181. Loathsome Leonard X Box Shell Turtle!Mutant!Shy!Reader

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Requested by tsume110 and some slight edits by me

Author's Note: Since the Mud Dogs are implied to be adults, the reader will be around in their early to mid 20s 

Also a slight blood warning but nothing too life threatening (my main thing is fluff not full on angst lol) 

Events after the episodes "Raph's Ride Along" and slight mention of "Bad Hair Day"

Inside the Mud Dogz' hideout...

As the cop siren passed by, the four adults were able to breathe a sigh of relief. Despite (Y/N)'s shy nature, they managed to explain their whole situation along with mentioning the turtles to the the trio.

The punk electric eel Mickey along with Danny, a well dressed zoot suited rat yokai, understood the slight mix-up and with regards to how the infamous trio met Raph. As the pair gave a few tips and tricks for an outsider like (Y/N). Leonard the ogre merely rolled his eyes at the box shell turtle mutant.

He retreated to his room as (Y/N) noticed the bleeding cut wound, almost on the right side of his cheekbone.

"Is Leonard gonna be okay?" (Y/N) asked worried about him as Danny sighed.

"He always gives the cold shoulder to people he just met."

"I wouldn't worry too much about that small cut on his face." Danny said.

"You sure you'll be alright, being by yourself with him?" Mickey asked trying to ease the mood as (Y/N) nodded.

"You two go on ahead while the cops aren't around."

"I'll be okay being around him, honest." (Y/N) said as Danny shrugged tucking a grocery list into his coat pocket while the duo exited the room.

Just as (Y/N) approached the door to Leonard's room, it was open by the ogre himself. Still sending a slightly annoyed gaze at them as (Y/N) looked away tightly gripping onto their medical waist bag. The sight of a lollipop inside a wrapper, sticking out of their bag nearly caught him off guard for a few seconds before returning back to his neutral expression.

"Do you really carry those at all times?" Leonard asked as (Y/N) blushed while closing the open pocket as they embarrasingly held onto the the candy.

"Not all the time but,"

"Its a nice distraction away from the pain or something..." (Y/N) said as Leonard sighs letting the turtle inside.

A few minutes later, Leonard felt the warm water stinging his face but, the pain lessen as a result of their handy work. As (Y/N) wore disposable gloves and carefully wiped the wound with the soaked gauze pads in one hand. And the other with a small clean towel. It didn't take too long as they disposed the used pads in a nearby trash can with the wound finally cleaned up. Gently patting Leonard's cheek and applying a white square bandage. Then taking off their own gloves and threw it in the same trash can, now applying hand sanitizer as Leonard spoke. 

"Considering you're constantly on babysitting duty because of those turtles."

"This seems like a breeze for you." Leonard said pointing the piece of candy at them.

"I guess but, ever since they accidentally turned me into a turtle."

"Well, mainly on their other father's experimental green and pink mosquitoes..."

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