33. Donnie X Female!Lycan-Snake!Reader

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Requested by Nightbird305


(Y/N) pulled down her hoodie sighing as she shifted back to her king cobra form swearing a few words after scrounging a trash can.

She escaped two weird looking flying creatures who attempted persuade her into joining some type of organization. 

She already had enough on her plate being part snake after stumbling the Hidden City a year ago. Not that she didn't mind but back home, she hated living in a depressing family and ran away doing part time jobs to fill the void surrounding her.

She tenses up sensing someone nearby 100 meters...

Donnie rolls his eyes uninterested at Raph's nagging on his phone during an all nighter patrol for today as he leaped to another building.

He's heard of a rumor that a person with lycanthrope qualities able to turn into an animal on command (similar to a werewolf minus the moon). And knowing this turtle absorbed into conspiracy theories infused with modern technology, he couldn't be stopped. 

Mikey slept in early as his older brothers stayed up. Raph decided to chat with April since he couldn't convince Donnie to rest. Leo just watched online complications of various videos as he switched to the next one bored within 9 seconds.

"I'll definitely get proof of the lycanthrope person!"

"And I'll be uploading all the credit to me!" Donnie said to himself as he put on his goggles scanning the area.

"Wait... What the heck is that?" 

Donnie zooms in to see a person with heat signals similar to a king cobra. Just when he was about to see (Y/N)'s face, she sprinted like a bullet causing Donnie to chase after her.

He almost lost sight of her as she was about to slip past a fence. Without hesitation, he threw a spherical like orb that captured her as she grunts slowly getting up irritated at the turtle wearing a purple bandana.

("A girl?") As his eyes widen seeing (Y/N) baring some of her fangs at him.

Donnie quickly attempted to get the device off of (Y/N) not wanting venom to be the main cause of his death. The device reconstructed back to it's regular form as he sighed.

A chibi version of Raph appeared in the orb and taunted him with an "I told you so phrase" as he almost chucked the sphere back at a bothered (Y/N).

He refrained with his arms behind his back standing up straight as he lets out a sorry.

"Not accepted." (Y/N) said bluntly as Donnie flinched at her words.

"Well okay then."

"So I can't just ask why you're here digging through trash cans?" Donnie asked.

"I'm not telling a stranger every thing about me."

"Especially one who threw-"

"OKAY! I GET IT!" Donnie yelled as he regains his composure.

"Are your parents aware of your oozesquito transformation?" Donnie asked once again.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him as she switches into an actual king cobra size as he stares astonished at her.

"I live on my own since you mention my parents."

"I still cook my food based on my new diet as I'm part snake.." (Y/N) said.

"But still..."

"You don't feel at least lonely getting by.." Donnie said.

(Y/N) looked away but replied back to him.

"Look... if you're that persistent asking a lot of questions.."

"I'll stay for a few days and help around."

"Got it." (Y/N) said directing her attention at him.

"Huh... The last time one of my brothers helped out a bull mutant.."

"The guy never really helped out until the undercover waiter mission-"

(Y/N) gave another glare at Donnie as he shuts up his rambling.


(Y/N) stayed at the lair for at least a week.

Mikey and Leo weren't bothered by her being around and often included her in their mischievous shenanigans. 

April was happy to donate some of her clothes to (Y/N) and luckily fitted (Y/N)'s image. She was the only one aware of Donnie's slow crush on (Y/N) when he almost went in the bathroom as she was changing her clothes. Whenever April's around, she often smirks at Donnie because of that incident as he short circuits afterwards.

Raph and Splinter are a bit afraid of (Y/N). Well mostly Splinter, since he's a rat but usually praises her when his sons forget to do the daily chores. Raph warmed up to her but often watches after her well being just being the typical over-protective brother. She hasn't been hostile when she first met Donnie but her glares send shivers down his shell.

8:44 pm...

(Y/N) in her king cobra form yawns handing a wrench to Donnie.

Donnie recognizes her almost dozing off as he starts a conversation.

"Do you prefer the diurnal sleeping cycle or nocturnal one?" Donnie asked.

"You're such a nerd sometimes."

"No one's stupid enough to attack a snake as they're sleeping."

"I'm used to sleeping at night since I'm crashing your place."

"So I sleep at night though." (Y/N) said.

"You would be surprised (Y/N)..."

"The internet has a lot of stupid people who would stoop to getting attention that way." Donnie said.

(Y/N) chuckled at Donnie's comment as she sat in the chair.

"I've seen that one post about a person seeing someone turn into a were animal."

"Yet no proof as of now." (Y/N) said.

Donnie paused remembering that post he used to be so invested until meeting (Y/N). He felt embarrassed liking that post and will definitely delete it tomorrow.

"D. You overthinking again." (Y/N) said.

Donnie said something else instead of replying back to her.

"Are you planning on staying here?"

"Because I-I"

"I mean my brothers and I would hate to see you go off on your own again." Donnie said nearly faltering his words.

Donnie didn't see the blush on her face but heard her hum blissfully.

"Get used to it Donatello."

"Hopefully your brothers aren't asleep yet because I'm feeling generous about a telling story to you guys.."

"About how I can turn into a snake at will..." (Y/N) said as she grabs his wrist yanking him out of the room.

Splinter spots the two teens as they head out.

("She's definitely wrapped around the purple one.") Splinter thought to himself before going to his room to sleep.


I've kind of mixed (Y/N)'s real identity as she's meeting Donnie (just to change up the reveal; I'll make edits if it doesn't suffice to the request)

Also on a roll with puns! (I'm definitely making Leo proud!)

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