179. Leo X Reader: Pick Up Lines

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Requested by mgmendez2305

Close to 5 minutes...

(Y/N) patiently waited for Leo while the red slider turtle tried thinking of a response to the sudden flirting challenge.

"Do you want to go out?... To outer space and stuff?" Leo asked as (Y/N) did their best not to laugh at him.

"What happened to Mr.Overconfident-"

"Listen, one liners and icebreakers are my forte."

"Just give me a few more minutes to this flirting situation!" Leo said crossing his arms embarrassed about that pick up line.

"I'm more surprised that you would just avoid pick up lines as if,"

"They don't share the same cheesy appeal." (Y/N) said as Leo groaned.

"Most of the rom-coms my dad watches can get really awkward."

"Especially when the couple tries to get back together, using that to fix their rocky relationship..."

"I lost count on how many times I had to leave the room even before, the movie starts or during that moment." Leo said as (Y/N) nodded in agreement.

"That's understandable and it might be fun with a mini impromptu bit."

"Changing the rom-com movie with more light-hearted shenanigans." (Y/N) said as Leo pondered at the thought for a few seconds before drawing another blank.

Stuck and a bit annoyed with barely any ideas as (Y/N) attempted to ease his worry at embarrassing himself once more.

"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile." (Y/N) said surprising Leo.

"To be honest, I can't tell if you're flirting because,"

"You're always genuine about these sort of things."

"Even lightening the competitive tension so people don't feel intimidated about the idea of winning or losing." Leo said causing a light blush to appear on their face.

"Leo, you agreed to take on this challenge or,"

"Are you gonna chicken out?" 

"Close to saying a confession that you have a crush on me-"

"Ohohohoho! Looks like someone's a bit competitive after I said a compliment about them!"

"Although I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together."

"Since you smile a lot whenever I'm around..." Leo said as (Y/N) shook off the sight of his signature slow grin.

"I see what you're doing and that won't stop me!"

"We're not socks. But I think we'd make a great pair."

"You being the loose cannon but, knowing how to use the tricks up your sleeve."

"While I'm the wild card, doing something you least expect it." (Y/N) said as Leo blinked with widen eyes but, managed to keep his cool as he chuckled.

"Okay I'll admit, that was pretty cute."

"Using the 'tricks up your sleeve' and a 'wild card' like a magician's way of flirting."

"However, are you the moon? Because even when it's dark you shine."

"Even acting like a beacon of light when I don't want to talk about some heavy thoughts on my mind..." Leo said as he spotted (Y/N) close to being flustered.

But, they weren't about to give up just yet. Now slowly inhaling and exhaling their breath, not letting Leo's overconfidence get the easy win.

"I thought happiness starts with h." 

"But why does mine start with you."

"And you really surprised me from,"

"Thinking you were, all about the jokes to,"

"Knowing when to step back and talk it out if things get really serious..." (Y/N) said as they slowly approached Leo before continuing the conversation.

However, they were unaware of the skateboard a step ahead of their direction as Leo swiftly made a move. Taking the fall for them prompting (Y/N) to react, attempting to catch him. But, accidentally fell on top of him due to his taller stature as both teens unintentionally share a kiss. It only lasted for five seconds as (Y/N) got up, quickly apologizing while Leo stared at them. With his plastron gradually mimicking his heartbeat and spoke in a soft yet serious tone.

"Even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you."

"Like, you're really that important to me."

"To the point where, I've been thinking a lot about finding an equal balance towards this new leadership gig and..."

"I don't want to lose you to some stupid mistake..." Leo said now sitting up as (Y/N) gave a gentle grin.

"Leo, you're not one to let a little mistake get the best of you."

"And I'll- no, we'll make sure this relationship will work out for the both of us..." (Y/N) said cupping their hands onto his face and gently pressing their forehead against his.

Leo couldn't help but, send a brief kiss having that weight off his shell. Then breaking away with one last pick up line.

"On a scale from one to ten, you ended up being one I can count on for your reassuring words..." Leo said as (Y/N) smiled.

"I guess someone mastered the pick up lines." (Y/N) said in a teasing manner as Leo shrugged.

"Eh, you kind of nudged me into it."

"Like I said, I'm more comfortable with the usual icebreaker because,"

"Even if I try asking someone I just met with a pick up line."

"The awkward silence is gonna haunt me, at least once in a while."

"Even more if my brothers saw that sad attempt at starting a conversation." Leo said as (Y/N) laughed.

"Well I hate to admit defeat but, you managed to fluster me at my own challenge so,"

"I guess I'm buying you pizza on the first date." (Y/N) said as Leo blushed at the idea.

"Are you still open to that impromptu movie thing you mentioned a while ago?"

"Or just any movie that you're into." Leo said shyly looking away as (Y/N) giggled.

"We could try both and stay up all night until we finally pass out."

"And wake up on the couch, in each other arms..." (Y/N) said as Leo's blush deepened.


Edited July 5, 2021

Credit to promptlywritingideas on tumblr and pun.me for the ideas on pick up lines (although the second website has a lot of hit or misses being insensitive imo so its kind of eh)

I rarely do flirty prompts but I managed to impress myself with this one  

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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