163. Donnie X Female!Shy!Reader: It's Not Like I Like You or Anything!

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Requested by GenesisMoon21

(Y/N) arrived at the lair spotting a note by the skate ramp.

Hey (Y/N), we lost to dare from Donnie and it'll be a while to find a movie he wants us to watch so

Expect a late movie night real soon! - Mikey

PS: Donnie stayed behind to work on the drill or something-

(Y/N) stopped reading the paper. Knowing how, Donnie is the opposite of her timid nature. Apathetic to most things (mainly from her perspective; unaware of his growing crush on her).

The last few days made her more nervous when the two teens accidentally made eye contact while waiting for April to show up. The thought still lingers in her mind remembering his face with no visible reaction and remained stoic even after April finally arrived.

"I see it you got Mikey's note." Donnie said prompting her to unintentionally crumple the piece of paper seeing the turtle nearby.

(Y/N) managed a quick nod as she spoke.

"I'll just start getting the snacks and drinks ready for tonight's movie while you're working on something in the lab-"

"Bold of you to assume that, I had any plans of staying in the lab while my brothers are out." Donnie said in an irritated tone, walking ahead of her as she fake smiled following him to the kitchen.

5 minutes into sorting the food...

(Y/N) heard a bag of their favorite snack. Spotting Donnie holding it towards her direction, closing his eyes.

"April mentioned these were your favorite."

"And I had spare change to get it, so just take it already." Donnie said as (Y/N) replies with a thanks taking the bag.

(Y/N) lightly bit her bottom lip feeling the tensed atmosphere.

"I kind of feel like I'm bothering you if I keep staying here..."

"Especially during those times outside of the lair."

"Not understanding word problems or other assignments right away."

"I was going to ask the others why you're so harsh on me but,"

"You'll probably hate me even more if I did that..." (Y/N) said hugging the bag, almost crushing the contents inside.

The sound caused him to snap out of another sarcastic comment after seeing a glimpse of her scared expression. Before turning away from him and expecting an additional bitter remark.

"I wouldn't necessary use the word 'hate' to describe you."

"And honestly, Leo's been on my case since he noticed how I've been treating you differently..." Donnie said as (Y/N) stayed silent listening to him continue the conversation.

"Leo intentionally lost the dare with this idea of his." 

"Trying to stall the usual movie night on a wild goose chase for some obscure film."

"Just so, the two of us can talk without any distractions."

"Except, I messed up saying more hurtful comments..." Donnie said surprising (Y/N) as she recognized him with his face full of regret.

After a few minutes, (Y/N) grabbed a few of the snacks beside her but, stared back at Donnie. Now astonished by the slight glare in her eyes.

"I'm willing to give you another chance."

"Only if... You stop your snarky comments about me..." (Y/N) said taking one of Donnie's snacks as she exited the room.

The sight of Splinter casually talking to (Y/N), gave Donnie a breather to reflect on this consequence. Along with, calling Leo while she's distracted.

"Well good news, (Y/N) gave me a second chance on mending this friendship-"

"I could say 'I told you so' but, the thought of you now being super cautious." 

"As a result of your cold-blooded attitude hurting her, is way better." Leo said interrupting him as Donnie hanged up the call.

Donnie carried the rest of the snacks and drinks with his tech arms. Quietly pondering on ways to regain (Y/N)'s trust. 

Halfway into the third week...

(Y/N) gradually lighten up observing Donnie making an actual effort to repair the rocky relationship between the two of them. Keeping his word on the snarky comments along with approaching her in a gentle manner.

"I heard (Y/N) is about to head out soon."

"But, her parents won't be back until midnight so..."

"You don't mind hanging out with her for a bit." Leo said as Donnie paused a video he was watching.

"Don't you have a night patrol you should be leading?" Donnie said avoiding his brother's gaze as Leo shrugged.

"I should however, if you went off the grid just to check on her."

"Mikey and Raph would be worried sick or worse."

"Gushing over the budding romance between Donatello and his dearest (Y/N)."

"Now that there's no more conflict between you two-"

"Okay, okay I get the picture!"

"I don't need to know any more examples and the fact that Sunita got an A+ with her extra credit report on the 'dere trope'."

"Putting me under other anime characters with the label 'tsundere'."

"And thankful by the ones, who are all bark and no bite to their significant others." Donnie said as Leo laughed.

"I'll just tell the guys you went ahead looking for criminal activity." Leo said leaving the room as Donnie grumbled.

Just when (Y/N) was about to put back the manhole cover, she stopped, hearing Donnie's voice.

"Er... Its kind of dangerous to walk by yourself at this time of night."

"I mean if, you're cool with me, escorting you back to your apartment..." Donnie said hiding half of his face into his hoodie.

Donnie started blushing as she held out her hand towards him.

"We're cool and," 

"Wanna get a midnight snack before your favorite store closes?" (Y/N) asked beaming at him causing Donnie to cry a few tears of joy.

Missing that remarkable smile as he takes her hand in a firm yet gentle grip.

"I'll treat you to it and..." 

"Thanks (Y/N)..." Donnie said as he carefully hoisted himself out of the sewer hole.

(Y/N) gave a tiny but, swift kiss on his cheek as he placed the cover to its original position.

"Just think of it as an extra gift for dialing down on the insults..." (Y/N) said lightly dragging him up on his feet as Donnie grinned, embracing her in a heartfelt hug. 

The couple happily chatted the night away to the nearest pastry shop.


Edited January 31, 2021

I wish there were more stories with tsunderes realizing they went too far with their usual mean comments (the whole angst with a happy ending trope)

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