Ohne Titel Teil104

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When they got back to Juanma later that day, they told Florencia about the day. She was proud of the boys for getting the little boy off the monkey bars.

Alvaro and Mia went for a walk in the evening. With Alvaro everything seemed to be ok, Mia hadn't noticed anything and therefore hadn't brought up the subject.

When Mia's cell phone vibrated, she found a message from Ramiro in which he wrote that Charlie Martin had planned a performance for the next weekend. Again in a disco, but in Buenos Aires. Mia had a quick chat with Alvaro, that was the weekend after they were with Zoe and before Isabel would come back. She forwarded the message to Juanma, who sent a thumbs up straight away.

"Then we'll stay with Ramiro" said Alvaro and Mia nodded. They stay outside a bit and enjoy the togetherness. Suddenly Alvaros cell phone rang. He looked at the display and saw his mother calling.

"Did Ramiro fly to Spain with her?" She asked instead of a greeting.

"As far as I know, he is visiting a school friend," said Alvaro.

" Are you sure?"

Alvaro held the cell phone so that Mia could hear and rolled his eyes. "Yes mama, I'm sure why do you want to know."

"Because I have the feeling that he's lying to me about the vacation with Lupe."

"Mama, please, why should he do that. He would like to spend time with his daughter ..."

"... she is not his daughter!"

"Ok, mom, then he would like to spend time with Lupe, he also asked us if it was okay for us when  Isabel  comes with us."

"And you said yes," asked Mercedes. Alvaro took a deep breath. "Of course I said yes, mom why not?"

"Because you are turning against me."

"Nobody turns against you. But you broke up and Papa lives on. That's his right and I had no reason to have anything against Isabel." When Mercedes said nothing, Alvaro said, "You wanted a divorce, Mom."

"Oh, did he tell you that too?"

"You were always arguing, so I picked it up. It doesn't matter now. You wanted to break up and Ramiro can do what he wants." Alvaro was getting annoyed.

"I'll call him now," said Mercedes and hung up. Alvaro held the phone for a while and then put it in his pocket. Mia took him in her arms. "Don't i take it so hard," she said.

"Easier said than done, I have a feeling she's going crazy."

She sat down on a bench with Alvaro. She felt that he didn't want to talk and so she was just with him. She put an arm around him.

"I don't know why she's so stubborn," said Alvaro. "She lied, does she suppress that every time? I mean, what can be worse than branding a father's daughter and passing her off as someone else's daughter. When you think about it, even if Javier wasn't the best father, he  missed everything from Lupe because he wasn't interested in her, because he thought she was Ramiro's daughter. And Lupe will always treat him differently than I did. What she ruined in our whole  life ".
Mia had the impression that he had tears in his eyes and took him in her arms.

He swallowed and hugged Mia. "These are things that we have no influence on and we can not help either," Mia said quietly.

"But we have to spoon it out now," said Alvaro. "You because my mother doesn't like you because of the story, I because I can't take you with me home, the others too, because it's always a topic of conversation."

It got dark and after a while Alvaro said "I think we should go back or Florencia will be worried." Mia nodded. Zoe and Juanma had already retired to Juanma's room and were watching a series. When the episode ended, Juanma asked, "Are we going to turn on a movie?" Mia and Alvaro nodded and snuggled into bed too.

Mia was restless. The desperate tone in Alvaro's voice had not escaped her. When she thought everyone had fallen asleep, she got up again. She was just getting into the kitchen when she heard footsteps on the stairs. When she turned around, Juanma was standing in front of her. " Everything OK?" he asked "I had the impression that there was something with you when you came back."

Mia immediately had tears in her eyes. Juanma took her in his arms. "Did you have a fight?" he asked, he hadn't actually had that impression, but Mia's tears unsettled him. He stroked her back and was relieved that she shook her head.

He slowly led her into the living room to the sofa and sat down with her. " What happened then?" he asked again. Mia wiped the tears from her cheek. He took her hand.

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