167. Mikey X GrizzlyBear!Mutant!Reader

872 14 4

Requested by Lordexplosionmrder

(Y/N) and Mikey were on their way back to the lair. Carrying tonight's dinner, the usual boxes filled with pizza ranging from pepperoni and other various toppings.

The two teens, happily in a conversation until a couple of beetle mutants bumped into them. With the guys swiping the food, also tripping Mikey in the process.

"Hey! If one of you just said please, we could've shared the pizza-"

"Nah! Its better when the food's free,"

"And I doubt, a little turtle like you can beat me up with that wimpy yoyo weapon!" The golden stag beetle said using his mandiles, grabbing a bent lead pipe and throwing it towards Mikey's face.

Before Mikey could retaliate, (Y/N) crushed the metal material into small bits. As they stood up with a harsh and intense glare at the unwelcoming mutants.

"Adults shouldn't be picking on a couple of kids."

"Assuming we can't fight back as a last resort..." (Y/N) said as the horned hercules beetle held his friend.

"B-bro, I'm sure the Hidden City has that free soup event!"

"Sorry for causing a ruckus..."

The horned hercules beetle quickly flew off carrying the other beetle. Who had a pale face as a result of (Y/N)'s quick thinking.

(Y/N)'s sharp gaze soften as they looked at Mikey with a sweet smile.

"Good thing that guy deescalated the situation."

"His buddy looked like he had a few bandages, you normally see on anime tough guys."

"Along with recent bruises." (Y/N) said as Mikey sighed.

"Yeah, he didn't seem like the kind of guy who would take one pizza box."

"Probably a jerk too, considering how he tripped me." Mikey said as (Y/N) hauled their half of the boxes.

"It doesn't matter if you're a human, mutant, yokai, or whatever."

"People just learn through the hard way." (Y/N) said as Mikey nodded.

1 hour later...

"By the way, is your hand okay after breaking that lead pipe?" Mikey asked as a faint blush surfaced on (Y/N)'s fur.

"Only a few of my claws chip."

"But, its fine now."

"Was it that bad?" (Y/N) said as Mikey shook his head.

"Its not that its just, you definitely go into mama bear mode when any one of us gets attacked."

"Well, mostly for me." Mikey said as (Y/N)'s ears lower at the comment.

"I'm getting better at controlling my temper."

"I know you can defend yourself but ,my claws always go into attack mode." 

"The moment something feels off in the air." (Y/N) said stopping themselves not to reveal their crush on him as Mikey hummed.

"Do you need to talk about it with Dr Feelings?" Mikey asked as the blush on (Y/N)'s face faded.

"Right now, I kind of need some alone time..."

"I might stop by during the weekend to watch the skate ball competition but, thanks for the dinner."

"And good night Mikey..." (Y/N) said leaving in a hurry.

As soon as Mikey entered the living room, Splinter and his sons immediately pretended to look busy. Hearing a bit of the conversation by accident. A tiny yet inaudible argument happened between the older brothers whether, it was a good idea to ask him about the recent conversation. But, Splinter ended up being the one asking his son.

"Did something happen between you and (Y/N)?" Splinter asked.

"(Y/N) is usually okay with my Dr Feelings' sessions."

"Did I actually hurt them by accident?" Mikey asked a bit worried as his brothers stopped fighting sharing the same expression.

"Well I assume that was before (Y/N) became a bear mutant."

"You were always there at the right time defending them from danger."

"Until their parents decided on a surprise camping trip."

"And it looks like, they rather avoid an encounter from Dr Delicate Touch."

"Which might have ended with, you comparing them to Red's overprotective nature." Splinter said as Mikey blinked slightly scared of that scenario.

"They did tense up after I mentioned Dr Feelings and left in a hurry..."

"I want to go check on them but, I wouldn't want (Y/N) to be afraid of me..." Mikey said as Raph thought of an idea.

Around midnight near (Y/N)'s apartment...

(Y/N)'s ears perk up hearing a sound of a portal near their bedroom door. But, they stayed quiet  after noticing Mikey beside Raph as the portal closed.

"(Y/N), the last thing I want is to upset you so,"

"I'm really sorry if the mama bear mode comment was on the same page, similar to Raph acting like an overprotective brother..."  

"I almost forgot you really dislike it when Dr Delicate Touch tends to yell about the truth."

"And I promise I won't do that to you..." Mikey said as Raph spoke up.

"If you still don't feel comfortable about the apology."

"Mikey kind of got a tiny bit jealous..." 

"When Donnie was checking for hidden pieces of lead stuck under your claws." Raph said surprising (Y/N) while Mikey stood in front of his oldest brother.

("Was this your idea in the first place?!") Mikey whispered as Raph shrugged with a tiny smile texting the signal back to his brothers.

Causing the portal to reappear.

"I just remembered that I forgot to record the next wrestling match but,"

"Mikey, don't stay too long at (Y/N)'s place unless they say so!" Raph said startling Mikey as he froze at the portal disappearing for the second time.

Mikey then heard (Y/N) starting to laugh as he turned around, blushing at them.

"I guess you're planning on taking down Raph at the skate ball competition for that little stunt he pulled off." (Y/N) said as Mikey held his arm.

"I could but... Does this mean you're not mad at me..." Mikey said still doubtful about the weak apology.

Until his eyes widen at them kissing his snout.

"Does that answer your question..." (Y/N) said as Mikey shyly nods not expecting that reaction.


Edited February 24, 2021

This turned out decent (didn't want to go towards a Dr Delicate Touch route but just a slight nudge of it)

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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