Ohne Titel Teil97

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Juanma came down the stairs and they got into Alvaro's car. "What's the matter?" Asked Juanma.

"I just wanted to get out a little, drive around a little." Juanma nodded.

"Sorry if I bothered you now"

"You don't, no problem."

Alvaro drove the car to the top of the hill where the city could be seen down. Both got out. "I have water in the car, do you want something?" Juanma shook his head.

"What happened?" he then asked. Alvaro told about the conversation with Mercedes and also that he had spoken to Florencia briefly about it.

"Maybe my mother can make her understand" said Juanma. Alvaro nodded. "You know, when we're at school, that doesn't matter. But when I come home now, figuratively speaking, the house above me will collapse. I can't breathe, I feel crushed.

Juanma nodded. "I understand that.How is Lupe holding up?"

"It works. She speaks to Gaspar more often, but she seems to be coping with the situation differently. I love my family, but Ramiro is one of them for me. I can't understand this hatred."

"She needs time. My mother is definitely right. Maybe she should go away alone for a few days. So that she can think in peace and is not responsible for anyone during the time"

"She won't do that, she is too addicted to control . "

Juanma noticed that Alvaro was upset. "Shall we call Mia? Maybe it will be good for you if you hear her voice" Alvaro nodded. Juanma dialed Mia's number. She replied immediately.

"I have someone here who would like to speak to you," said Juanma and passed the phone on to Alvaro. He listened to the conversation for a moment, noticing that Alvaro was trying not to show anything and not talking about the subject, then he took the car key and went to Alvaro's car to get water for both of them.

Mia thanked again enthusiastically for the picnic. She, too, seemed to want to avoid the subject. "We're only separated for one more day," she was saying when Juanma came back. "Why are you actually on the road with Juanma" she asked then.

"Well our girlfriends have both left us and we're going to have a man's evening," said Alvaro, half laughing.

"Don't worry, a man's evening with water," shouted Juanma. Mia laughed too. She had considered telling Alvaro that Ramiro was with Javier, but she didn't want to worry him. Juanma had the impression that Mia could lift Alvaro's mood and was happy about it.

Mia then said goodbye because she wanted to finish another game with Isabel. "Thank you, it was good to hear her voice," said Alvaro. "I know," said Juanma and smiled at Alvaro.

They sat together for a while and talked about different things until Alvaro said, "I'm looking forward to basketball training again at school. Marcello asked me if I would stay on the team because I am in senior class, but of course I will stay in Team, I'm missing the balls and the basket. "

"We can train at my garage at the weekend." Alvaro nodded.

"Are you worried because it's your last year on St Marys?" asked Juanma. "Not worried. I'll try to enjoy it."

"We rock the championship and we rock the GO" said Juanma and Alvaro had to laugh with him.

"Shall we go back," said Alvaro, looking at the clock.

" As you wish. "

"Ok, let's go before the stress returns." said Alvaro

He drove Juanma home and when he got home himself, he looked into Lupe's room. She was still awake and he sat down next to her on the bed. "When will you see gaspar again?" asked he. "Probably tomorrow," said Lupe. "Were you with Mia?"

"No on the road with Juanma," said Alvaro.

"I would have wished you became friends earlier," said Lupe with a smile.

"It would have been unimaginable in the past," said Alvaro.

When they said goodbye for the night, Alvaro went to his room. He wrote  goodnight to Mia and then went to bed.

Javier and Ramiro had agreed. Javier had promised to hold a conversation in the near future if Mercedes followed up on their threat. He told Ramiro how he felt when Mercedes got together with him, Ramiro. He also told him that he had tried everything to save his marriage, but it was no longer useful. Therefore, he could understand Mercedes feeling to be hurt, but not tolerate her actions. "The children are the most important thing. Alvaro is much further along, but Lupe is still right in the middle of it. I need your help because she has no real relationship with me yet."

"Sure, you can rely on me. We'll manage that," said Ramiro.

Isabel and Ramiro wanted to go on a shopping tour with Mia the next day. Mia was already looking forward to the day with both of them,because Isabel would go back to Spain the day after. It would also be the last day she was apart from Alvaro.

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