90. Donnie X 4th Wall!Reader

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Requested by Totally_Weird with a few changes to the prompt

(Y/N)'s friend hid in her hoodie as she reminisced about the 2012 tmnt series.

(Y/N) didn't watch the series but comforted their friend, asking questions on why she enjoyed that particular version of the turtles. They accomplished cheering her up for a bit as (F/N) says the purple one being Donatello is her favorite. One hour later, she had to leave for a doctor's appointment and the two teens separated for the day.

(Y/N) didn't ask if (F/N) was going to watch the 2018 version and for good reasons.

Most people weren't fond of the new designs and another reboot with high expectations.

Although for (Y/N), they stayed open minded about it. Especially when their social media account had plenty of artists and fans enjoying a new perspective of these turtles.

They click on a video as it plays a no spoilers summary for season 1.

(Y/N)'s attention was glued to the screen, not realizing they took a different subway train with the exterior similar to the Hidden City's aesthetic. They hold on to the subway handle halfway through the video.

They listen to the woman's opinion on how irritating some of the fans are sticking to the old formula.

(Leo has to be the leader and Raph is usually the mean one, as a few of the annoying things hardcore fans bring up.)

(Y/N) felt bad for those two turtles and decides to start watching the new series despite what those fans say.

Just as the video ends, Raph smash justus the door near them as an chameleon yokai reveals himself, running away to the next door ahead of (Y/N).

(Y/N) latches tightly on the handle while clutching their phone with a stunned expression, noticing the turtle wearing a red bandana chasing after the reptile.

Without even thinking, (Y/N) pinches their cheek feeling the sharp pain realizing this isn't a dream. They put their phone away in their pocket, proceeding to hide under the seats. Their actions end up making the purple turtle trip to the floor, hearing a grunt from him.

(Y/N) gets out to apologize but notices an upcoming attack from the enemy, close to immobilizing the purple turtle.

Immediately, they hop in front of him using their jacket as a shield then wraps the stretchy arm. A shocked expression appears on the chameleon's face not expecting the human to retaliate as (Y/N) hurls the yokai to the ground knocking him out unconscious.

The guys pause in awe as (Y/N) just stops to stare at what they just did.

After a brief moment, the five teens exit the subway train through Leo's portal, landing on a random rooftop building.

(Y/N) tries to explain why they were there without freaking out the turtles. After the short story, Leo displays an annoyed frown seeing Donnie light up with excitement.

"Well I'm content that I'm still the fan favorite."

"Even winning a competition before the show's debut." Donnie said as (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him.

"So you don't have a place to stay, (Y/N)?" Raph asked as (Y/N) shakes their head no.

"It's been kind of a long day for me."

"And realizing that I took a subway train to a different universe because I didn't notice the Hidden City and yokai decorations."

"(F/N) would definitely enjoy meeting Donatello, if she was here with me..." (Y/N) said feeling a bit homesick.

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