15. Summer Sleepover

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In (Y/N)'s living room around 1 pm...

(Y/N) laid on the couch as the electric fan on the table went back and forth trying to cool them off during the peak of the heat wave.

They were about to doze off into a nap until their phone rang causing them to jolt up from the sound. They check the Caller ID and saw Mikey's icon then proceed to tap the screen to start the call.

"Hey Mikey..." (Y/N) said as they took the phone by their side still lying down.

"Hiya (Y/N)! I hope you're staying hydrated in this heat!" Mikey said more chipper than usual.

"I am... But ugh.. I'm really craving a soda instead of water. And I don't want to step outside just to get one..." (Y/N) grumbled under their breath.

"Bummer. But I don't mind getting one for you, (Y/N)." Mikey said.

"It's okay Mikey. I'm good. Honest. By the way, how are your brothers doing in this weather situation?" (Y/N) said switching the topic.

"Leo's just reading his comics, Donnie's watching documentaries on his tablet, and I'm pretty sure Raph took another nap."

"I feel like the reason Raph's bigger than the three of us is because he sunbathes often when we were little."

"You could imagine how difficult it is to move the big guy out 30 minutes before the recommended 2 hours are done as Donnie says it." Mikey said.

"Heh... I was about to take a nap before you called me but that urge to sleep is just gone now so thanks Mikey..." (Y/N) said.

"No problem (Y/N)!" 

"Are your parents inside now because we might drop by around 6 just to hang out if that's okay?" Mikey asked.

"My parents left a note visiting one of their relatives downtown after I woke up around noon and are staying the night there-"

Mikey let out a surprised gasp as his eyes sparkled.

"OMIGOSH!!! Does this mean a sleepover?!" Mikey said excitedly.

"I'm texting my mom about it as we're speaking and right now I'm waiting for her response." (Y/N) said.

2 minutes later...

"She says as long as there's no mess left over by the sleepover; she's okay with it."

(Y/N) pulls the phone away from their ear as if on cue of Mikey's upcoming shrieks of triumph and hears him saying yes over and over again. They chuckle at their friend's enthusiasm patiently waiting for his reply.

"Okay! We'll definitely be there around 6 (Y/N)! Just you wait!" Mikey said ending the call and now goes over to wake up Raph.


6 pm...

The weather slightly cooled down the hot weather as the four turtles see (Y/N) open their apartment door letting the guys inside. After locking the door, the guys sat on the couch with their colored duffle bags.

"So what plans are we doing on this sleepover?" Leo asked (Y/N) wearing his sleeping mask on his forehead displaying the red stripes around his face.

"I'm not really sure. Whatever happens, just happens." (Y/N) said as they shrugged.

"Well, I saw April playing this game during lunch and downloaded it on my laptop."

"But knowing her love for horror games, we might stay up scared out of our minds if we go through this." Donnie said. 

"How scary can it be." Raph said.

8 pm... 

A jumpscare popped on the screen which caused everyone to react differently. Donnie nearly dropped the laptop off the table while (Y/N) saved the file and exited the game widening their eyes still in shock.

"Is it over?" Mikey asked as his head retracted inside his shell.

"You really had to jinx us Raph!" Leo shouted gripping the sleeping mask tightly.

"Don't blame me! It's Donnie's fault for being interested in these puzzles!" Raph said holding onto a teddy bear in his arms.

"GASP! April asked me for assistance at one of the parts and I for one was unaware of these jumpscares!" Donnie yelled.

(Y/N) threw three couch pillows at the turtles arguing getting their attention afterwards.

"Let's just focus on something else, like maybe dinner." (Y/N) said.

"Fine..." The three said in unison not looking at each other as Mikey's head resurfaced out of his shell.

"Can we order pizza (Y/N)? Hey! You can finally get the soda you've been craving this afternoon!" Mikey said mentioning this detail.

"Huh. Good idea Mikey! You guys okay with that?" (Y/N) said dialing their phone.

"Sure, we'll help chip in (Y/N). Right fellas?" Raph said looking at Leo and Donnie.

"Bad to be annoyed on an empty stomach." Leo said.

Donnie checked on his phone but the one of tech arms out of his battle shell gave a thumbs up as an answer.



(Y/N) ended up being the first to fall asleep which perplexed the guys on what to do next.

("Guys, I think we should clean up before we go to sleep.") Mikey whispered to his brothers.

("We probably should. So (Y/N) doesn't get grounded because of us.") Leo said.

("Yeah... April didn't talk to us for three days when we left her place last year.") Raph said.

Donnie looked around the living room figuring how to change the furniture for the night.

("Please don't do anything to upset (Y/N) and also for their parents' sake, Donnie.") Mikey said pleading to his brother.

("Don't worry too much younger brother. I've got this!") Donnie said as he checks his tablet to lay out a plan.

Mikey shook his head as he begins searching the kitchen for cleaning supplies with Leo and Raph following behind him.

4 am...

(Y/N) woke up in their bedroom and rushed out stealthily to check on the four turtles. Out of the hallway, they noticed the furniture shifted to make room for Raph as pillows and blanket sheets covered the floor. Donnie slept on the couch unequipped as the battle shell was by the couch's right arm. Leo snoozed on the other couch on wearing his sleeping mask properly. Mikey dozed off in the opposite side from Raph as he held a plushie (Y/N) gave to him when they were little.

(Y/N) gave a sincere grin as they crouched beside him.

("Still has that plushie to this day...") (Y/N) petted his head for a seconds and pulled away after observing one of his tooth gap smiles.

(Y/N) went to their room and their phone vibrated as it was being charged. A text from their mom was sent last night.

We won't be back until 4 pm. You know how our relatives are with morning breakfasts. I hope your friends are the same as well! We'll buy take out once we get back though! Have fun at your sleepover!

(Y/N) unplugged their phone along with the charger and placed the items near their chair and went back to a well deserved rest on their bed.


(Definitely implied Mikey X Reader vibes but I really liked how this oneshot turned out)

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Edits [August 17, 2019]: Deleting requests

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