" How do you mean?" asked Roberto a little incredulously.
"Well, look, I can be who I am. I don't have to worry about losing her or getting hurt by her. I know we will always be there for each other. With Zoe, I'm always afraid of losing her."
" But why?"
"It's the way it is. I can't explain it. I don't even know if Alvaro is afraid of losing MIa."
"Love is difficult. But it also makes you happy," said Roberto quietly.
Juanma put a hand on his shoulder. "We should go to sleep. We have to be fit and awake tomorrow" Roberto grinned. "Good night," he said.
Alvaro was fast asleep when Juanma returned. He quickly fell asleep again.
Little by little the students were woken up in the morning by the light and the chirping of birds.
There were rolls and tea or coffee. After breakfast, Ramiro spoke again. "Good morning, dear ones. So, as you know, we're going to do the treasure hunt today."
"What will we find in the treasure?" Fede asked aloud.
" Now you will have to find it to know that. "Ramiro grinned.
"We prepared your GPS devices with the first coordinates. If you reach this you will find a puzzle from which you can guess the new coordinates. Marcello and I designed the routes and filled them with the puzzles. Some sticks are very close to each other. So you will see each other now and then. We have a list of where the team starts with which coordinates, so that if that's something, we can walk the route. So please stay on the path, ok? "
The students nodded. "Let's get to the groups now. The two of them, whom I call to pick up their device, always come to me." He took a list. "Agus and Nico" Ramiro ticked the two off and Marcello gave Nico the GPS. "Martina and Alvaro, Simon and Lola, Martin and Zoe, Fede and Mia, Juanma and Lupe, Roberto and Sofie, Tobi and Clara, ..." the teams gradually moved forward. Mia and Fede clapped each other. Juanma was not enthusiastic about Lupe as a team partner, Lupe was all the more pleased.
Everyone got ready to go. Juanma looked at Lupe's cloth sneakers. "Do you want to go through the forest with these?" "Sure, "Lupe said lightly. Juanma shrugged his shoulders.
When everyone was done, the teams set off. Fede showed Mia how the GPS worked. Mia kissed Alvaro goodbye and Alvaro said to Fede "Take good care of her, ok"
"Sure I'll do it," said Fede. For all teams, the first puzzle was near the campsite.
With Juanma and Lupe it was a math puzzle. Lupe sat down. "Math has never been my thing," she said, "tell me if you have it, I'll enter it."
Juanma gave her a slightly annoyed look.
Fede and Mia had to guess an animal and number the letters after the Alpabet and put them in a sequence, which then resulted in new coordinates. Alvaro and Martina and Zoe and Martin made good progress too. Ramiro was right, now and then the teams ran into each other. "How many stations are there actually" asked Zoe Martin. "I don't think anyone has said anything about this" said Martin.
Lupe and Juanma's path led them to a ledge on which they could not go any further. "You got the last riddle wrong," said Lupe, "that can't be right here". She sat on the ledge. "Look how deep this goes down here" Juanma carefully walked towards her.
"Get away from there, if you fall down there you could be dead," said Juanma. He concentrated on the piece of paper with the riddle and sat down under a tree.
"Do you have it soon, otherwise we'll be the last," said Lupe.
How about if you would think about it too." said Juanma.
He had delved into the questions until Lupe suddenly shouted "Look what I can, I'm on the edge." When Juanma looked up, Lupe was actually standing 10 cm from the edge and turned to him.
"Lupe get out of there, stop doing that now, it's dangerous." Juanma stood up. In the moment, his right side was in pain again. He grimaced a little and walked slowly towards Lupe.
"Get me," said Lupe.
"How old are you? Three? Now get down there." It hurt Juanma to walk, and although he looked very calm on the outside, he was getting nervous. If Lupe lost her balance, he wouldn't be able to hold her. So he walked slowly towards her.
"Wait, I'll get you, I'll be with you in a moment," he said calmly.
"So I'm still important to you, I knew it," Lupe laughed and hopped up and down. Juanma took a bigger step forward and winced in pain. Lupe was distracted by it and slipped one foot over the edge while jumping. She lost her balance and slipped, but could still hold on to the edge.

Go live your way Part 2
FanfictionThis is Part 2 of my Story about the TV Serie GO vive a tu manera