120. Leo X Male!Reader:

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Requested by kadinuser

I would appreciate some criticisms on this (since it's my first male!reader oneshot as well)

"Hey April, have you seen (Y/N)?"

"Is he like busy, considering the past few days?" Leo asked as she hesitated to answer.

After the girl became aware of (Y/N)'s growing crush on the self proclaimed champion.

"Why, did you try calling or texting him?" April replied.

"Both actually."

"Except, I called him at least 4 times and 9 for the texts."

"Did I accidentally go too far with one of my jokes or-"

"No no no, he's definitely busy at the moment."

"But, he's sort of at a conflict though..." April said as Leo reacted with a puzzled expression.

"Like a serious one or I can't decide type of conflict." Leo said as a sweatdrop trailed down April's face.

"It's...  kind of both..."

"Can you hold onto that thought?" April asked as Leo nods.

April: Why didn't you reply to his texts or calls?

(Y/N): April, Leo is the only turtle who isn't into whole romance thing (he's disgusted by it)

Also, I'm not risking the whole "I'm not into guys" answer

April: But you don't know that unless you try.

This is one of those times where Leo's genuinely concerned

Wondering if, he went too far with one of his jokes, that made you feel uncomfortable

(Y/N): ...

April: Look, these kind of confessions are scary but if it helps, I won't fully mention your name and if Leo shows interest, I'll text you back. Okay, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I really owe you one, April.. so thanks

April: No problem (Y/N)!

April turned off her phone as she cleared her throat.

"Okay, I'm back! (Y/N) was helping one of his relatives with a problem so he quickly asked for my help for a few seconds." 

"His younger cousin wanted to confess to a girl but, she was worried about getting rejected."

"And you know how vicious middle schoolers are,"

"So he's giving a brief pep talk to her."

"And here's a what if question for you Leo." April said as Leo blinked.

"If you knew a guy, the same age as you, for almost a year,"

"And that same guy slowly develops a crush on you..."

"Would you be okay hearing his heartfelt confession and possibly date him?" April asked hoping the turtle doesn't give a sarcastic comment.


"I'm not that good with the serious answers but, it's worse when a crush says,"

"'I'm not into whatever identity you go by' and completely crush their spirit as if nothing happened."

Rottmnt X Reader Oneshots 2: (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now