30. Donnie X Monster Tamer!Reader

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Close to 9:45 pm... 

April and Donnie searched for Mayhem who got scared by a larger creature two hours ago. He wore his goggles scanning the area for Mayhem's heat signature. April bumped into him which caused a cardboard box to fall over revealing a small monster with three traits of (your favorite animals).

She gasped after spotting the animal and crouches as the beast slowly crawls toward her. Donnie pulls April to the side causing the animal to freeze in place.

"April! We don't even know what this creature is!"

"You already have a pet like Mayhem."

"I'm pretty sure he'll get jealous." Donnie said.

April pouts for a few seconds until a grin surfaced on her face.

"Then you take care of-"

Mayhem then reappears out of thin air as she catches him.

"Wait? How did he?" Donnie said noticing a teenager his age wearing (f/c) goggles on their face walking toward the two teens and pets.

"I'm guessing one of you is owner of that magical cat with the pointy fangs." (Y/N) said.

April raised her hand with the other still carrying Mayhem as she hid Donnie behind her.

"It's me! And definitely the only one here!" April said as (Y/N) rolled their eyes.

"I'm not buying that.."

"I've seen more strange stuff tending to this little critter before the presence of these strange neon green mosquitoes..." (Y/N) said picking their up companion as they observe Donnie now standing by April's side.

"At least we're past the whole plan H initiations." Donnie said.

(Y/N) snickered at Donnie's comment as he whispers to April saying he's the funny one causing her to groan.


It's been a month since Donnie and April became friends with (Y/N). Except Donnie was more keen on (Y/N) since April was busy with her various part time jobs. His brothers also met (Y/N) and got to know a bit about them.

Donnie still pondered what was the beast that frightened Mayhem as he gave a snack to (Y/N)'s pet as it bit half of the popsicle.

"Hey (Y/N)."

"Do you remember what scared Mayhem the month before April and I got acquainted with you?" Donnie asked as he looks at them.

"Not really."

"But why are you bringing this up all of a sudden Donnie?"

"Doing some private investigations without letting your brothers or April know." (Y/N) said.

Donnie dodged (Y/N)'s question as he took a step closer at (Y/N) not realizing (Y/N)'s back into a corner of his lab.

"You always wore those goggles and never took the eye wear off..."

"Any reason for that (Y/N)?" Donnie asked as (Y/N) gulped.

(Y/N)'s pet threw a unopened popsicle at his head as it growled at Donnie. (Y/N) walked around him distracted by their pet's reaction.

"Yeah about that..."

"These are my prescription glasses and that's all I'm saying! (Y/N) said as they lifted their pet around their arms now exiting his lab.

Donnie didn't buy the lie for a second and started going after (Y/N) covertly when his brothers were still occupied with other tasks.

Around an alleyway near 10 pm...

(Y/N) didn't care they sat down by a dumpster now removing their goggles revealing their form twice their size with the same features as their pet. The pet now becomes their shadow as they let out a sigh.

("You really picked the smartie to be your type (Y/N)...") (Y/N) thought to themselves as they let their head down.

(Y/N) stood up the moment they heard something hovering in the distance. They cursed recognizing Donnie's scent near by as they once again ran away accidentally leaving behind their goggles.

Donnie peered the alleyway and almost stepped on (Y/N)'s goggles. He takes them as he calls for back up troubled about (Y/N)'s safety.

(Y/N) knew Donnie was on to something but braced themselves determined to explain the truth to inching toward him.

Donnie equipped his weapon as something approaches him.

"Well here's the reason I wear those..." (Y/N) said as Donnie lowers his weapon hearing the sound of (Y/N)'s voice.

(Y/N) avoided his gaze as they stood in front of him in their true form even taller than him.

"(Y/N)!?" Donnie shouted.

"The one and only.."

"Surprise..." (Y/N) said in a sad tone.

(Y/N) explained the short story to Donnie.

Their mother was a full beast and slowly fell in love with a human who loved her despite her monstrous appearance. The human created goggles that fitted their child to disguise themselves as a human for a better lifestyle than their mother had. The child wanted to help other creatures like their mother so with the other monsters' permission, they take the children as their pets for a month getting used to the human life.

(Y/N) didn't mean to intimidate Mayhem in their true form. It took them a hour capturing him with food when they wore their goggles.

"And that's when Mayhem detected April and you after he finished eating..." (Y/N) said concluding their statement.

Donnie felt guilty making his friend feel uncomfortable about their situation. Even going too far backing them into a corner of his room staring them down. He examines (Y/N)'s goggles as he faces their direction.

"I apologize for any discomfort I did to you (Y/N)..."

"It wasn't my intent to be that nosy.."

"And I definitely went too far in the deep end." Donnie said.

(Y/N) smiled at him crouching down to his level.

"You don't mind putting my goggles back on for me" (Y/N) suggested.

"Yeah! Go for it D!"

Donnie tensed up holding (Y/N)'s goggles knowing that voice behind him.

April waved at the two teens as his brothers were behind her with smug expressions.

"Can't you guys see we're in the middle of som-"

(Y/N) kisses his cheek as he shuts up with a blushed face.

April, Mikey, and Raph shrieked in unison as Leo covers his ears wishing he was asleep right now grossed out by the pda.


Digimon and the song "My Crush Was a Monster Boy" by Shokubai Phantom Girl were the main influences for this oneshot

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