106. Valentine's Day Edition (2/2)

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Continuing from the previous part

(Y/N) slowly blushes as the character's personality is almost similar to

🧡Mikey, a fireball full of sunshine.🧡


(Y/N) stared with disbelief as the screen displayed the neutral ending, just as the turtles spot their friend's reaction.

"Honestly, I applaud for you not using a guide but,"

"Considering (C/N) shows up at the second month,"

"You might have to, at this point, with the how the story ends."

"Also concluding at that month as well." Donnie said as (Y/N) glares at him.

Mikey fakes coughs stepping in front of his brother.

"Says the turtle who only watched the game."

"Instead of playing it." Mikey replied as Donnie shrugs heading back to his lab.

Mikey gets one of his spare notebooks and along with a pencil as he sits beside (Y/N).

"I haven't done this note taking in a while and hopefully you're okay,"

"With a few scribbles to remember the requirements more easily..." Mikey said nearly stuttering on his words as (Y/N) snickers.

The others observed the pair sometimes too focused into the game. But were amused to how (Y/N) was oblivious to his blushing face after the two achieved the good ending once winter break arrived at the final day. Especially with that hug from (Y/N).

Flashback End

(Y/N) steeled their courage entering a crowded cafe to get a last minute chocolate heart. After one hour of waiting, they rushed out of the door, speed walking to the lair while trying to maneuver couples who went at a slow pace.

Almost a block away, (Y/N) bumped into someone causing the box to fall out of their arms as well as the stranger's package. Both (Y/N) and the mystery person caught the containers in time as the two let out a sigh of relief in unison along with.

"Here you drop-"




(Y/N) saw Mikey with their gift to him as the two teens blushed, unable to reply but held onto the gifts. Both teens eventually laugh as Mikey spoke up.

"I wouldn't say this is a coincidence but,"

"You did the same thing as (C/N)."

"However, I'll still take the thoughtful gift, (Y/N)."

"Since it's from the heart..." Mikey said as (Y/N) playful grabs his valentine, running ahead of him while he catches up to them.


One week later...

"You sure the artist in (C/N),"

"Isn't another reason why we started dating (Y/N)..." Mikey asked in a teasing matter as he held (Y/N) causing his partner to bury their flushed face near his plastron.

❤️Raph, the leader with a heart of gold.❤️


While the two teens waited inside the turtle tank, the leader attempts a conversation at (Y/N). As his crush on them begins to take a toll, leading to Valentine's Day. He takes a deep breath causing (Y/N) to look up from their phone with a bit of worry on their face as he freezes in place.

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