9. Raph X FootClan!Reader (1/2)

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[Events after the episode "Sparring Partner"]

Foot Recruit collapsed on the floor near (Y/N) who was attempting to create a paper ninja out of their hands with a few scraps of paper.

Startled by the sudden noise, (Y/N) jumped into their battle stance to see who it was. They let their guard down after recognizing their friend exhausted from today's mission.

After waiting half an hour for her to recover, Foot Recruit awoken full of energy and broke a battle dummy by her side with ease. (Y/N) sighed knowing their friend was ticked off after another failed mission but went to ask the question anyway. (Y/N) was one of the few people in the foot clan to have patience dealing her restless energy.

"You weren't able to get the runaway paper ninja?" (Y/N) asked.

Foot Recruit lets out a scoff and folds her arms.

"No! The turtle with red bandana managed to 'befriend' it and send me and the Lieutenant blasting off like Team Rocket with it's new power gained from the turtles!" She said annoyed.

(Y/N) coughed not wanting to laugh at her second description but remained serious listening to her. Just as (Y/N) was about to reply, the Foot Brute entered in the room.

"(Y/N). You have a mission I have to discuss with ya. Save the chit chat for another time." He said as he was standing waiting for them.

"Oh! Okay! Please give me a few minutes!" (Y/N) said as the big guy shrugged and stood by the door.

(Y/N) slightly frowned before turning their direction toward Foot Recruit. They placed a hand on  her left shoulder and smiled back.

"That Team Rocket reference is pretty funny. I want to hear more when I get back so just take it easy for now okay." (Y/N) said as they removed their hand while seeing a genuine smile from her.

The two waved good bye as (Y/N) accompanies with Foot Brute.


Near a park behind one of the large trees around 9 pm...

The two spotted the four turtles playing around by the jungle gym.

Foot Brute then looks at (Y/N) whispering the plan.

("Okay here's the plan. You have to pretend to be buddies with those turtles and try to observe and copy the powers from their paper ninja. The Lieutenant figured the jig would be up if you destroy their 'buddy' but if it tries to attack you, don't hesitate to crush it.") He said.

("I'll pretend to fight you and you defend back. Got it?")

(Y/N) despise this mission before it even begins but went ahead on attacking their superior using the rope with them making him trip as they escape to the turtles.

Donnie sat in one of the swings as he was looking through his phone and heard the sound of footsteps approaching. He looked up and saw a human wearing foot clan clothing running away from the Foot Brute behind them. He put his phone away and took out his weapon until he sees Raph unleashing his signature bright red smash-justu on the Foot Brute hurling the huge man to tree leaving a dent on it.

The other two turtles ran up to Donnie and saw the scene.

"Omigosh! Do you think that person with Raph is going to be okay?" Mikey asked.

Donnie hesitated to answer his brother's question until the both of them were dragged by Leo and thrown into the light blue portal.

The portal appeared by (Y/N)'s side and Leo raises his sword close to their face as the other two turtles had a rough landing.

Raph shielded (Y/N) with his right arm glaring at his brother.

"Raph! You can't keep trusting people like this! I'm betting who ever this is, still works with the foot clan and it was just a set up!" Leo shouted not knowing he was close to (Y/N)'s real intentions.

"Don't tell me you forgot when Big Mama revealed to be an evil spider lady!"

Raph winced at remembering that event but continued to glare at his brother.

Donnie slowly got up and stood by Leo.

"Only one of the few times I'll agree with Leo and he's right Raph. It's way too convenient for this person to have a well thought out strategy such as this." Donnie said.

Mikey didn't like sudden tension in the atmosphere and so he remained in the middle of his brothers trying to disperse this unnecessary drama.

"Guys! Let's try not to take sides and let um..."


"Let (Y/N) have a say in this before we start pointing fingers." Mikey said as he glanced at (Y/N).

(Y/N) felt guilt starting to surface as they stared at the turtle wearing an orange bandana giving an sincere smile making them feel welcome.

("I already doomed myself by initiating the attack instead of just saying anything to attract the fours' attention... Might as well get this over with until the guilt slowly consumes me...") (Y/N) thought to themselves regretting their recent actions before letting out a sigh.

"I'm no longer affiliated with the foot clan any more..." (Y/N) said uttering a well convinced lie.

"See Leo! (Y/N) admitted the truth and nothing but the truth! So you two can stop being suspicious over (Y/N)!" Raph said crossing his arms triumphantly while Mikey hugged his new friend in happiness.

Leo rolled his eyes and went ahead on his way back to the lair with Donnie slowly following him.

 After a few minutes, the two turtles exchanged their contact information with (Y/N) and all three of them said their good byes afterwards.

When (Y/N) finally reached back to the entrance of the Foot Shack, they received a text message. They really hoped it was from Foot Recruit but after checking it, it was the Lieutenant who send the message.

You definitely have the potential of true villain! "I'm no longer affiliated with the foot clan" is a such a good joke (Y/N)! Jokes aside... Your rank is now level 3 after taking charge of this mission. Take a few days off for it and afterwards maintain the turtles' trust for now and keep up the pace.

(Y/N) wanted to shatter after reading the message until they saw Foot Recruit about to exit out in front of them. She pulled the door out and notice the shocked expression on (Y/N)'s face.

"You alright (Y/N)?" She asked concerned.

(Y/N) shook their head and asked about the thing before (Y/N)'s mission started to keep their mind off the text message.

(Y/N) still knows how envious she is when it comes to ranks and getting to earn the other two turtles' trust. They feel disgusted with themselves as despair gradually fills their mind.


I guess I'm a hypocrite not wanting angst in this book (but I still won't delve into harsh topics or other subjects. I'm still not comfortable about it and lack the experience/awareness around those)

That aside... I kind of expected this to be another two part oneshot (tbh I was on a roll holy shit)

I really hoped I got the all the foot clan characters' personality correct (it's still funny in the episode "Shadow of Evil" that Brute and Lieutenant wanted Splinter sign their Lou Jitsu merchandise being fanboys about it; villains should do that more often every once in a while kjhgjkljhjkj)

Anyway like the previous oneshot; I'll upload the second/final part and publish the parts together to save the trouble of waiting 

(Leave comments or criticisms)

Edits [August 17, 2019]: Deleting requests

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