136. Raph X Yokai!Reader

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Requested by azure-chan123 plus added context by me

Spoilers for the episodes Raph's Ride Along and Donnie vs. Witch Town (The setting takes place a week after the events)

Inside Big Mama's office...

"Considering how, the snaggletooth turtle-boo managed to pull a better heist..."

"I would have assigned him and his brothers out of the bumbling arena clown gig for more bounty based assignments."

"Since the four of them are a tad brighter than the Mud Dogz."

"And could tell the differences between Heinous Green and Raphael's physical appearance..." Big Mama said as she noticed a slight glare from (Y/N).

"Don't compare the Mud Dogz's idoicy with the Hidden City's police!"

"The cops still confused a kappa with a turtle."

"Like, how stupid you have to be, not to notice the dish-like skull?!" (Y/N) said nearly shouting their words.

"Inside voice (Y/N) and..."

"Your powers tend to get a bit floaty when you get upset." Big Mama mentioned as some of the furniture hovered off the ground for a few seconds.

(Y/N) quickly apologized as the furniture returned to its proper place.

"No fret (Y/N), since you were busy with your bustling errands."

"And managed to get it done before this meeting," 

"You get a free pass while the Mud Dogz assist the hotel until next week's assignment." Big Mama said.

After exiting the office, (Y/N) noticed Malicious Mickey waving at them as the electric eel used the janitor cart to head over to their location.

"You're a lucky ducky not to be stuck with chore duty eh, (Y/N)?" Mickey said as (Y/N) snickered.

"I guess but, try not to get into any more trouble using the janitor cart as a skateboard."

"You guys nearly scared me with that one stunt using a shopping cart down a street hill."

"But, it was worth hearing a girly scream from Dastardly Danny." (Y/N) said as they petted his head while the eel grinned.

"Your fault for watching that one game that maked cleaning up dead corpses seem cool."

"Anyway, looking forward to the next side gig with (Y/N) as the leader this time." Mickey said as he ran off with the cart yelling no promises on the trouble part.

(Y/N) chuckled as they went out of the hotel's entrance, spotting the sunset partially hidden by the neighboring buildings.

Timeskip to the night patrol...

An elemental barrier captured Raph's phone just as (Y/N) appeared beside him. Slightly startling the large snapping turtle.

"Sorry for grabbing your attention like this but, I don't really like starting a conversation with a question."

"Though, I'm curious how you managed to play along with the whole 'You're Heinous Green shtick'."

"Until Big Mama pointed it out, you weren't him when the big guy showed up afterwards." (Y/N) said as Raph tilted his head.

"And you are?" Raph asked as (Y/N) giggled.

"The leader of Mud Dogz or just (Y/N)!"

"I'm still brainstorming an adjective to my name, so like I said,"

"(Y/N)'s the name!" (Y/N) said as Raph sighed.

"You could at least say please or not destroy my phone." Raph said as (Y/N) shrugged.

"Evil doers gotta be flashy with how to surprise the good guys."

"However, the Hidden City police has no ounce of good in them."

"Along with those gaudy witches and wizards." (Y/N) huffed.

"Oh... So you heard what happened in Witch Town..." Raph said as (Y/N) rolled their eyes.

"Two outsiders were able to take down the guy who constantly harrassed that place."

"Better than some stupid 'peace offering ceremony' appeasing that beast..."

"I got kicked out of last's year borefest for beating up the same monster and not getting the last ingredient for it."

"And definitely banished from that dreaded place."

"After the Mud Dogz helped me escape, it didn't take long for the police to create a wanted poster of me." 

"To this day, it's there but just as a low level..." (Y/N) said as they folded their arms.

Raph felt neutral as the yokai went quiet but he eventually spoke up.

"I just... Had weird good luck on that day..."

"Like, I tried to think of any plan that would get the guys caught."

"Close to four until that Leonard introduced the 'Fake Heinous Green' to Big Mama and that's it."

"Those guys know you better but, just be aware that Big Mama is all kinds of bad news."

"Just saying for your crew's own safety..." Raph said as (Y/N) nodded.

"I'll keep that in mind but, you're still a goodie two shoes."

"Having a bit of worry for me and my ragtag squad." (Y/N) said as the magical barrier disappeared causing Raph to catch his phone in a panic.

(Y/N) left the scene winking back at Raph saying 'See ya later cutie' leaving Raph in an annoyed fluster with a bit of blush on his face.

One month later...

"(Y/N), could you not use your magic barrier to flirt the enemy!?" Loathsome Leonard yelled as (Y/N) ignored the blue haired yokai.

"Oh, you mean (Y/N) and Raph are totally not dating."

"Even though, most of the battles these days are just weird hang outs."

"You really need a chill pill." Leo said as Leonard glared at the laidback turtle.

 Mikey and Mickey went back and forth about random topics, both in a carefree manner. While Donnie and Danny watched the scene unfold through a chaotic yet peaceful atmosphere.

"Still in agreement that the weird frenemy thing is going on until the couple breaks up." Danny said.

"Perhaps but, you have to admit, the pair definitely fits the whole hero and villain power couple aesthetic." Donnie said as Danny shrugged.

"Whatever you say nerd,"

"I bet you (Y/N) will faint if they see your brother in well dressed suit." Danny suggested as he held a limited time voucher for a dessert.

"Danny, I swear I'll break your prized hats if you get the Mad Dogs involved with your shenanigans!" (Y/N) shouted in a deep blush as Raph covered his laughter.

Donnie smirked sending a brief text with the word 'Deal' as Danny swore a lying 'All right I won't', slightly afraid of his angry leader.


Edited July 4, 2020

I had a blast with this prompt (btw if you couldn't tell Malicious Mickey is my favorite out of the Mud Dogz)

Anyway leave comments or criticisms

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