77. Leo X Reader: In Denial of a Crush

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Requested by PancakesYum2

Disgust always appears on Leo's face whenever he sees anything involving romance. Especially worse when his brothers watch a movie trailer of a monster guy shyly expressing his feelings to a woman as she blushes.

"I rarely look forward to those movies but,"

"The producers are working with the original author."

"Which to be honest, helped set the trailer with no spoilers to the story."

"And I really loved that detail..." (Y/N) said almost sitting close to Leo as they showed up announced.

Leo's expression changes as he recognizes (Y/N) in a cute cosplay inspired outfit. His brothers crowd around (Y/N) while he was unable to speak as blush begins to surface around his red stripes.

"(Favorite anime) huh (Y/N)..."

"I could definitely see you as one of the side/supporting characters." Donnie said as the other two brothers add more compliments while (Y/N) grins.

"Leo here isn't looking forward to that movie."

"He's just not that into that kind of stuff..." Mikey said while Leo looks away slightly annoyed as the blush disappears.


"I can see why, the love at first sight trope gets ruined by too much exposure."

"But, I'm sure Leo can find something that pulls his heartstrings and I know he can." (Y/N) said beaming with confidence.

Leo rolls his eyes not responding to (Y/N)'s comment as he checks his phone while the others ask (Y/N) for any extra trivia relating to the movie. An imaginary pink anvil resides on his head as he reflects on what (Y/N) just said.

The more he denies those sweet sentiments about (Y/N), he's bound to accidentally slip up when he least expects it.

He exits out of the lair a few hours early than the usual night patrol as he goes over to April's apartment for some advice.

Sunita opens the door slightly startling Leo.

"Is she still out or?" Leo asked as she nods her head no.

"Nah, Mayhem's still stubborn to take a bath."

"You kind of look down in the dumps Leo..."

"Is something wrong?" Sunita asked.

"I guess and you don't mind a tiny real talk session?" Leo asked once again as the gooey girl nods happily.

"On another note, would you like to let April and (Y/N) know-"

"Not (Y/N)!"

"I mean April's okay but-" Leo said as he turns pink while Sunita has a smile on her face realizing a hint to Leo's problem.

"So... It has to do with (Y/N)..." Sunita teased as Leo sighed covering his face.

"(Y/N) had a cute outfit today and I was too stunned to compliment on it."

"Along with them saying 'something's bound to pull my heartstrings and they believed that I can..." Leo said now fully pink as he removes his hands away from his face.

"Oooo! That is a full on crush Leo!" April yelled as she arrives with a puffball Mayhem and half of her clothing soaked.

Sunita winces seeing her wet friend as Leo stiffens from that suggestion.

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