9. Raph X FootClan!Reader (2/2)

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Author's Note as of January 21 2021: Since the tmnt wiki confirmed the Foot Recruit's age being around 21 to 22; I'm making some edits in this part along with other small details 

Two months later...

Raph began developing a crush on (Y/N) while Leo's suspicions on them persist and still does not trust (Y/N) one bit.

In the lair: Thursday at 10:30 pm... 

Leo went in the kitchen to make himself a cup of hot cocoa before he went to bed. As he turned off the stove, a loud bang came from the garage. He didn't hesitate and went over to investigate the place after placing the drink on the kitchen counter.

As he tried to open the garage door, on the other side (Y/N) wore their foot clan uniform inside and looked over wide eyed after trapping Buddy in many paper like arms emerging from a notebook.

("I'm so screwed if any of guys are still awake!") (Y/N) thought to themselves trying not to panic.

Before (Y/N) could think of something, a portal materialize inches away from them and Leo pinned (Y/N) down with one of Donnie's tech restraints.

"I knew you were still working with the foot clan!" Leo yelled as the notebook glowed red and begins to attack him lunging more paper arms.

Moments away before he readied to slice the arms, (Y/N) hopped in front of him and defended him as the arms grabbed them instead.

Leo gawked at the shocking turn of events losing some of his focus until he heard (Y/N)'s voice.

"There should be a foot like lock near the garage door! Just throw it at the notebook and it will instantly seal the book up!" (Y/N) said.

Leo could just get answers from (Y/N) in this position but Raph would be devastated if he saw them in this state. He groaned not happy complying to (Y/N)'s orders but leaped his way to the item. He utilizes his sword and portals the lock before one of the arms grabs him by his shell.

As the portal appears near the notebook, the lock departs out of the portal showing the foot clan insignia and the notebook starts to close bringing the paper like arms back into it.

The three drop to the ground, Franken-Foot went behind Leo scared of (Y/N), as (Y/N) slowly sat up with their arms held together by the restraint, Leo held his sword glaring at them.


Near Midnight...

Leo and (Y/N) peered above an abandoned building as the Recruit, Lieutenant, and Brute prowled the area below looking for the mystic metal.

He noted the somber expression on (Y/N)'s face and attempted to start a conversation.

"Did you know Mikey considered your foot clan amigo as a frenemy when they were both on a solo mission to get Lou Jitsu merchandise?" Leo said.

(Y/N) muttered a hum as a response but didn't feel like talking him as they opened the panel window. 

"I'm already at my limit Leo... Just go along with my plan betraying the foot clan..." (Y/N) said.

"No strings attached?" Leo asked trying not upset them.

"I'm choosing Raph over my soon to be ex amigo what do you think?" (Y/N) said as they stared at him with soulless eyes.

Leo froze for few seconds and nodded not saying more to the topic and the two teens descend the building stealthily.

Around 15 minutes, the Lieutenant spotted (Y/N) placing restraints on Leo. Brute pushed aside him and went over to congratulate (Y/N) for another great job. Foot Recruit recognized the dead look in their eyes and took a step troubled at them.

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