110. Donnie X Female!FallenAngel!Reader

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Requested by Jazz_Flute with different type of angel (but following to the prompt)

Also as a heads up; this is before the season 1's finale but there won't be any mention of that plot and other important ones (since this is a fanfic after all)

Anyway onto the story!

(Y/N) only peeked out of her hiding spot as the cherubim finally gave up, using his halo back to the Hidden City. After a few seconds, she spots four anthropomorphic turtles entangled by purple vines struggling to break free.

A shadow underneath the turtles appeared interrupting Baron Draxum before he could speak. Revealing to be a girl the same age as Donnie while her outfit consisted of a modern look of a fallen angel with (f/c) in a darker shade. Her wings manifested out of darkness as she blocked the yokai's attacks.

Donnie was the only one taking notice of the girl's strategy as she hid something under her sleeve. Draxum later sends another purple vine at her and at the same time, she swings her mace weapon as the pointed features shoot out of the device, rapidly creating a portal, taking the yokai and his gargoyles into it. The (f/c) portal closes up as the vines ensnaring the turtles went limp, able to escape without the yokai present.

Before the turtles could thank the girl, the eagle like cherubim floats behind her, throwing feather like cards near her shoes. (Y/N) sidesteps the attack now by Donnie's side.

"I guess we can return the favor, by knocking some sense into birdbrain."

"Not to harm our new buddy!" Raph said as the other two turtles join in on the distraction while Donnie's battle shell transitions into flight mode.

He proceeds to grab (Y/N)'s hand as the duo left the scene.

After stopping near a manhole cover, the purple turtle checked the distance on his tech wrist, between their current location and where his brothers were currently fighting the angelic bird warrior. He breathes a sigh of relief that his brothers are still okay with their corresponding colors still lighting up.

"Um, you're still holding my hand." (Y/N) said as Donnie recognized his new acquaintance while the lamp pole shimmered on her dark (f/c) outfit. With the clothing giving a two tone vibrant light.

Donnie quickly lets go as his face slowly blushes, saying a sorry as well while his tech arms lift the sewer lid for him. He changes the subject to gain back his composure.

"It's not the best place to hide."

"But, I don't think April would appreciate another one of those beasts."

"Breaking down her door." Donnie said as (Y/N) shrugs.

"I'm not complaining since you guys are being generous."

"Especially during this first eventful encounter." (Y/N) said with a grin on her face as her wings retract into her back, slowly descending the sewer ladders.

30 minutes later...

A portal appears in front of the duo as the others arrive with a few minor injuries. Raph carried the unconscious bird on his shell, wrapped in Mikey's kusari fundo weapon. 

(Y/N) walks up to Raph, touching the eagle as the creature changed into a smaller form, encased in a spherical orb. She hands back Mikey's weapon as she carries the orb.

"This guy and the other two animals were supposed to stay in animal form."

"But after a swarm of green and pink bugs stung them,"

"They got an ego, one month into this new appearance."

"And these days, they're only tolerable in a koed condition..." (Y/N) sighed as she slowly twirled the object.

Donnie coughs getting her attention as he proposes a solution to her troubles. The trio observes the scene between the two teens.

("I'm not into the whole romance thing but, Donnie is definitely trying to ask (Y/N) out.")

("Like, it's rare to see this guy stutter.") Leo whispered as the brothers tried not to laugh.

(Omigosh! She actually accepted-)

Donnie overheard some of the conversations as he instantly turns around and reacted with an unimpressed look on his face. Soon after, (Y/N) blinked twice at the chaotic chase scene.

One week later... 

The pair watched a few videos from Donnie's phone while the brothers take care of smaller cherubim animals.

The tiny eagle struggling to carry Raph on the large turtle's shoulders. Leo too focused taking pictures of the small-scale lion sleeping lazily in a cardboard box. While Mikey painted on the patient miniature ox's horns as the creature munches on a few green vegetables.

(Y/N) spots the hidden entrance to the Run of the Mill pizza place.

"Since, a certain turtle thought of this brilliant idea."

"I'll get the pizzas for the next few days."

"My treat!" (Y/N) said as she heads into the almost crowded pizzeria.

Donnie follows after her as the duo wait in line.

Timeskip while waiting for the pizzas...

"Well, not to change the subject."

"Hopefully, you're considering on another hang out like this."

"Preferably without the factor of an unexpected long line..." Donnie said as a few sweatdrops trail down his bandana.

(Y/N) lets out a soft chuckle as she looks at him.

"What, you don't want this hang out counting as a first date." (Y/N) teased causing Donnie to blush as the turtle switched from a yes to no answer from his overthinking habits while shaking his head.

He finally sets on an answer, speaking directly at her.

"A formal one on that matter."

"Just so, I can dazzle the Ms. (L/N)..." Donnie said as (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

But still amused by the turtle taking interest in her.


Edited March 6 2020 (Edited on my b-day woooo!)

I added another update in the description since I have other requests on the way (please understand)

I had to reedit the first draft but it's still slightly decent  

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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