Ohne Titel Teil96

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Ramiro waited 45 minutes in his office. When Mercedes didn't come, but he still heard her rusteling with papers in her office, he assumed that she too hadn't closed the subject and knocked on her door.

"Do you want anything else?" Mercedes Asked.

"Mercedes, I thought we could  agree of something"

"I told you what I expect," she said, delving into another document.

"Do you really want to let Lupe and Alvaro go through hell. Do you really want Javier to hire a lawyer."

"If you and he are united there, it is you who let the children suffer"

"Mercedes, I thought we could  make peace."

"Oh, that belongs to you. Mia's godmother lives with you."

"Now listen up. I'm happy. You might not like to hear that. But you should know that I was happy with you too. I don't know, when exactly everything broke down. But I think Alvaro and Lupe deserve us around them. You know that they love me and they know that I love them. WE  love them. And that should stand  above everything,  Is Isabel really so important to you that you make the children suffer? "

"Ramiro, I'm hurt. You betrayed me"

"Ok Mercedes. Think about it carefully. I think about the children and I want peace with you. I will go now. Let me know when you are ready for a conversation."

He left school. Mercedes knew full well that Javier would be on Ramiro's side.

She drove home. When she unlocked the door, Lupe and Alvaro had prepared dinner.

Alvaro came towards her and said "Sit down, everything is almost ready"

When everyone was sitting at the table and starting to eat, Lupe asked "How did the conversation with Ramiro go."

"He doesn't deviate from being with this woman". said Mercedes.

"Was that the only reason you talked to him mom?" asked Alvaro. "I wanted to bring the family back together, he made me a peace offer, which I should think about."

When both children didn't say anything, Mercedes said: "I can't see Mia's godmother by his side. What if he brings her to school. And in the end she does my job."

"Papa would never do that. You know, if he has promised something, he will keep it." said Alvaro

Meanwhile everyone had finished eating and Alvaro and Lupe cleared the table, Mercedes sat down on the couch with a glass of wine. When Lupe disappeared upstairs to call Gaspar, Alvaro sat down next to her.

"Mama Lupe and I can't take it any longer. Can't you see that Lupe is withdrawing more and more, but at the same time also getting more difficult. Ramiro's balancing manner has always done her very good and with Javier she is not yet ready to confide in him. But she urgently needs it."

"She has me, that's enough," said Mercedes. "There is no way she will go to Ramiro when this woman is with him."

"So Isabel won't be around that long. Do you really want such open hostility with Ramiro now? That hurts you yourself."

"Alvaro, I'm tired, let's stop the discussion here." She took her glass and went upstairs. Alvaro sat there a while longer, then took his jacket and car key and left the house.

Juanma was sitting at the table with his mother, talking to Zoe on the loudspeaker and they were wondering what to buy for the weekend. Zoe was saying that she was happy to see everyone again because it was nice at home, but also a little lonely. "You're used to being together all the time," Florencia said with a laugh. Juanma said "Mom, you will be happy when we are gone again and you have some peace and quiet"

"I don't think so, you have all been here quite often. Zoe is it okay with your parents when you all next week are at your home "

" Mom promised "said Zoe and laughed.

Juanma saw Alvaro calling and said "Zoe, I'll call you back, Alvaro is calling." He ended the call and took Alvaro's call. "Hey captain, are you okay?"

"Yes..no, no idea, do you have time?"

"Sure, do you want to come over?"

"I'll pick you up" said Alvar and hung up. Florencia looked at Juanma, "Is everything ok?"

"I don't know, Alvaro would like to pick me up, he sounded strange"

It was only minutes before Alvaro rang the doorbell. Florencia opened the door for him. "Juanma will be there immediately," she said.

"Ok, thanks," said Alvaro.

"Is everything ok at home?" asked Juanma's mother. Alvaro looked at her briefly. "She's weird. She really seems to hate Ramiro now and she doesn't care who falls by the wayside with the hatred. Lupe is withdrawing more and more and I can't get close to my mother either."

Florencia nodded lost in thought. The last thing Mercedes had told her was that Isabel was living in Argentina again. When she asked Alvaro about it and he said no, she said: "I have the feeling that she is living in a world of her own right now. Maybe she needs time to get over everything. You know what? I'll come over tomorrow morning, do you think that fits? "Alvaro nodded.

Go live your way Part 2Where stories live. Discover now