Ohne Titel Teil47

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"My car has gone out and won't start anymore, I'll send you our location." said Roberto.

"Ok," said Alvaro, "I'll be right there." He couldn't take anyone with him, otherwise his car would have become too full afterwards. He told Mia what Roberto had said and that she should send Gaspar in case another car was needed. Roberto's car was not very far from the location.
Roberto had already opened the hood. Alvaro glanced briefly into the engine compartment, but he didn't know anything about it.
"I suggest we leave it here and let Ramiro know. He knows a workshop where we always bring our car, they can pick it up. Just take everything that is important with you."
Roberto nodded a little sadly. Fortunately, he had been able to let the car roll over to the edge so that it did not disturb.
"We tried to turn it on again, but there are too many warning lights," said Fede. Roberto closed everything and locked the car. Alvaro patted him on the shoulder.
"They'll fix it again," he said encouragingly. Roberto gave Alvaro's arm a brief squeeze. Clara took his hand and they went to Alvaro's car.

Back at the party, Alvaro spoke to Ramiro, who in turn promised to take care of it Monday morning. He looked for Roberto and explained to him that they would then drop the key in the workshop on Sunday so that they can pick up the car. Alvaro had meanwhile told Juanma, Zoe and Mia what was happening. "Well, I hope it won't be expensive," said Juanma. Alvaro nodded.
By now they were back on the dance floor.
On the way to the dance floor they saw that Mercedes was standing alone on the edge.

Suddenly you heard Ramiro's voice over the microphone. "Dear students of Saint Mary. First of all, welcome to our annual graduation party. For some of you the last week at our school is dawning, and I have to admit that saying goodbye to each and every one of you will be difficult. I am proud on what you have achieved, because by the way, everyone graduated very well and I already know of some that they have been accepted at various universities. Thank you for all your commitment at the school, be it in Go , in basketball or in the scientific competitions.
I very much hope that your friendships that go beyond the boundaries of the age group will not break and I wish you all the best for everything else in your life.
I have one more thing from the graduate year. Olivia will leave us as a student, too , I am all the more pleased that I was able to convince her, depending on her possibilities, to support the Go workshop, and Martina too If the college time allows it, will be featured in the GO once or twice. "

Everyone cheered. Alvaro had noticed that Tobi was a little sad. Martina would be leaving school. Fortunately, she had a place to study nearby too, so they could see each other. He didn't want to imagine what it would be like for him a year from now. When it got quiet again, Ramiro said "We have a special guest today who wants to fulfill some music requests. Gaspar please come on stage."
Gaspar looked surprised and Lupe laughed "I told Ramiro that you can sing a little"

Gaspar quickly got a grip on himself and went to the micro.
"It is an honor for me to be able to sing at such an important party with you today." he said into the microphone "Since I was surprised myself, I'll pass the surprise on and ask Mia and Zoe to come to me."

Alvar and Juanma exchanged a look, Mia kissed Alvaro and took Zoe's hand. Gaspar had given the DJ a stick in the meantime and displayed song 2. The first notes of "Tonight" sounded. Mia could see that Lupe was annoyed that Gaspar had brought Zoe and her on stage.
Ramiro had said something to Gaspar very quietly when he came to him and after the song Gaspar said:
"I can now announce a very special surprise. We have a guest today that none of you expected." He took Mia by the hand and said softly: "You will be particularly happy"

"I greet our surprise guest Mia's godmother Isabel" Mia jumped into the air for joy when Ramiro and Isabel came to her. She fell around her neck while Gaspar started another song with Zoe.
"Madri what are you doing here?" "The doctor gave the green light to fly and Ramiro asked me to come." said Isabel.

Meanwhile, Alvaro and Juanma had come forward and Isabel greeted them both warmly. Alvaro had seen Lupe turn away and walk into a darker part of the property. He briefly informed Mia and followed her.

When he reached her, he asked "what are you doing here alone". Lupe did not answer at first. Then she said "And again Mia is the focus. I wanted Gaspar to sing, but not that everything revolves around Mia again."

"I think if Gaspar wouldn't have been here Ramiro had done it like Gaspar had now announcing Isabel as a surprise. But the excitement has already subsided, Gaspar sings with Zoe and Ramiro and Isabel dance."
He looked at the dance floor and saw that Juanma was dancing with Mia too.
"It's great that Isabel is here and that Mia is happy too is logsic," said Alvaro while putting his arm around his sister.
"Yes, but does the whole school have to know it?" "Lupe, ramiro let himself be carried away, you know how he is. And since Gaspar hasn't seen Isabel either and has known her for ages, it was a great idea. That was a short moment and now it's over again." In the meantime the DJ had taken over the music again and Gaspar approached them.

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