100. ROTTMNT X Reader: True Appearance

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Requested by PancakesYum2

Slight spoilers for this oneshot:

 Prompt with additional info: (S/O) finds the turtles a device that holograms them as human so the boys can get around in public (before they start dating each other), (S/O) turns it off in private though if they're being affectionate with each other, as (S/O) prefers the boys' actual appearance

 I wasn't sure how to describe the guys' human appearances but I covered part of the prompt and another important note please be open minded about other peoples' headcanons on the turtles' human appearance; along with no heated discussions on that matter


Before (Y/N) dated one of the guys, (Y/N) sent a handmade bracelet, unaware that the material contained the same aura like Sunita's cloaking brooch.

After trying on the bracelet, the other brothers refrained from laughing, just when the turtle in the temporary human disguise, realized that the shorts and other accessories were still on.

He ended up calling April for help with the first date outfit. Still stunned about the cloaking bracelet.

But fully decides to only wear it around (Y/N). 

With growing doubts of revealing his real appearance to them.


He has most of the fluffy hair out of his brothers and sometimes wearing hair accessories. He also ties his shirts with a hair tie since the clothing extends to his shell.

Luckily, (Y/N)'s parents were out while he helped out (Y/N) with the extra laundry.

He melted in the warm blanket belonging to his significant other unaware that his bracelet went missing. It took a few seconds as he begins to hide under the sheet and in his own shell scared about their reaction to his turtle self.

(Y/N) recognizes the bracelet they gave to him, in one of the laundry baskets filled with clothes as they grab it, heading to Mikey's location, concealing himself in their blanket. They spot him shaking as worry displays on their face.

"I won't know what's going on if you don't tell me..." (Y/N) said as he stops shaking slightly comforted by their soft tone and asks them to turn around.

(Y/N) complies doing so as he speaks out of the blanket while sitting up.

"I relied too much on that bracelet and hopefully you don't think the real me isn't as scary..." Mikey said (Y/N) looks over to their boyfriend revealing to be a turtle mutant.

He didn't expect a gleeful reaction as they cup his face.

"Why would I be scared of an adorable turtle with the cutest smile!"

"Also it suits you!" (Y/N) said as Mikey sends his signature smile back at his partner.

"You're still gonna miss that fluffy hair though." Mikey teases (Y/N) as they pout with a hush at him while he snickers.


After a couple of weeks, he finally got the hang of applying face paint of his signature red stripes. Other accessories mimicking the red stripes didn't capture the look he missed when he didn't wear the bracelet.

When he slept over at (Y/N)'s apartment, (Y/N) was the first to wake up, noticing his bracelet still on his wrist. They carefully woke him up as he grunts, wanting a few more minutes of sleep with bed head hair.

Rottmnt X Reader Oneshots 2: (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now