look' but," 

"I feel like it would be too much..." (Y/N) said as Mikey shook his head.

"You poured a lot of thought into it and,"

"I can't stop thinking about the compliments you said a while ago..."

"Do you think the next time we hang out,"

"Can it be a date or something..." Mikey asked slightly bashful about his confession as (Y/N) replies with a gentle smile.

During the road trip back to the lair, the new couple secretly held hands underneath the blanket.

💜Bypass an Encounter with a Beachball💜

Donnie startled (Y/N) as he hid behind them. Prompting (Y/N) to look over and recognize a volleyball in beachball colors and its net nearby.

"My brothers are up to something,"

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