129. Mikey X Artist!Reader: Fanzine

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Before you read I just want to say if you support TC*ST OF ANY MANNER AND OTHER SIMILAR CONTENT; please do not interact with me up to this point and onward (its for the best to unfollow as well)

And I will also decline requests if you're one of those people

And please don't ask about the additional details (I'm slowly in a better mood thanks to focusing on other things outside this site) 

I will also make mention of this for my third/last rottmnt x reader book on the first page to make my point (I REALLY don't tolerate this kind of stuff)

3 pm...

While Donnie was helping April with a research project, Mikey went towards the comic section of the library. Before he could look for one of the Jupiter Jim comics, he saw a student the same age as him. Placing some art supplies in an organized matter.

(Y/N) sighed observing the materials as they held the instructions on how to create the dummy book. It was a good thing everyone in the zine project finished their pictures before the end of the school year's assignments got in the way.

"Need some help on that?" Mikey said inspecting the decorated table.

(Y/N) spotted the person wearing an orange hoodie, curious about the art project.

"I would appreciate that, thanks."

"I always see you at lunch time with April."

"When it comes to art assignments."


(Y/N) pointed out the pile of books Donnie carried in an ecstatic manner while April shook her head, hauling the three books she needed with a neutral expression.

"You would be surprised with how some of the librarians are impressed with April's frequent visits." (Y/N) said as Mikey snickered.

"It's mostly Donnie who likes the book stuff."

"Me and my brothers are more into comics." Mikey said as he pulled a chair to sit near (Y/N).

Around 4:55 pm...

"Mikey, you wouldn't know another library that has extended hours?" 

"Because, the last few steps of the zine, kind of relies on the photocopying part." (Y/N) asked as they stood up, equipping their backpack.

"Sort of but, hopefully the pages won't get damaged during the bumpy landing." Mikey said causing (Y/N) to tilt their head, questioning the turtle's statement.

Timeskip to the place near the Mystic Library...

As the pages of the mimic book hurled the teens out into the air, Mikey managed to grab a hold of the tall reception desk with his kusari fundo weapon. While (Y/N) held onto their backpack, now understanding what Mikey meant by the landing. The turtle recognized the brief sign that said. 

'Currently on a 30 minute break, please refer to the pamphlets on the desk for questions and areas near the building'.

"Uh, Mikey..."

"You're still holding onto me." (Y/N) said as Mikey blinked still carrying his friend under his left arm.

"Oh right! Sorry about that!" Mikey said.

After taking one of the booklets, the two teens safely went to the nearest copy machine.

Mikey was a bit startled when the monstrous appliance began to react, staring at the duo. (Y/N) kept a cool head, looking through the instructions of the device with an amazed expression.

The spooky paper trimmer scared Mikey the most as he hid behind (Y/N). It happily separated the photocopied pages in neat manner and handed back the papers to (Y/N) once the process was done.

"Please tell me you brought your own staplers."

"N-not that I'm afraid of the neck staplers in the Mystic Library!" Mikey denied as (Y/N) reassured him, opening a large zipper pouch with two staplers.

Near 6:15 pm...

After stretching for a bit, (Y/N) recognized him, giving a $20 dollar bill towards them.

"Gotta support artists for this type of collaboration."

"I really hope the zine goes well for your group." Mikey said as (Y/N) chuckled presenting a copy of the zine to him.

By nightfall, the pair went their separate ways after exiting out of the Mystic Library.

Mikey met up with his brothers after an hour and showed the completed zine book.

Halfway through the pages, Mikey saw the art piece featuring one of (Y/N)'s favorite hobbies. He slowly blushed at the photo with his new friend in a messy hairstyle with a huge grin on their face.

"Starting to fall in love with (Y/N), eh Michael?" Leo said while Donnie sent a smug reaction as well.

Just as Mikey puffed his cheeks a bit angry at the middle siblings, he quickly remembered another important detail, blurting the words out.

"Shoot! I forgot to ask (Y/N) about their phone number!" Mikey said slowly sighing at the ground.

"Mikey, are there usually bookmarks included in the zine thingy?" Raph asked as Mikey discovered the (f/c) folded piece of paper at the last page.

He took the paper and his blush reappeared, seeing (Y/N)'s phone number and another message.

Sorry for the messy handwriting but it was a blast hanging out with another artist for today

Send me a text once you added my contact info

And maybe if you're free tomorrow

I kind of wanted to thank you with a sort of date

Nothing too fancy just chilling out without the deadline vibes

- (Y/N)

The arrow points to the P.S. portion behind the bookmark as it shows a scribble with a tiny (Y/N) showing a winky face.

Mikey's blush fades away after detecting his brothers, deep in thought planning to help the youngest brother.

"Nuh uh, if you guys think, you're helping out with the date."

"You have another thing-"

Timeskip to the next day's sunset...

"I guess your brothers, literally took the too fancy message in a very serious manner." (Y/N) said trying their best not to laugh at the well dressed tuxedo turtle.

Mikey shrugged off that comment after spotting (Y/N)'s smile as he playful nudges their shoulder.

Getting a headstart to a race to the nearest pizzaria as (Y/N) follows after him.


Edited May 30, 2020

TL;DR  Do not interact with me if you're a tc*st fan

I don't plan on losing interest towards rottmnt (I just feel numb due to the recent events)

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