Ohne Titel Teil23

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Juanma didn't come for breakfast the next morning and during class Juanma and Zoe didn't have the opportunity to talk to each other. He had written to Mia that he would not come for breakfast, but would be there normally in class.

After class, Zoe spoke to him. "Can we talk Juanma?"
"Zoe, please think about what you want. When we're together, we are always together. I love you, I'm sure of that. But I don't want to be hidden when someone is close to you who is close to your heart. That does hurt me. Very much. Now you want to talk to me and tomorrow evening we're just friends again. I can't do that. " He turned and wanted to go.
"You can't always run away when things get tough," said Zoe.
"You're right there. But Zoe, I love you and I can't face you right now. Please give me a little time."
Simon came up to Zoe from behind. He had heard the last words from Juanma. He looked questioningly at Zoe. "Come on, let's go a little, I'll tell you everything."

Mia drove with Alvaro right after class because he could pick Javier up from the hospital. Juanma and Zoe had written her what had happened. She decided to talk to Juanma later. Mercedes had gone shopping for Javier with Lupe.
They all met at Javier's home and when Mia saw the Mercedes car parked in front of the door, she stayed in the car for the time being. Javier got out and asked "Aren't you going in?"
"I don't know if ..." her gaze went in the direction of the car.
"Oh paperlapapp," interrupted Javier, "you go with us, this is my home after all." Mercedes looked a little sour when Alvaro came with Mia to her car and Alvaro opened the trunk to unload the purchases. Everyone took part with them, except of course Javier, who was supposed to take it easy.
"Sit down Mia," said Javier when she stood there, a little undecided. Alvaro went into the kitchen and got water and glasses for everyone, Lupe put the thigs away which they havr bought and Mia decided to help her. Neither girl said anything. When they were done, Lupe said quietly "thank you" and Mia smiled and nodded.

When they came into the living room, Mercedes was saying, "I don't think it's good that you allowed that without asking me." Lupe and Mia looked at each other briefly and Mia knew it was about vacation.
"Now don't argue again, Papa shouldn't get upset." said Alvaro.

"I'm not upset. I decided because I think it's a good idea. I haven't paid attention to what my son wants for too many years."
"But you should have talked to me first"
"Mercedes then I would have been upset. And we should prevent that," said Javier and winked at Alvaro. Alvaro had to keep from laughing and Mercedes pressed her lips together. She resolved to discuss this with Javier again alone, but she was aware that it was it is not good to withdraw the permit.
"How is Juamna?" asked Javier. Mercedes and Lupe looked from Alvaro to Mia. "Juanma" asked Lupe.

"Yes, he was the one with the stomach ache, wasn't he?"
"Stomach ache" asked Lupe again.
"I'll explain that to you in a moment," said Alvaro. To Javier he said: "He is fine. He has irritation of the appendix"
"Then he should be careful," said Javier.
"Why don't I know?" Asked Mercedes and Lupe nodded. "
His mother knows." said Alvaro. Mercedes thought for a moment. Florenzia had tried to call her during the week but Mercedes hadn't called back yet. She made up her mind to do this in the evening.

Alvaro noticed that Mia hadn't said anything the whole time. "I think Mia and I are slowly going back to school." When they were in the car, Alvaro said "You were so quiet, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about Juanma and Zoe. I'm a little worried, Juanma seems really deeply hit."

"Does that surprise you?"
"No, of course not. There is something about Gaspar that Zoe won't let go of."

"The problem is, I have the feeling Gaspar hasn't given up on Zoe yet. Juanma accepted your decision at the time and remained loyal to you as a friend. Without trying to push himself between us. It's different with Gaspar, he consciously or unconsciously tries influencing Zoe. " said Alvaro. In the meantime he had pulled over and stopped the car. "Maybe I should talk to Zoe." he thought aloud.
Mia nodded. "That might be a good idea."
"It was nice that you were there today. I think Javier was happy too."
"I'm still a little unsure when Lupe and Mercedes are with us."
"I understand. But they will have to get used to it." He pulled Mia a little closer to him. "You know Mia, so much has happened this school year. Also a lot of things that were very difficult. Lupe needs me too, we saw that on the camping trip. But without you ..." he paused and looked at her the eyes. "... without you I wouldn't be able to do all of this. Without your love and my certainty that you stand by me one hundred percent, no matter what, I wouldn't be able to endure all of this."
Mia had no words. She took Alvaro in her arms. She had already thought a couple of times that it was a lot for Alvaro too. He had been calm and strong in most situations. "You will always be able to rely on me". she saidAlvaro held her firmly. His feelings almost overwhelmed him and when he broke away from MIa, she saw that his eyes had become a little moist. But he smiled at Mia.

"And I want to tell you something else," said Alvaro after a moment. "I would also find it difficult to endure what Juanma is going through right now. I don't understand Zoe and I think we should talk to them both."

Go live your way Part 2Where stories live. Discover now