182. Donnie X Male!Reader: Talking it Out

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Requested by DrawYourSword

Inside the turtle tank...

Donnie silently kept an eye on (Y/N) while Mikey quickly went over to April's apartment, helping her out with a cooking recipe assignment. However, since (Y/N) was mostly accompanied by the trio's energetic personalities. He wasn't really sure how to match that same energy.

"Not exactly, one of your brightest ideas, if you keep staring at me." 

"While we're waiting for Mikey." (Y/N) said.

"Then how come you're not tagging along with him?" Donnie asked as (Y/N) started to stretch.

"I know Mikey means well but right now, I kind of need my space..."

"Even after, he mentioned some ways on how to deal with anxiety..." 

"Even before it happens or thinking of something else..." (Y/N) said as Donnie eased off.

Recognizing a more tired expression on (Y/N) as he rubbed his eyes.

"I always hate that draining feeling as a result of anxiety's successful efforts."

"But, it feels like a weight off your shoulders once the problem's over and dealt with." Donnie said as (Y/N) looked away.

"This is probably none of my business but,"

"Did you ever do anything when, April had one of the worst days at school?" (Y/N) asked as Donnie leaned back into his chair.

"There was that one time where I played a game on her computer." 

"Where you're stuck in a witch's house,"

"And by the time we got out of that endless jumpscare maze,"

"She was back to her ol happy self, wanting to try another game by the same creator."

"To be honest, I wasn't sure if I made the right decision."

"Since I was still adjusting to this new friend thing but,"

A small smile surfaced on Donnie as he continued to speak.

"It really felt nice that I actually did something for once and not just,"

"Wait it out to see if things get better after a certain amount of days."

"Even though I now have a love-hate relationship with that game." Donnie said as (Y/N) snickered.

"Funny how the older brother follows the youngest in a subtle manner of,"

"'How do I cheer up this exact person who is feeling the bad vibes?!'" (Y/N) said almost mimicking the last comment in Donnie's way of speaking as the turtle started to blush.

"Well I see that, you're in a much better mood if you're able to poke fun at me." Donnie said as he covered his hand hiding the said blush on his face.

"I wouldn't say that but, you mispronouncing a word on purpose like 'basketball'."

"Is almost on Leo's level of one liners."

"But, it never fails to make me laugh though." (Y/N) said as Donnie grew surprised by the kind comparison.

"Huh, I thought you were just listening to my brothers."

"Whenever they mention one of my infamous inventions, going out of wack or talking behind my shell with some petty excuse." Donnie said as (Y/N) shook his head.

"Not really, I usually change the subject if that happens."

"Your lab is pretty much your own personal room."

"So you have good reasons to take a break from your family." (Y/N) said as Donnie hummed.

"I'm open to the idea of letting you in the lab if you're unable to focus on certain tests."

"Even with additional help on assignments." Donnie said as (Y/N) briefly looked at him.

"I'll think about it, not on lab assignments though."

"But, I gotta hand it to you."

"Actually making the floor is lava joke into an accidental reality,"

"Definitely shows your skill of being a self-taught scientist at work." (Y/N) said as Donnie chuckled.

"Understandable and we should really hang out some time..." Donnie said until he realized his thoughts were said out loud.

(Y/N) blinked as Donnie turned away almost tensing up his shoulders with slight regret on his mind.

"Now that I think about it."

"This sort of counts as one though."

"Despite that, I was a bit rude to you."

"I usually wait for someone to start the conversation because,"

"I feel like even the simplest conversation starter is sort of too much out of my comfort zone." (Y/N) said rubbing the back of his neck as Donnie noticed him slightly embarrassed.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm in the same boat towards that dilemma."

"So we can happily agree on that." Donnie said as his shoulders eased up recognizing a grin from (Y/N).

"Especially with the ones where you really have to make small talk."

"Stuck in an awkward situation." (Y/N) said as Donnie faced his chair towards (Y/N)'s direction expressing full distaste in a dramatic manner.

Almost close to an hour...

The entrance to the turtle tank opened with the spare key in Mikey's hand. With April and him noticing the two teens in a lively discussion as Donnie went over new plans on a work in progress gadget to his tech bo.

("Should we interrupt them with an apology for taking too long?") Mikey whispered as April lightly chuckled.

("Nah, since they didn't hear us and the door slowly opening up plus,")

("Donnie's the only one who hasn't dropped off (Y/N) to his apartment.")

("And the two seem to get along,")




("Almost too well, despite it being close to an hour.") April said in a soft yet mischievous tone as Mikey got the message uttering a silent oh sound.

("Are you planning on texting Donnie with a white lie so he can get to know (Y/N)?" Mikey asked as April answered with a 'Definitely' sending a short and simple text message.

Even on cue as the door closed, slightly startling Donnie and (Y/N) by the sudden sound.


Edited July 22, 2021

I sort of feel like I have deja vu with some of the dialogue (even after editing this but eh good enough)

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