Ohne Titel Teil194

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Indeed, the guys came back with a dirty car from top to bottom, but all with big grins on their faces.

Juanma ran up to Zoe and said "I drove the car" Alberto laughed and said "I haven't heard that now" he winked at Travis. "Only in the mud " said Travis. "But he did well."

"Well, twice I thought the car would tip over," said Roberto.

"That was where I was driving," said Travis. "Come on, we have to wash the car."

Ramiro looked at Isabel. He smiled and was happy that they were all having so much fun. He enjoyed seeing the students so exuberant and resolved to talk Mercedes out of the idea of ​​moving in any case. Isabel took his hand.

Alberto said: "Come on, let's go to the stable. Ramiro, you've ridden before, haven't you."

"As a kid, yes," Ramiro said, grinning.

"You don't forget that," said Alberto and Isabel laughed, "someone told me that too."

Alberto spoke briefly to Ruby and said, "The kids want to ride too soon, so we're going to take other horses." He chose some, gave Isabel and Ramiro a helmet and helped them saddle up. They first led the horses to the place where they were Youngsters also started in the morning. When everyone was on the horses, Albaerto had a few tips but he was satisfied. Mia waved to Isabel. "Well then let's go out" said Alberto and Ruby opened the gate for him. "we do everything very slowly, "he said to Ramiro and Isabel." The horses are nice and used to beginners "

Ruby asked the guests "Do you want to get on the horses too?" Everyone nodded, Clara was a bit hesitant." Mia, would you swap Pegasus for one time with Checki von Clara? "Mia nodded.

" We can ride over to the other side and see what the sheep are doing, "said Travis

." That's a long way, do you trust them to do that? "

" You're right, we'll stay close then "

They sat fast on the horses, all with pounding hearts. Ruby rode ahead and Travis stayed behind the group. "We're going on a trail ride, so it's very slow to get used to. But I'll tell you one thing, you'll all have sore muscles tomorrow," said Ruby.

"And tonight we're going to the village for a drink, okay," Travis said. The students were happy. The ride was great, a beautiful landscape and the horses were all nice and calm. When they were back they sat down on the terrace to have a drink. "You're doing great, I didn't think you could do it that well," said Ruby.

Juanma, Zoe, Alvaro and Mia were really enthusiastic about riding. Roberto knew it before, he liked the ranch and the life there very much. Clara was still a little reserved. They had all got a fresh complexion from the fresh air.

They wanted to go back to the bungalows, have a shower and then go to the village with Travis and Ruby.

When they were in the bungalow, Mia said "they are really nice, it's fun to do something with them."

Alvaro nodded: "Driving was great, I thought a couple of times we'd get stuck in the mud, but it always worked. Juanma drove well," he said a little louder.

"I have to ask mom that I can finally get my driver's license," said Juanma. One after the other they went to the bathroom to shower and when everything was ready, they met up again with Roberto and Clara to go to Ruby. ISabel and Ramiro just got back too.

Mia thought they looked happy and she was very happy about it. She ran up to the two of them and took them in her arms. Isabel beamed. "We're going to the village with Travis and Ruby." she said. Ramiro nodded. "Ok, but watch out," said Isabel.

Travis and Ruby were already waiting for them. Travis wanted to drive the pickup where four of them should have been sitting in the back of the truck. " Is this allowed?" asked Alvaro. "How to take it" said Travis and laughed. "No it is not, but usually nobody cares about it here."

"Let's rather drive two cars." Travis nodded. "You're right, I'm sure that's better."

They took Alvaro's car and drove one after the other into the village. The only bar was a kind of bistro, where you could also have small dishes. Music was playing and some of the villagers were apparently there.

Ruby and Travis couldn't help but introduce their visitors. The six were well received and in no time they were surrounded by a whole bunch of people who were talking to them and also asking a lot. The evening passed very quickly and Travis warned that they should drive back slowly because he started early again in the morning.

When they got to the ranch, Ramiro and Isabel were sitting outside with Alberto and Ramiro and Alberto told Isabel about the old days.

They sat down for a while, Travis had already said goodbye. Alvaro and Mia made another tour to the horses.

"Aren't the horses lying down at night?"

"I have no idea, we have to ask Ruby that," said Alvaro.

"Some yes, some no," Travis could be heard laughing from above.

"Sorry we didn't want to bother you," Alvaro called up.

"No problem, I'm still up, good night see you tomorrow"

Go live your way Part 2Where stories live. Discover now