2. Donnie X Female!Artist! Reader

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Requested by Smol-Bread-Child


(Y/N) clutched her sketchbook to her chest as she entered the lair. She looked around to see if the turtles were there. As she was about to check the living room, her phone rings and wonders who's texting her at this moment.

She sees the icon she drew for Mikey and checks his text message.


Mikey: Me, Raph, and Leo went out to help April with a bunch of deliveries but I'm pretty sure Donnie's out of his lab for a quick break right now so.....



(Y/N) sighed after seeing Mikey's text, he accidentally found out (Y/N)'s crush on Donnie from one of the her sketches after she lend her sketchbook to Mikey for a few days. And two days ago when Mikey acted as the wing man, he asked Donnie what type of person is his type... She feels conflicted about it but it's better than letting the thoughts bottle up inside of her.

(Y/N) gives her sketchbook another squeeze and as she does that someone taps her shoulder. She turns behind her to recognize Donnie holding a container full of cookies as he has one in his mouth. Donnie waved hello with his tech arms from his battle shell and offered some showing the container to her. (Y/N) internally screamed with how cute Donnie was behaving right now.

"I-I'm good though. Thanks Donnie." (Y/N) said while grasping the sketchbook even tighter.

Donnie shrugged and closed the container afterwards.

"Did one of my brothers send you a text saying that I'll be here as they're out right now?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah. Mikey texted me before I was about to check the living room." (Y/N) said.

"That's good. And now if you'll excuse me (Y/N), I'll be heading back to my lab." Donnie said as he stores the container inside his battle shell.

(Y/N) was unable to move her legs but she was determined to confess her feelings to Donnie as this was her only opportunity before the others return.

("You got this (Y/N)! I won't let Mikey down after his short words of encouragement!") (Y/N) thought to herself before jogging towards Donnie.

Donnie heard the footsteps from (Y/N) and she's now by his side.

"I thought you were going to wait for the others (Y/N) but, they won't be back for hours-"

"I don't mind hanging out with you Donnie, if that's okay." (Y/N) said interrupting Donnie.

Donnie paused for a few seconds and gave his response.

"You don't have to say 'if' once in a while (Y/N), we enjoy your company and always let you know when we're available. Whether it is conversing or texting!" Donnie said going ahead of (Y/N).

(Y/N) felt butterflies in her stomach but smiled from Donnie's comments as she goes into his lab. Before taking a seat she stares back at her sketchbook closely at the purple bookmark labeled "Donnie", her eyes sparkling at it and goes over to Donnie who's about to work on a new project.

Just as Donnie was about to ask (Y/N) for assistance, he notices her holding the sketchbook toward him staring with gleaming eyes. As he takes the sketchbook out of (Y/N)'s hands, he spots the purple bookmark titled with his name and opens to that place.


In the top corner he recognizes 1 out of 4 and looks down to see a chibi version of (Y/N). He chuckles amused at the drawing of her. In the next page, he sees himself as a chibi unaware of (Y/N) as speech bubbles are around him. 

After turning to the third page, a three panel comic is shown. It begins with (Y/N) being crowded by the speech bubbles and gets the idea to form them into a heart. Only one speech bubble remained with Donnie and it transformed into a mirror. As his mini self looks into the mirror, he discovers (Y/N) on top of the speech bubble heart. 

An arrow points to the last page.

A more detailed version of (Y/N) hides her face behind the heart grinning fondly at Donnie and words are drawn into the heart.

"These drawings are my way of telling that I want to be more than friends Donatello"


Donnie blushed at the words from (Y/N)'s final drawing and left the turtle speechless. As he looks toward (Y/N), he spots her sitting behind one of his chairs. He grinned at (Y/N) and slowly spun the chair facing his direction. (Y/N) covered her face with her hands as blush starts to form around her. Donnie crouched down and slowly placed his left hand around her wrists. (Y/N) felt his hand and calmly removed her hands away from her face to see Donnie smiling eyes closed.

"Celebration cookie for a successful confession (Y/N)?" Donnie asked as he hands a cookie to her.

(Y/N) laughed at Donnie as she takes the well deserved treat.

A week later...

As Donnie goes into speech mode about another subject, (Y/N) patiently listens to her boyfriend's rambling, she then gets a text from Leo who's in the same room as them a floor above the skate ramp.


Leo: I swear to the pizza supreme in the sky, can you quiet Donnie by kissing him!

(Y/N): idk Leo, it's more cute to see his reaction when I ask for a kiss and afterwards he gets silent for like four seconds and goes into compliment mode which is probably a higher level than his speech mode lol

Leo: uugggghh

Mikey: trust me Leo it's not worth it

(Y/N): a bit rude Mikey...


Then a mischievous smirk surfaces on (Y/N)'s face.

Leo recognized that look and points at her.

"Don't you dare (Y/N)!" Leo shouted as he goes to stop her.


The details about this prompt is really adorable; I love it!

(Feel free to leave comments or criticisms)

Edits [August 17, 2019]: Deleting requests and the Fourth of July special is already uploaded as Fire Flower Edition and completed as well

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