50. Raph X Reader: Gotta Be Ready For Tomorrow!

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Raph carefully opened (Y/N)'s window and closed it afterwards. He then looks around the room until spotting plushies of various animals taking half of their bed. Without thinking, he picks up the teddy bear he once made for them as a surprise gift.

He examined the toy still in good shape with a few patches in some areas.

He really wished that he confessed instead as he lightly hugs the bear and puts it back on top of the other plushies. The door opens as he glances at (Y/N) who blinks not expecting the big guy's visit.

"Oh hey Raph."

"I can't really hang out today."

"Because of boring assignments and other stuff."

"But you're welcome to stay since I haven't visited you or your brothers in a long while." (Y/N) said.

"Are your parents around though?" Raph asked as (Y/N) nods their head no.

"My mom wanted to be the first customer to a new supermarket opening tomorrow."

"Also my dad got dragged into her shenanigans as he ended up booking a hotel a week in advance."

"So really, my parents won't be back tomorrow evening." (Y/N) said.

"Well, it's dangerous to be by yourself, (Y/N)..."

"As the leader of the Mad Dogs, I'm sleeping over as a precaution." Raph said confidently.

"Okay. But you better tell your brothers about it."

"I'll be in the living room if you need anything." (Y/N) said as they walked away.

Raph texts his brothers about (Y/N) and that he's staying over at their place. After a few minutes, he sighed in relief that the battery ran out not able to counteract the teasing comments as he puts his phone away exiting the door.

His eyes widen at the living room surrounded in paper stacks and binders. He recognizes (Y/N) as they jolt up placing the pencil down going over to remove the items on an unoccupied couch.

"Donnie would enjoy this type of work set up you have here, (Y/N)."

"I hope you're taking breaks though..." Raph said unsure to help them not wanting to mess up their workplace.

 "15 to 30 minutes."

"The amount of time I usually have with my breaks!" (Y/N) said carrying two binders near the side of the cluttered table.

(Y/N)'s phone rings as she checks the text message from one of her classmates in the group project kneeling by an open seat.

Random Classmate Name: lol sorry I forgot what part I was supposed to do

You don't mind doing the work for me, right (Y/N)?

K. Thanks

(Y/N) remained silent placing the phone back on the table as they reached for their laptop. Raph looked over their shoulder as (Y/N) clicked on a video with a picture of red panda who appears to be an office lady.

The video plays a scene with subtitles as the woman dreams about going to a mixer place after work. A snake lady who appears much older talks to her and only a few seconds she shoves a pile of documents to the red panda's face. With white pupils for eyes, the scene transitions to red and black as (Y/N) increases the volume with her mouse. Raph heard muffled music that sounded like heavy metal as he internally screams seeing the red panda breaking a table in half with a chainsaw. (Y/N) pauses the video afterwards now getting rid of their headphones sighing afterwards.

(Y/N) noticed Raph with a stunned expression as they attempted to calm the scared turtle.

It didn't take long for (Y/N) to explain that April got her into a netflix series called "Aggretsuko". Even though, (Y/N) prefers the 1 minute webseries with the more silly heavy metal montages at life's daily routine relating to the one Raph just watched over their shoulder.

"I watched all of the 100 episodes."

"And my favorite one is when-"

"Hey! Don't spoiler it (Y/N)!"

"I want to watch more of this!" Raph said as (Y/N) laughs delighted at his interest in the shorter series.

(Y/N) decided not to stress more about their classmate failing to comply (his/her) work now done with today's assignments. They ordered pizza afterwards and chatted with Raph about Retsuko's character.

The two said their good nights around 11 pm with Raph taking the rearranged living room as a pillow fort for his sleeping quarters.

As he sleeps, he dreams of a reenactment of the episode when Retsuko tries to give her valentine chocolates to Resasuke (another red panda only with a lighter color scheme). Only it's him in Retsuko's position with (Y/N) in Resasuke's. He wakes up in a cold sweat struggling to get back to sleep now blushing about that dream.


Tomorrow late evening...

"Oh man! You're really crushing on (Y/N) with that vivid dream!" Leo said.

"April, Does (Y/N) have a Haida in one of their classes?" Donnie asked as she snickers but nods no.

"Oh that's a shame..."

"But it would be adorable for a punk guy or gal to fall in love with them!" Mikey said clasping his hands to his cheek.

Raph hangs up the call as he pinches the bridge to his red bandana going over to (Y/N)'s apartment.

He was about to open the door until (Y/N) exits carrying what seemed to be a reusable shopping bag as they looked at him.


"You're not working on the group project today?" Raph asked.

"It's already done plus, that classmate who texted me got in trouble and didn't get any credit."

"So I'm treating myself for a snack trip!" (Y/N) said beaming with joy.

Raph almost stutters on his words witnessing a more relaxed (Y/N).

"You don't mind if I tag along (Y/N)?" Raph asked as his face tinted pink.

"Like a date?" (Y/N) said nonchalantly as Raph's bandana started sweating.

"(Y/N)!? You can't just say stuff like that?!" Raph shouted.

"Well, at least I'm not Retsuko..."

"Who hasn't dated a guy who's actually close to her."

"So, you want to go or keep waiting Raphael?" (Y/N) said.

Raph only managed to nod before walking beside them.


Originally typed September 2, 2019; Edited September 14, 2019

Only if the Sanrio youtube channel aired all tv shorts with english subtitles (a missed opportunity really)

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