64. Leo X Short!Reader: Too Short to Realize an Awkward Situation

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Requested by PancakesYum2

Almost a bit suggestive but you know how annoying teenage hormones are

(Especially around a crush heheheh)

(Y/N) glares at the cupboard unable to reach it with their short height. They could grab a chair but they didn't feel like getting it in another area eventually losing interest in the large chip bag. Especially worried that Raph might have finished it, since the two of them have similar snack cravings.

Leo leans back near the kitchen counter as he smirks at (Y/N) who's still glaring at the cupboard.

"Want to know if Raph ate the entire bag in one go?" Leo asked as (Y/N) looked at him.

(Y/N) knew Leo too well not to listen to his infamous lies as he walks in front of them leaning back once more.

Just then, an imaginary light bulb appears above of their head as they jump toward him.

"I saw the whole thing."

"Raph did feel bad-"

Leo shuts up as (Y/N) props their knees under both of his arms now at the kitchen counter capable of grabbing the cupboard's handle then opening it as the chip bag laid out near their grasp.

(Y/N) grins as they pull closer not aware of their chest inching near Leo's face.

Leo retracts his head inside his shell as he clutches the counter trying his best not to shake like a leaf in the position he's in. He closes his eyes but could not get the image of (Y/N)'s chest size out of his head.

Before naughty thoughts enter his mind, deepening the flushed pink on his face, (Y/N) climbs out of the spot with ease proceeding to hug the chip bag in their arms.

(Y/N) notices a card taped to the bag and reads it.

Sorry for finishing the other bag (I just realized it had (Y/N)'s name in big bold letters...)

April went with me to get another one to replace it

So here's a new one (Y/N)!

From Raph (it shows a red teddy bear drawing after his name)

"Huh, I guess you were telling the truth after all Leo..." (Y/N) said as they nonchalantly open the bag taking a chip to eat.

(Y/N) exits the kitchen leaving behind a flustered Leo who sinks to the floor speechless at today's events.


The next day...

Leo stays unusually silent as his brothers notice his change of behavior.

Just as April and (Y/N) enter the lair, Leo accidentally slips on his skateboard falling backwards as (Y/N) catches him. Another snack bag blocks the space between his head and (Y/N)'s chest once more as he quickly recovers saying 'I'm fine, I'm TOTALLY fine!'.

The three turtles weren't buying into this attitude as they pull him to the living room.

"Don't mind us!"

"Just checking in with our brother for a bit!" Mikey said before joining his brothers for a mini interrogation at Leo.

April winced as (Y/N) offers the snack bag to her as she takes few shifting to another conversation.

"Did you go too far with your usual teasing Leon?!" Mikey nearly shouts channeling his Dr. Delicate Touch persona as the other two turtles wore black sunglasses folding their arms. 

Leo scoffs glaring his brothers as he speaks.

"(Y/N) is one of the few people I would tease."

"Plus I would feel guilty if I did that." Leo said as Mikey refused to budge listening to that statement.

"Sure, Leo whatever you say but,"

"You've been unusually clumsy, even by your standards-"

Mikey pauses his comment as he exits the room and returns with (Y/N) by his side. A huge amount of sweatdrops appear around Leo's face as his silent behavior resurfaces while (Y/N) sits by him. 

"So (Y/N), can you recall the events to our brother's sudden change in behavior?"

"Since you were the last person with him yesterday before the routine night patrol..." Donnie asked as (Y/N) nods.

"Sort of, but in some way he kind of helped get the bag of chips in the cupboard." (Y/N) said.

"What do you mean 'sort of'?" Raph asked.

"Just before he was about to say 'you ate the bag in one go Raph'."

"He was-"

Leo's entire face blushed pink as he snatched (Y/N) away and the duo exit the scene with a portal.

The trio were in shock to say anything else at the abrupt scene as the two teens land near an abandoned underpass.

(Y/N) squirms in effort to get out of Leo's grasp. He ends up releasing them when his forearm's muscles almost makes contact with (Y/N)'s chest as they drop to the ground and gets up glaring at their friend.

"No offense, but Mikey wasn't kidding on how strange you're acting since yesterday..."

"Is there something different about me you're not telling-"

Leo averts his gaze at them now beginning to talk.

"N-no no no no, you've got it all wrong, (Y/N)!"

"If and I'm saying this politely,"

"If I wasn't able to retract my head back into my shell,"

"I would have felt something near my face..." Leo said as he covered his fully pink face with his hand.

Silence filled the atmosphere as Leo slowly peeks one eye open at (Y/N) who's entire face is crimson realizing the circumstance what they did to get the snack they craved.

"Okay, we can agree that what happened yesterday,"

"Stays between the two of us and no one needs to know,"

"Agreed!?" (Y/N) asked as Leo responds with a confirming nod.

As the two teens head back to the lair, Leo hears (Y/N) snickering to themselves with a mischievous grin on their face.

"Something on your mind?" Leo asked.


"But it's nice that we're having a face to face conversation."

"And that you're not looking below-"

"(Y/N), I swear to the Pizza Supreme in the sky,"

"To stop with those suggestions..." Leo said as he rubbed his temples.

"Not even when one liners get involved..." (Y/N) said as Leo groans walking ahead.

(Y/N) catches up to the speed walking turtle as they hug his shell. Leo stops his tracks from the affectionate gesture.

"I wonder what other thoughts you imagined,"

"Especially on a crush with someone shorter than you, Leonardo..." (Y/N) said teasing the turtle as he grumbles avoiding his sight away from them.


Originally typed November 1, 2019; Edited November 9, 2019

Like I said a bit of suggestive tones added to this prompt but I had fun typing this though

But I still won't do any lemon/nsfw content for any of my stories (it's just not my thing in general)

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