172. Leo X Female!Reader: Terrapin Affection

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Requested by Voiddragon0

In the lair near 4 pm...

"It should only take a couple of hours for Leo to return back to his 'normal' self."

"Even though, it was still his fault for barging into my lab..." Donnie said spraying and wiping down the leftover material from the chemical experiment.

"Isn't it a bit harsh putting him inside the temporary tank?" (Y/N) asked seeing the red slider turtle clawing one corner of the empty tank from sheer boredom.

"Be my guest as I'm currently busy cleaning up this mess." Donnie said carefully discarding the remaining beakers.

(Y/N) cautiously picked up Leo near the back sides of his shell. Carrying him out of the lab. In safe a distance, she placed Leo down at a flat surface for him to walk around as she sat down.

"Part of me wants to text April about the sudden situation but, knowing Donnie..."

"He's really stubborn about admitting he's also at fault with," 

"Accidentally turning his brother into a regular turtle..." (Y/N) sighed as Leo tried to tread onto his friend's pants.

She took notice of the medium sized turtle. Now positioning him onto her lap.

"Well, at least the weather's decent."

"If it was around freezing temperatures, I would get upset with Donnie." (Y/N) said as Leo blushed seeing her gently holding his claw.

"I would use my jacket and wrap you up like a turtle taco so you could stay warm."

It took only a few seconds for her to wince at the name. Pulling away as she spoke.

"That sounds too morbid now that I said it out loud."

"Sorry, you had to hear that..." (Y/N) said as Leo looked up with a sad expression.

She then felt Leo who was nuzzling his neck near her hand. Now softly chuckling at him.

"You're being awfully sweet despite the bad luck you've been having."  (Y/N) said as she softly scratched his neck with her index finger.

This gave Leo another idea. Inching his face over her knuckles and kissing above it to the best of his ability. Trying not to accidentally bite her as well.

The realization surprises (Y/N) as she starts to blush causing Leo to shy away. Unable to say a word to express his crush on her. However, his eyes sparkle as she grins fondly towards his direction.

"That's one way to tell someone you have a crush."

"And, you couldn't exactly talk about it while you're still an adorable turtle..." (Y/N) said delicately petting his shell.

Prompting Leo to internally sigh happy at the successful confession.

Timeskip to 6 pm...

The chemical's side effects wore off as (Y/N) answered a phone call in the kitchen. Leo quickly rushed back to his room to avoid a flustered reaction from her. Putting on his usual getup before telling her the good news.

Five minutes later...

"Back to my regular self once you were answering a call back there."

"I wouldn't want to exactly..." 

Leo stopped himself from continuing that statement as (Y/N) nodded. Understanding the message as she quickly changed the topic.

"Is it okay if I try on your bandana?"

"I rarely get to see you without it..." (Y/N) said as Leo smiled removing the accessory from his face.

"Still charmed by this turtle's iconic red stripes?" Leo joked adjusting the light blue bandana on her as she rolled her eyes.

"You seemed more like a puppy wanting affection and,"

"Since when were you the flirty type?" (Y/N) said as Leo paused blushing at the sight of almost tying a bow than his usual knot.

"I'm usually not that huge on crushes until I got to know you..."

"Falling flat on my face more often than usual."

"I remembered that one time, I slipped off my skateboard and got a nasty bruise on my forehead."

"And after you treated the wound, you also asked if I needed anything else."

Leo tied the knot but, lightly held one of the bandana tails as he spoke.

"It felt like the right moment to tell you how I feel until I saw two turtles."

"Gasping that Leo definitely has a huge crush on (Y/N)..." Leo said as (Y/N) snickered.

"They usually have good intentions though." (Y/N) said hugging his arm.

"Not unless the advice comes from those 'how to books'."

"I can get by without it." Leo said hugging her closer with a quick peck on her cheek.

A few days later at the basketball court...

The couple arrived early and (Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle at Leo who was wearing sport goggles.

"I would understand why Donnie would wear those but,"

"You look more like a nerd trying to be a hotshot basketball player-"

Leo playfully tossed one of the pom-poms at her as he rested his arm on her shoulder.

"I already did that at one point and to be honest,"

"I rather lead the way cheering on both sides."

"And, I don't want to end up hurting you by accident because of my overcompetitive nature..." Leo said holding the other pom-pom in his hand. 

(Y/N) blushed picking up a basketball and asked if he could teach a few tips on the sport.

The group saw Leo assisting her on a couple of tricks. Especially awing in unison just as he comfort her on the failed attempt. With the couple now embarrassed by the intimate moment suddenly at a stopping point.


Edited April 24, 2021

I forgot to add the other bit of the prompt but its definitely implied Leo stays over at the reader's place for the night before the basketball court scene (needing some space away from his brothers [Raph and Mikey being nosy about the crush and what happened with Donnie in this oneshot])

I was going to use the scientific name for the red slider turtle but I went against it (in case the name was too long lol)

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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