When the four of them got up the next morning, Isabel and Ramiro had already finished breakfast.
They sat down together on the terrace and had breakfast in the sun. "You don't even know what the two of them at the diving school had planned" asked Ramiro. "Alvaro shook his head." The main thing is that you are careful. " said Isabel. All four nodded.
It started after breakfast. They drove straight to the harbor because Dani had written that he and Toni were already at the boat. "Let's go," Toni asked cheerfully and smiled at the four.
"Sure," said Alvaro and the four boarded. "Make yourself comfortable" said Dani and steered the boat away from the harbor.
Toni sat down with them. "Are you curious?" He asked. Everyone nodded. Dani came along. "We're going to a bay, if we're lucky there will be dolphins. I thought we'd go into the water and see what happens. I go with diving equipment, whoever wants to can do that too, but you can just swim or snorkel. " Alvaro's eyes shone. "Dolphins?"
Mia asked "So close?"
"I can't promise you anything, but there are often some at that point. But let the animals come towards you. Don't swim after them or something. By nature they are curious and come closer."
Zoe and Mia strained their eyes and searched the sea for dolphins. When Dani stopped the engine and lowered the anchor, Zoe said "But there are none here".
"Wait and see" Dani said with a laugh and asked "Dive or swim?"
"Swimming" said Zoe and Dani laughed again. "Why was that clear to me. Take your mask and snorkel with you. Then you can see better underwater and breathe just below the surface." Zoe nodded.
Alvaro and Juanma wanted diving gear, and Mia decided on snorkeling gear first.
Toni stayed on the boat, he wanted to watch the kids first and see if everything worked out. Dani swam forward, he swam a little towards rocks. Alvaro enjoyed gliding weightlessly in the water. He stayed close to Dani and Juanma followed them. Dani nudged him and they saw a dolphin swimming towards them. He circled the divers at a great distance and Dani showed the boys to stay still. On the surface they heard Zoe scream and then laugh. Dani appeared at the surfaceand Toni showed him that everything was ok. He dived back down to the boys. There were more and more dolphins who dared to approach each other and were curious. Dani lay flat on the floor and one of the animals came so close that Dani could touch it. The three of them slowly glided through the water, repeatedly being eyed by several animals and Mia and Zoe were also greeted.
After a while Dani waved to go up and the three swam back to the boat. Mia and Zie had seen it and followed them. When they were upstairs, Dani said "Take a short break and then we'll go in again if you want"
"Definitely," said Alvaro.
"That was an indescribable feeling." "I was so scared when suddenly one of them was with me"said Zoe and Juanma said" even we heard that "everyone laughed.
Alvaro stood at the railing and looked out to sea. Zoe, Juanma and Mia were in conversation with Toni. Dani went to Alvaro. " Everything OK?" asked he.
Alvaro nodded, "That was so great, do you come here often?"
"Whenever we have time and want to clear our heads."
"It was a great experience and thanks again for yesterday."
"No problem. I was happy that Mia called me. She's a great girl, hold on to her. Sometimes you think life just goes on like this. Then it takes a positive or negative turn. That's why you have to enjoy the good moments especially. "
" My positive turn was Mia. "
"Was your life bad before?" Asked Dani.
"No, by no means. Familiar, perhaps, because dad and mom fought a lot. But Ramiro is a great surrogate father." " I thought this, too"
"How's it going with you? Back in?" Asked Toni
"Sure," said Alvaro and the others nodded. "Are you going with us?" Asked Dani. "Of course" said Toni "our chicks are now professionals"
When everyone was ready they went into the water and they were lucky because after a while the dolphins came closer again. Dani swam to Zoe and took out his breathing device. "Would you like to go down with me, I have a second regulator on the bottle. Zoe nodded uncertainly. She took the regulator and Dani said" Breathe with me "
When her breathing was even, he went into the water again with her. She swam to the ground and Dani showed her to be calm. After a moment a dolphin headed for them, which then turned and came back slowly and curiously. Meanwhile, Mia was also under water with Toni. The dolphins gradually disappeared again. When no one came back for a long time, Dani made the sign to go up. The kids on the boat were all thrilled. Everyone said something and Dani and Toni had difficulty listening to everyone. They laughed, "It's great that you enjoyed it." they said.
On the way back Alvaro and Mia stood at the railing. The sun was about to sink into the sea and Alvaro took Mia's hand. "That reminds me of yesterday," he said and put his arm around Mia. "I still can't get over it how great the surprise was. I enjoyed the evening so much. "
" I feel the same way, "said Mia." In the middle of the sea with you in the sunset.... "
"The dolphins today were great, I've never seen them this close before"
"Neither have I". They were almost there. "Come on, let's go back to the others." Said Alvaro and took Mia's hand.

Go live your way Part 2
FanfictionThis is Part 2 of my Story about the TV Serie GO vive a tu manera