152. Donnie X Reader: Compliments

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Requested by PancakesYum2

The week before Halloween near 5 pm inside a ferry boat...

After convincing most of the student council towards a costumed theme party for the dance, you were excited to see the guys as they wore their Jupiter Jim costumes.

"Glad you guys can make it and you three are super cute with the sci fi get-up!"

(Y/N) spotted the purple turtle missing from the group as they continued to talk.

"Missed out on Donnie, is he still in the turtle tank?" (Y/N) asked.

"You could say that since the tank's currently underneath the boat,"

"You know, testing out the submarine function. Just fashionably late." Leo said.

"Oh, all right then." (Y/N) said as the teens grouped together eventually meeting up with April.

Meanwhile inside the turtle tank...

Donnie sat in his chair looking through the controls, which displayed a stable condition fully at 100%. He still felt embarrassed about the slight slip up from last week's event. Falling on top of (Y/N) as they stared in shock with their (e/c) eyes reflecting back at him. He only managed to reply with a brief sorry before the alert for a small theft crime saved him from an even awkward discussion. He uttered another sigh sitting back in his chair. Silently wishing he didn't run away like a coward.

Around four minutes, Donnie got out of his seat. Setting the auto pilot option to active and later equipping his tech suit heading out of the tank. And finally entered the boat before it left for the night.

Timeskip to 6 pm...

Donnie recognized (Y/N) by themself, gazing at the night sky sitting near a decorated table.

"Is this seat taken?" Donnie asked as (Y/N) looked in his direction while the turtle held onto an empty chair.

"Sort of but, its actually your seat though."

"So feel free to sit."

"Although, I'm surprised why the Don Tron would avoid a lively dance party..." (Y/N) said in a lightly teasing tone as the turtle turned pink.

"Some of the DJ's songs were not to my standards so I left."

"I met up with April, Sunita, and Casey in the hallway and had a brief chat with the girls." Donnie said.

 "So you didn't check on your brothers?" (Y/N) asked as Donnie shrugged.

"One of the tv panels showed Mikey and Leo in a volleyball match."

"While Raph stayed with some of Casey's friends, discussing more about the recent hockey or wrestling games." Donnie said as (Y/N) hummed.

"You're still wearing the tech suit and I don't see the silly antennas. You usually have with your Jupiter Jim costume..." (Y/N) said as Donnie sweatdropped.

He left the headband on the chair's arm. Too occupied with his thoughts just as he left the lair. (Y/N) chuckled as they rest their elbows on the table.

"It fits your whole scientific aesthetic and may I add,"

(Y/N) gazes directly into his eyes with a doting expression.

"You are good looking... The word cute just doesn't suit you..." (Y/N) said causing Donnie to slouch in his chair, slightly flustered by his crush's compliments.

"I-I take it you're sort of over, last week's sudden stumble between the two of us..." Donnie said as (Y/N) giggled.

"Don't worry about the abrupt sorry. To be honest,"

"I'm a bit surprised to have you crushing on me."

"So let's just enjoy the night."

"Okay, Donatello." (Y/N) said as they dragged their chair closer to his side.

Donnie could only reply with a confirming nod as the couple enjoyed the moment before joining up with the others.

Around 9 pm inside the turtle tank...

The costume party continued with the girls and turtles watching a monster movie marathon as the vehicle dived into the bay area by the piers. While (Y/N) and Donnie sat in the turtle taxi, glancing around the sleeping sea floor.

"So much garbage laying on the ocean floor." (Y/N) said.

"You can pretty much play a game of I spy." 

"But, it's trash edition, thanks to the discarded debris." Donnie said as (Y/N) half smiled at the thought.

"I'm down for a few rounds on that." (Y/N) said as Donnie begins to set up his tablet, showing an entire area of the current location.

After a few minutes, Donnie started the game.

"I spy, a circular object, stuck deep in the sand."

"Giving a slight appearance of a semicircle." Donnie said as (Y/N)'s eyes wander for the object of interest.

"Is it the glass bottle?" (Y/N) asked as Donnie said no.

Around five minutes, (Y/N) squinted their eyes slightly annoyed by Donnie who was a bit amused, at the first round, taking much more time than he expected.

"I could provide a hint if you want-"

Then the realization hits (Y/N) as they begin to groan.

"Did you really choose that tire decorated like a donut?!" (Y/N) said as Donnie let out a mischievous laugh.

"Your fault for overthinking it and that's usually my thing." Donnie confidently said as they avert their gaze at him, shifting their focus back at the screen.

"I spy, something purple and don't cheat with your googles." (Y/N) said as the turtle stared precisely at the various corners of the screen.

"The only thing I can see is, an empty chip bag and nothing else." Donnie said as (Y/N) smirked slightly towering over him, tapping the turtle insignia button while the tech suit returned to a normal belt. 

Donnie fell on his battle shell, caught off guard by the sudden move and began blushing at them. As (Y/N) inches their face, almost close to his.

"Well, its more of a sentimental treasure really,"

"Also, rare to see this dapper turtle, act so flustered around his partner..." (Y/N) said gently touching the purple bandana on Donnie's face.

"I'm somewhat neutral, for you to call my favorite color bandana, a bit trashy..." Donnie said not budging from his spot as the blush deepened while (Y/N) caress the left side of his face.

"You tend to go junkyard diving for spare parts but luckily,"

"Last week's coffee accident is sort of masking the smell so..."

(Y/N) lifted his chin as they placed their lips onto his, into a soft yet tender kiss.

Donnie's eyes formed hearts and fainted, by the excess amount of love he received for one whole night.

("I definitely went overboard on the first kiss...") (Y/N) thought to themselves as they tried to wake the unconscious turtle out of a shocking daze.


Edited September 19, 2020

The prompt was: Describing the brothers as cute while Donnie has the good looking and the word "cute" doesn't suit him (I kind of added a bit to the first word phrase but otherwise I'm glad to be done with this request [the second to last request from last year])

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