130. Donnie X Touch Starved!Female!Reader

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Requested by Cuppicakes19

Today seemed like a lucky day for the soft shell turtle. Managed to grab the last pancake piece while his brothers were bickering over it. The trio was astonished of the food's disappearance as Donnie returned to the lab.

Donnie completed two bluesprints (a couple more occurred as he was eating lunch while hastily  writing the ideas down). He felt accomplished, taking a longer break than usual. As he looked at the clock, it was around when school ended for the day.

His attention later focuses on (Y/N) arriving to the lab, avoiding his gaze as she sits beside him, proceeding to lean her head on his shoulder.

Donnie grew worried about her behavior and without thinking, he lightly kisses her forehead asking the question.

"What's wrong, Babydoll?"

(Y/N) was slightly surprised by his reaction but, only responds by latching onto his arm, finally speaking after a few seconds.

"Even if I keep studying, I still get a low grade on the tests..."

"The assignments are the only thing, saving me at a C+..." (Y/N) whined nearly hugging his arm in a tired manner.

"Any points are better than a zero."

"And you're definitely improving on how to use your time wisely." Donnie said as she shrugged still not budging from her spot.

Donnie quickly texted Raph that he'll skip out on tonight's patrol mentioning (Y/N)'s unenthusiatic mood. Raph responded with an thumbs up emoji as Donnie unequips his battle shell. Donnie then carefully places his girlfriend on his lap.

(Y/N) slowly recognized her boyfriend, using her phone as he checked the watch later playlist.

"Seeing how your grades left you in a quiet mood."

"I figured, a distraction would help get rid of those unwanted thoughts."

"I'm willing to share the lucky vibes I have for my fair maiden." Donnie said lightly nuzzling (Y/N)'s neck, causing her to blush.

Near sunset...

One of the videos displayed in a darker screen as Donnie spotted her reflection in a sleepy manner. He calmly pulls her closer to his plastron as she's awake by the sudden act.

"Still in a grumpy mood?" Donnie asked as (Y/N) nods her head no.

"Slightly better thanks to you."

"I've been getting school nightmares for the past few days..."

"Sorry for almost dozing off." (Y/N) said as Donnie gave a reassuring squeeze.

"No probbles and might I add,"

"That particular one, is the second most common nightmare." 

"That isn't full of darkness or any other horrorifying experience." Donnie said as (Y/N) hummed.

Around early evening...

The couple went over to the arcade to play some games for a while, until Donnie escorted (Y/N) back to her apartment.

(Y/N) noticed him pondering silently over the messy desk area.

"You weren't kidding on the assignments ruining your mood."

"However, in terms of the setup you have here." 

"It works best for you and..."

Donnie hid a bit of his blush as he continued to speak.

"I sort of missed the study 'dates' before we started, going out as an official couple..." Donnie said as (Y/N) smiled with a light chuckle.

"I still remember your brothers saying," 

"You had a puppy love look whenever I was concentrating on another assignment."

"They even told Splinter about it which-"

Donnie gently pressed a book on (Y/N)'s head as he sighed.

"I would prefer not to remember that, Miss (L/N)." Donnie said as the blush on his face returns in a deeper shade.

"Well, I wouldn't mind another study date for the last exams."

"But, sadly it can't take place at my apartment because of business parties."

"Blame my parents for that." 

"However, I can treat my boyfriend to a cafe date once the exams are over so..." (Y/N) said nuzzling her face near his cheek with a soft expression.

"Curse your cuteness (Y/N)..." 

"But alas, I will go along with your offer..." Donnie said as (Y/N) quickly kissed his cheek in a happy manner, causing him to go light headed by the sweet gesture.

Another timeskip before the day of the final exams...

The brothers assisted (Y/N) on the practice presentation, asking her questions about her topic. Donnie was the last one still thinking about an intermediate question as Leo raised his arm for another question.

"(Y/N), wouldn't you say Donnie's a bit tongue tied, asking a simple question?" Leo said with a smug grin causing Mikey to throw a pillow at him.

Raph facepalmed as (Y/N) sat beside Donnie.

"Not really but-"

(Y/N) sent a brief bunny kiss at Donnie which prompted a flustered reaction from him.

"He already helped out a lot." 

"Even before we started dating." (Y/N) said as she wrapped her arms around his battle shell in heartfelt embrace.

The trio awed in unison at the couple as Donnie hid his head half way into his battle shell. Slightly embarrassed by the adorable atmosphere.

One week later...

During the cafe date, Donnie nearly fake cried at the monster dessert shake after the two took a picture of the sweet treat. The couple was unaware of the trio nearby, seating in another table wearing their hoodies.

"Would a dessert shake be considered as dinner?" Mikey asked as Raph shrugged.

"Sort of but, at least (Y/N) is in a better mood." Raph said.

"It's probably a good thing because she's gonna be the only one."

"Having to deal with Donnie's soon to be sugar rush for the entire night." Leo commented as his brothers witness Donnie, now talking in an overexcited manner about his latest invention.

(Y/N) remained intrigued as she listened to her boyfriend, ramble to the next topic. The brothers silently wished the best of luck to her as they left the cafe.


Edited June 3, 2020

This oneshot is just maximum fluff in a nutshell lol

I was supposed to upload this yesterday but time flies due to watching video game streams and turning in assignments

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