54. Leo X Reader: NinjaNomicon

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"You still haven't read this red and black book..." (Y/N) said.

"I have! But the book tends to, how should I say this.."

"Knock me unconscious when I fully open it..." Leo said.

"Sure Leon, if you say so." (Y/N) said as Leo scowled at them.

"Look, (N/N).."

"I usually don't read books like Donnie..."

"But I feel bad about this one.."

"As if I used to have this book in some alternate universe." Leo said.

(Y/N) rolls their eyes but felt bad for him not expecting some attachment to the book.

"Okay, aside from the lesson about it's own version of a 'mind wipe'..."

"Do you know anything else about this book?" (Y/N) asked attempting to be slightly interested.

Leo blinked for a couple of seconds before resuming to his old self as he smiled at (Y/N).

Time Skip to Nine days later...

The two teens usually open the book to either get away from an escalating situation or just to have fun.

(Y/N) chuckles at some of the realistic yokai drawings while Leo has a blank expression almost afraid at some of them. Sometimes, the pair wanders around architecture of the early century Asia and other places near the area. 

Leo saw doodles of various colors that range from sketchbook drawings to graffiti like art pieces. He comments that these scribbles remind him of Mikey as (Y/N) tries to draw something of their own giggling at his words.

"Are you going to mention this book to your brothers?"

"They're missing out on the fun." (Y/N) said still fixated on their sketch as Leo frowns at their comment.

"It might okay with Mikey along with April."

"But Donnie and Raph,"

"Not happening..." Leo said with a huff.

"Just because those two are your older brothers."

"Doesn't mean they're also the boring ones."

"Like I get Donnie sometimes.."

"But Raph's the leader..."

"So he has a right to be concerned-"

Leo immediately exits the sliding door walking away from (Y/N)'s speech as he snaps out of his unconscious self now sitting up with a glare at them.

"Why not just hang out with Raph!?"

"Since you're starting an argument similar to him!" Leo shouted not realizing that (Y/N)'s sketch transformed into him as a light blue silhouette now repeating his words with a glare.

Leo ends up going out of the lair wearing his hoodie as he left (Y/N) alone in the living room.

(Y/N) falls back with tears beginning to fall on their face now closing their eyes now back to the real world as the book laid on their face.

Raph heard sounds of crying as he stepped into the room and without hesitation he checked on (Y/N) who hugged their legs together with a melancholy expression as the book began releasing green and pink colors swirling around them.


Back with Leo...

He chatted with April who just finished her work shift now listening to the turtle's venting.

"You have to apologize to (Y/N), Leo."

"After all, they were the only one who knows about your book."

"Also really messed up to yell at your crush..."

"And the book probably scared them off."

"I wouldn't be surprised if they're back home in their apartment" April said ending her lecture at him as Mayhem materializes out of thin air now transporting her away.

Leo shook his head with guilt on his face as he hurries to (Y/N)'s apartment. He didn't see the shoes back on the shoe rack by the entrance as he sighs in relief but feels even worse as he returns back to the lair. He slowly enters the living room as his eyes widen glancing at (Y/N)'s image of a semi large (f/a) in (f/c) while they avert their gaze at him holding back their tears.

Donnie remained by their side and it isn't unconscious compared to the other two brothers.

"Raph and Mikey went to find the solution to change (Y/N) back to their happy go lucky self."

"I stayed behind just because if Raph was in my place."

"It would have gone worse knowing you Leonardo."

"And segway, I have a feeling this book feeds on negative emotions."

"Seeing how distraught (Y/N) is as Raph called out for our assistance afterwards."

"I'm not adding any more statements to upset (Y/N)." Donnie said as his tech arms bring a tissue box to (Y/N) who grabbed a bunch wiping their face.

Leo only held his arm now remembering one of the book's quotes.

"The evil funk possesses the vulnerable using that which he most holds dear."

Donnie observes his brother giving space between him and (Y/N) as he talks to them.

"(Y/N), it was wrong of me to compare you with Raph."

"The only reason I first showed you this book and to you alone,"

"Was because,"

"I didn't want my brothers to know I have a crush on you, (Y/N)."

"I'm really sorry about what I said..." Leo said as he gripped on to his hoodie.

The other turtles wince from a (f/c) light that encircled (Y/N) as it transformed them back to their regular self while Mikey and Raph sat up near the book.

(Y/N) gives a tissue to Leo as he spots them with a smile on their face. He instantly embraced them in hug weeping into their shoulder as they beamed at his actions accepting the gesture. The guys were relieved that tense atmosphere between the two now eased back to the tranquil setting.

Four days later in the book...

Leo pouted in the distance with slight jealousy at the sketch that once frightened (Y/N) now redrawn by Mikey in a more laid back nature as (Y/N) grins at the doppelganger showering them with affection.

"You're doing better with the teasing but you need to work on that jealous nature mister..." Raph said as Leo ignores his comment going over to the two teens.

Mikey shields (Y/N) as they're drawing something on doppel Leo's face.

After a few minutes, both the real and fake Leo blush red after identifying the lipstick like stamps as (Y/N) smirks at the two.

"Wait (Y/N)! I still have lipstick in my bag!"

"I'll go get it!" April said as she leaves the area as Leo goes after her while his face remained tinted red.


Originally typed on September 6, 2019; Edited September 28, 2019

Another quote from rc9gn (And I finally did a chapter referencing the NinjaNomicon!!!; well the title's gives it away but I still have a soft spot for this series)

(Probably one of the things that got me interested into character design hehehe ^///^)

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