27. Leo X Oonamazu!Reader

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Oonamazu: an enormous catfish rumored to cause earthquakes whether excited or distressed 

Leo went on another adventure on his own as he headed to a portal he made hoping to discover a new place as he landed flat on his face after exiting the portal.

He stood up holding the odachi sword in his left hand before feeling the vibrations in the ground under his feet.

"Whuh?! An earthquake!?" Leo shouted as he grabbed the nearest thing with his other arm gripping on to part of a tied arch bridge.

The tremor stopped as Leo sighed in relief as he now scans the area.

It seems to be a large pond around him as he noted the bridge and lily pads underneath it. A few large trees and a fair amount of greenery surrounding this place. What fully caught his interest was a cave inside one of the big trees as the roots formed stair-like steps as he goes over there.

He gazes in amazement as he treads downwards. It didn't take a few minutes for him to get a bit bored noticing the barren cave after walking around. He looks at his sword contemplating to go back to a different place until hearing people in the distance.

("Time to go stealth mode!") Leo thought to himself as he silently ran to check on the source of the noise.

Leo spotted at least two people getting splashed by mud as the other two tried to talk something as he hid above them in a crouched position listening in on the discussion.

"(Y/N)! Stopping being childish about this decision!"

"And even more.."

"Stop getting our clothes dirty wallowing in the mud!" A crawfish mutant shouted at the water.

Bubbles surface the medium sized pond as a person half the size of the area emerged sending a tidal wave towards the crawfish and other aquatic mutants close to the exit.

(Y/N) floated in the air wearing a torn up (fancy dress/suit) they hate as they glared at the four.

"I'm so sick and tired of these arranged dates!"

"I can't have at least one summer without you guys bugging me about my personal life!"

"I'm too young for this!" (Y/N) yelled as their whiskers flared up in annoyance.

("Huh. A catfish mutant..") Leo observed until detecting spherical mud orbs about to be thrown at the four mutants as he starts creating a portal over to (Y/N) and hops in.

"So how many forced dates did you have,"

"With this counted?" Leo asked by (Y/N)'s side.

(Y/N) loses concentration on their attack and shrinks to their regular height after detecting the turtle wearing a blue bandana.


"You have no place in this-"

"Hey! I asked them a question!"

"And they're not going to listen to you with that attitude!" Leo said causing annoyance to the crawfish mutant as the other three persuade him to leave the teens alone departing out of the cave.

(Y/N) smiled satisfied at the upset look from the crawfish as they answered Leo's question.

"Erk... Close to eight.."

"My last one with a shark guy was too shy to start a conversation."

"And that's all I'm saying..."

"Especially towards a stranger like yourself.." (Y/N) said as Leo laughs switching to a different topic.


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