43. Donnie X Female!Speech Impairment!Reader

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Requested by chu1luc

Donnie knew it was a bad idea to take an empty subway train but he didn't feel like being crowded around as he wore his purple hoodie without his practical battle shell only delivering a package that accidentally got sent to his place instead of April's.

He sighed not noticing a girl the same age as him sitting beside him as his left leg unintentionally hits her as the two teens react looking at each other. He utters a sorry as the girl hand signs 'no problem'. 

He only knew a few phrases in sign language and 'no' was one of them.

"No pr-?"

"I'm kind of rusty on my sign language so I apologize for only getting the word 'no'..." Donnie said a bit ashamed forgetting some of that knowledge during April's middle school days.

(Y/N) smiled wide as she shook her head now taking out her phone. She pointed to herself and to him then going back to the phone.

"Oh! You want to exchange numbers!"

"Sure! At least I can relearn the fascinating sign language,"

"And I'll make sure it stays in my mind" Donnie said as he folds his arms confidently.

(Y/N) hand signs a l-o-l at her new friend as she smirks at him.

"Oh wait! I think I know that one!" Donnie said now thinking about the word.

When it reached to (Y/N)'s destination, Donnie still wanted to hang out with her. He hastily hand signs 'Can we still hang out for today?'. She winces at his attempt but replies with 'yes' as she carries her bag while Donnie walked by her side.

1 hour later...

Donnie hand signs 'good night' before dropping (Y/N) off to her apartment. She does the same as the two separate for the night.

As (Y/N) starts eating her dinner, she noticed Donnie had three fingers on both of his hands as she paid attention to her regular human hands holding a (fork/spoon/other utensil) in her dominant hand. She shrugged off that thought just meeting him today.

She'll keep that in mind when she gets to know him more to save another awkward scenario.

Back with Donnie, he searched his room trying to find the sign language book April gave to him when she struggled in the summer class. Donnie shrieks a "Aha!" discovering the book still okay despite his lab being a cluttered disarray.

Raph, Leo, and Mikey heard Donnie and rushed over to see if he was okay. One glimpse at the mess made the brothers turn away back to their own thing as Donnie jumped in the air while hugging the book.


After a few days, Donnie introduced (Y/N) to his brothers.

Raph was thankful that (Y/N) was more patient than Donnie. (Y/N) didn't mind his slow pace and enjoyed that he memorized hand signs of food and other ones of his interest.

(Y/N) found it interesting combining one liners with hand signs as Leo suggested that idea. Surprisingly his jokes work as the guys continue to learn with her.

Mikey got better at drawing hands as he references from her. He even surprised her with a food menu in hand signs he drew as a thanks.

The thought that once clouded (Y/N)'s mind now changed into a crush.

One afternoon finishing lunch...

(Y/N) taps Mikey's shoulder as she hand signs for a piece of paper and a pencil. Mikey being the sweet turtle gives her the supplies, she signs a 'thanks' afterwards now heading to Donnie's lab.

However being the most naive and second curious turtle, he checks what his friend is up to hiding like a ninja. He observes the two teens hand signing each other. He puffs his cheeks not knowing as much words as his older brother along with (Y/N) who's blocking his brother unknown of the conversation between them.

(Y/N) places the blank piece of paper on the desk as she hands him the pencil.

Donnie was perplexed until she hand signs to trace his right hand on the paper.

"Okay. But I'm not good at drawing compared to Mikey." Donnie said as his brother fought the temptation to tackle his brother at that statement.

Mikey remained focused as his older brother finished the wobbly sketch.

Donnie hand signed a 'now what' to her as (Y/N)'s heart beats faster while she signs to him 'to give back the pencil back to her'.

He shrugs following her order with him watching her do the same but with her left hand.

When she's done, she places the pencil on the paper holding both of her hands near her chest avoiding her gaze at Donnie as her face begins to blush.

Donnie still doesn't register the drawing as he squints as her while Mikey's jaw drops realizing (Y/N)'s intention.

She really wishes the turtle she has a huge crush on wasn't so dense sometimes.

She covers her face with one hand facing his direction as she slowly hand signs 'LOVE'.

Donnie's eyes widen at her confession as he takes her hands away revealing her red face.

Donnie coughs getting her attention at she looks up with his tech arms by his side attempting the same hand sign 'LOVE'.

"You have to be creative with what you have..."

"With three fingers and what not.." Donnie said giving a genuine smile to her.

 (Y/N) hand signs a 'LOL' until hearing Mikey's squeals of joy by the door.

Mikey stops after recognizing an expressionless yet glare-like reaction from (Y/N) as Donnie felt the terrifying aura slight scared of her.

"Uh... Congrats you two!" Mikey shouts before hightailing out of there as (Y/N) sits down exhausted from the moment.

Donnie snickers at the drawing as he doodles a purple heart in the middle of the hands as he shows the art piece to her.

"Mikey can do a redraw if he wants to..."

"But he can't capture the feeling in this priceless piece!" Donnie said as (Y/N) smiles hand signing another 'LOL'.


I went with speech impairment since it's the more correct usage than mute (I remembered that mute is offensive used in that form so speech impairment is used as a precaution)

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