"You scared me," said Juanma with a half grin.
"I was awake and I heard someone." Alvaro got water from the fridge and Juanma put the glasses down.
" Why can ' t you sleep?" asked he.
"Oh I feel like you asked me something like that a long time ago." Alvaro said and smiled. "I don't know. I mean, when you perform, Mia and I haven't seen each other before, or when she was in Spain. But now it's different."
"Yes, because you fear that you will only have stress at home. I think it would be easier if, for example, you went to Javier and Mia to Spain. The separation would be the same, but it would be a different situation," said Juanma. When Alvaro said nothing, Juanma asked "Do you know what I mean?" Alvaro nodded.
"Did Mia tell you something before leaving at the beach," he asked Juanma.
"She's sad and I think she's hurt because the situation is so difficult."
Alvaro nodded. "The last thing I want is for her to be hurt," he said.
"have you finished the letter?" asked Juanma.
"No, but I wanted to ask you to distract her briefly tomorrow. Then I can finish writing that and then I hide it in her things."
Juanma said "It will be done captain, distraction is my strength." Alvaro had to laugh.
"If she writes you something during the week, or says something I should know, will you tell me?"
"Yes, of course I'll do that. I told her we'll see each other in a few days. And if we go through with the other plan ....."
"What if Mercedes talks to your mother?"
"Let that be my concern. You know, my mother loves Mia. I just need to explain the situation to her and everything is okay. Maybe she can talk to Mercedes one day. I mean, the two have been friends for so long."
"Ok thanks" said Alvaro and took a sip of water.
"Are you afraid of Lupe?" asked Juanma.
"I don't know what to expect. When my mother called on Thursday, she was adamant about picking up at the aorport and Ramiro resolved it so I could stay here one night."
"Just look how it is. And if anything is wrong, you call Javier or Ramiro. You can call me too, but I won't be able to do as much as they both can." said Juanma and patted Alvaro lightly on the shoulder.
The glasses were both empty. "Do you think you can sleep again" asked Juanma.
Alvaro nodded" I think so. Thank you. Good night see you tomorrow"
"Good night, captain," Juanma said softly at Alvaro's and Mia's door.
Mia was sound asleep when Alvaro snuggled up to her again. He tried to concentrate on her warmth and her breathing and fell asleep after a longer time.
The next morning after breakfast, Alvaro went into the room to sort a few things. He wanted to leave some things with Ramiro. Zoe was picked up by her parents right after breakfast. Mia and Juanma accompanied her to the car. Juanma held Zoe for a long time until she broke away from him and said "It's only for four days". "Four endlessly long days," said Juanma, brushing a strand of hair from your face. Zoe took Mia in his arms and said to Juanma "I love you"
"I love you, too," he replied.
"Can we walk a bit," said Juanma. "Upstairs everything smells like goodbye and Alvaro still wants to repack things anyway" Mia nodded. She knew that Alvaro wanted to talk to Ramiro too.
"How can two weeks go by as if it had only been a single day." Mia asked and Juanma saw tears creeping into her eyes.
He took her in his arms. "No don't do this " said Mia," otherwise I'll really cry "
"You already are crying and you'd rather cry with me than with Alvaro, because that would break his heart."
"I know, I've been trying to be strong all the time" Juanma looked at her
"Mia you are always strong. And of course you should show Alvaro your feelings too. But that way, most of the tears are out and Alvaro doesn't get so many anymore," he said and Mia had to laugh.
"I don't even know what's so bad, but somehow ..."
"I can tell you what is bad. You cannot assess the situation that awaits Alvaro. You do not know how he will be, and actually you fear that he will be bad and that there is nothing you can do for him. Besides, you and we all had a very nice and very intense time together and now we are all scattered. A new family has developed with you, so to speak. It's all a lot to deal with and that's the reason why your feelings go crazy. "
"When did I miss that you were studying psychology?" Asked MIa and laughed through tears.
"It's not psychology. It's because I can read my best friend like a book and try to assess the situation." Juanma laughed back.
Mia hugged him. Juanma was doing her incredibly good at the moment. He mostly knew how to cheer her up and she was very grateful to him for that.
Juanma's cell phone vibrated. He looked briefly at the display and said "Alvaro is longing for you. We should go in." Mia nodded.

Go live your way Part 2
FanfictionThis is Part 2 of my Story about the TV Serie GO vive a tu manera