116. Leo X Female!Reader: Red Stripes

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Requested by PancakesYum2

It's been one of those slow days at the lair so a casual sleepover took away some of the boredom.

Ever since (Y/N) started dating Mr One Liner, the brothers catch her staring at the red slider turtle's red stripes when he wasn't wearing iconic light blue bandana. Before the sleepover started, he wore his eye mask covering his forehead but, didn't notice his girlfriend's stare as he remained focused on various cat videos.

"I'm baffled with how Leo it isn't aware of this."

"And (Y/N)'s been doing it before, they even started dating." Donnie mentioned causing (Y/N) to snap out of her train of thought, now returning with blush on her face.

"We should go and tell him?" Mikey asked as (Y/N) rapidly shakes her head no at the two turtles just before April heard bits of the conversation.

"Since she's blushing like a tomato..."

"I don't think (Y/N) will flat out say it unless, she 'expresses' it."

"On how she feels about it." April said nonchalantly.

(Y/N) stuck her tongue out at April but, followed her friend's advice as the blush fades away heading to Leo's location now sitting beside him.

"Oh hey."

"I kind of stayed up all night til 4."

"Cause you know, obscure thumbnails that aren't surprisingly clickbait."

"I think the last video was a music playlist since I dozed afterwards."

"So expect a yawn every now and then..." Leo said as he covered a yawn into his striped pajama top while (Y/N) shows a soft grin at her tired boyfriend.

"So, right now you're just watching cat videos." (Y/N) said as she perched her chin on top of his left shoulder while the turtle responds with a hum-like yes.

Close to 11 pm...

The others went to sleep around this time but, the couple listened to a livestream of some video game at low volume on the shared laptop.

Leo removed the eyewear an hour ago, leaving a flushed reaction from (Y/N) who tried not to look in his direction. However, she felt his hand near her forehead as he spoke.

"For a second there, I thought you were having a fever."

"But not to sound cheesy,"

"I'll still take care of you if you had it anyway-"

(Y/N) interrupted him kissing the red stripe near the left side of his face as she proceeded to cover her eyes, while he slowly pulled away his hand.

"I keep forgetting to mention this but,"

"Even before we started dating, for some reason..."

"I'm really drawn to your red stripes and the others have been teasing me about it."

"Especially during today's sleepover..."

"Like, I'm a moth mesmerized by your neon red stripes." (Y/N) said as Leo snickered.

"Never knew (Y/N) was the poetic type..." Leo said with a smirk at her as she blushes.

The next day...

Leo dropped by his girlfriend's apartment for a hang out session as he sits on her bed.

"Not to ruin the mood but,"

(Y/N) paused whatever task she was doing, looking her boyfriend as his tone went towards a serious yet retaining his usual laid-back personality. 

"I used to hate my classic red stripes."

"Wondering why it wouldn't come off when I was little."

"But, luckily since Mikey's the artist of the group."

"I got over that dumb thought."


Leo removed his light blue bandana now wearing the clothing as a scarf as (Y/N) blushed recognizing the loving gaze on his face.

"(Y/N), who's been eyeing on my good looks since day 1 of"

"Whenever I don't wear my signature bandana..." Leo said causing (Y/N) to hide behind the nearest object.

"I thought you weren't into the whole lovey and or dovey stuff!" (Y/N) said as she refused to budge out of her hiding spot.

Leo shrugged with a chuckle as he replies.

"I'm warming up to it since my brothers and April told me about your side glances." Leo said as he winked at her.

(Y/N) furiously blushes as the turtle pulls her into a hug while the object fell to the ground.

Before Leo exited (Y/N)'s bedroom window, he quickly readjusted his bandana, now leaving with a grin on his face. His brothers saw him in the distance before the night patrol began.

"Leo, (Y/N) is gonna turn into a puddle if you keep this up." Raph said.

"I'd like to think of it as good karma."

"For the both of us."

"But, no promises on stopping, unless she says so." Leo said as he went ahead.

Night patrol resumed back to normal while (Y/N) slumped in her chair, finally recovering to this new side of Leo.

Timeskip to another day...

(Y/N) woke up early hearing a tapping sound on her window as she pulled the curtains away, spotting Donnie carrying a make up kit.

"Raph was worried that you'll eventually faint under Leo's spell."

"So, I'm here to grant the 'good' karma, my dear brother Leo wants."

"As a taste of his own medicine." Donnie said as he sipped his coffee drink.

(Y/N) nodded pushing away the small thought of hesitation, feeling determined about this decision.

Midway through the afternoon inside the lair...

(Y/N) managed to sneak past the main room as she begins to open the (f/c) umbrella, holding it behind her while pretending to look busy. Leo immediately stepped in front of her as she clutched the device, startled by his sudden movements.

"I'm not one to believe in superstit-"

Leo felt numb recognizing his girlfriend with a new look and couldn't add on what else to say. More speechless towards the red eyeshadow, almost mimicking his red stripes. He almost fumbled towards the floor if it weren't for (Y/N) catching him in time. With both of their faces nearly close together.

(Y/N) was the first to break the silence, discarding the umbrella now giggling at the quiet turtle as she removed his bandana.

"Let's just call it even with the flirting."

"Okay, Leon?" (Y/N) said as Leo responds with a firm nod with blush surfacing his entire face.


Edited April 1, 2020

The first draft was supposed to have a skating date leading up to red stripe prompt but it got scrapped for the sake of time and other requests

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