76. Donnie X Reader: Cute yet Mean

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Requested by PancakesYum2

"You know the answer is right in front of you (Y/N)..." Donnie said as (Y/N) gripped on their pencil almost snapping it.

"Well sorry Mr Softie, that I don't have the same mindset as you do!"(Y/N) said glancing at him with a glare as he sends one back at them.

"Since when am I a softie?!" Donnie shouted as (Y/N) rolled their eyes.

"A softie definitely enjoys dancing along with hugs from his family and friends." (Y/N) said with a smug grin as the glare on Donnie's face deepened.

No one was really sure what started the constant arguments between those two teens.

But for Donnie, just one dream was enough to fall head over heels towards (Y/N). Dream!(Y/N) was the exact opposite of the real (Y/N), more pleasant to be around and nicer towards him. Even excusing his problematic habits fueling his slightly unhealthy ego.

He kept a secret notebook specifically for those dreams.

He snaps out of his thoughts as he witnesses (Y/N) taking one of his battle shells (the flying one to be precise). (Y/N) snickers equipped with the shell flying out of his lab as he chases after them.

The brothers observe the scene as Leo yawns after a catnap.

"It feels like we're watching an anime with those two fulfilling the boring roles of a-"

"You know what, I'm not gonna say what roles those are supposed to be,"

"Because I don't care." Leo said going back to take another nap with the comic covering his eyes as his brothers sweatdrop at him.

At the next night patrol...

(Y/N) taps their shoes impatiently near the manhole cover with April and Sunita behind them. The two girls overhear the conversation on speaker as (Y/N) speaks.

"How precise do you have to be with the-"

"You can't rush genius (Y/N)!"

"Yet geniuses like you take your time being fashionable late..." (Y/N) said causing Donnie to scoff as another argument begins.

The guys regroup after 30 minutes then played a game of charades knowing (Y/N) and Donnie will extend their quarrel if they're both left behind with each other.

At 2 am...

(Y/N) woke up in a cold sweat getting out of their bed. Realizing they left another assignment at Donnie's lab as they quickly changed clothes heading to the lair.

Upon arriving to the lab, (Y/N) internally sighed thankful that Donnie finally slept on his bed as they search the desk grabbing the said assignment. Their eyes fixated on the purple notebook with their name in his cursive handwriting.

("If this dweeb written at least one poem about me...")

("I'm chucking this at him as a wake up call...") (Y/N) thought to themselves folding their assignment into their pocket now opening to the first page of the notebook reading it quietly.

Mikey said some things spark a dream to life,

With this (Y/N) being an example of their opposite self... 

Were they like this before-

(Y/N) stops reading clutching the back cover with pink blush surfacing on their face...

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