115. Donnie X Female!Bubbly!Chubby!Reader

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Requested by sailorkitty314

Inside (Y/N)'s room...

Donnie's phone battery reached 0% as he glares the blank screen. After plugging the device into one of the spare chargers, the turtle spots (Y/N) latching around his arm.

"I don't mind letting my grumpy boyfriend use my phone for the day." (Y/N) said as she perches her chin on his shoulder.

"There's a catch to this."

"With that small, innocent cat like smile of yours, (Y/N)..." Donnie said as her grin extends even further.

"Can you guess what it is?" (Y/N) asked as she slowly places herself on his lap then proceeds to remove his battle shell by tapping the button while it falls to the ground beside (Y/N)'s bed.

Blush overtakes Donnie's face as his shell makes contact at the mattress as the girl towers above the taller turtle with a mischievous smile.

"I know what it is but, I refuse to say it..."

"And I'm supposed to be the one that initiates it!" Donnie whined as his girlfriend giggles booping her nose to his snout.

"It doesn't count as a surprise kiss if you say it out loud my darling."


(Y/N) stops speaking as she pulls Donnie into a quick kiss as his bandana tails flare up.

The kiss was interrupted after hearing an astonished scream as the couple witnessed Mikey, hiding behind (Y/N)'s fire escape window, distressingly pointing back and forth at them.

"Mikey what happened-"

Leo froze seeing the position Donnie was in underneath (Y/N).

"Yeah, I've seen enough and I definitely need a mind wipe after this." Leo said as Donnie grabbed one of (Y/N)'s pillows internally screaming into it.

Timeskip to the weekend...

Donnie's phone screeched on speaker as April shouts "How the heck do you not tell your bestie about this?! And especially dating (Y/N)!!!" as the turtle answered that question by texting with an annoyed expression.

(Y/N) on the other hand, happily answered a few of the turtles' questions.

"So, were you the one who asked Donnie out?" Mikey asked as (Y/N) shakes her head no.

"He wore that one outfit when you guys fought the Albearto robots at the amusement park."

"While hiding behind a box of chocolates and flowers."

"Hastily saying the mention of a date." (Y/N) said placing her hand near her cheek as she blushes with a grin.

"And we just started dating after that!"

"Donnie wanted to keep it a secret but, seeing how two of his brothers witnessed a cuddle session-"

"Please don't add more to that statement..." Leo pleaded as he overheard the girls' excited squeals arriving at the lair while Donnie shielded his ears, blushing with embarrassment. 

(Y/N) snickered complying to Leo's request as she waved hello to the girls.

Donnie eventually responded to the small Q&A discussion back to his regular self, almost sitting close to his girlfriend. And after the last question, the turtle hid a smirk on his face seeing (Y/N) a bit flustered when the topic of his shell was being mentioned.

"I think you guys are going a bit too far if you want to tease (Y/N) about it."

"It stays between her and Donnie since they're a couple or whatever." Leo said as he entered a portal, willing to get this week's pizzas over hearing the lovey dovey atmosphere.

Everyone was thrown off by his attitude, almost blinking in unison, minus (Y/N) who loosened her shoulders thankful of the turtle's unexpected save. 

The next evening close to midnight...

Donnie notices (Y/N) fighting off the urge to sleep as the girl sat on his lap.

"It would be ashamed if the wonderful (Y/N) copied my terrible sleeping habits." Donnie said as he lifted his girlfriend into a comfortable position, grabbing the blanket and pillows on her bed proceeding to wrap the couple together.

(Y/N) didn't hear what else he said but, blush appeared on her face by his thoughtful actions. With a good night kiss on her cheek, (Y/N) finally drifted off into slumber with tiny grin.

Donnie felt his heart fluttering out of his plastron, after showing his public display of affection for the day. He used to take notes on the basic forms of pda, during the first two weeks they started dating. (Y/N) confronted him about it, midway through the second week in a more calm yet mellow tone trying not to upset him.

"Just think of it like one of your dance routines."

"Practice and have fun with it!" (Y/N) said as she closed her eyes holding onto both of his hands in a firm, positive grip.

He half smiled when (Y/N) admitted, sometimes the explaining part wasn't her strongest point, the day after that real talk session.

One of her rare moments where she also has doubts about herself.

Donnie later fell asleep embracing his girlfriend, having a pleasant dream of the couple in another date.

One week later around sunset...

The pair stopped by a boardwalk park that branched to a nearby beach.

(Y/N) often threw or kicked away at the beach balls whenever they appeared in front of the couple's path. Donnie hid in his shell until he reached the pier walkway.

"I appreciate your concern with my fear on these spherical contraptions." Donnie said.

"No problem!" (Y/N) said returning a smile at him.

The couple discussed other things unaware of the others following them in a safe distance. However, Leo shook his head at the four teens as he sat on of his surfboard, taking pictures of the view.

After a while, the date was cut short as (Y/N) hugged Donnie, slowly calming him down.


Edited March 31, 2020

I'm definitely proud on how I started the beginning (hopefully it isn't too suggestive lol)

Also the bubbly reader was fun to type about too

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