Ohne Titel Teil69

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She took him in her arms and after a moment she said, "We all don't know what happens until the end of the day when we get up in the morning. Nothing happened to me today. And you found me and got me out of the cave. Everything is fine and there is no reason for such dark thoughts. " She noticed that he was swallowing. "About your father that  was like the situation with  my mother. It's bad to have to experience something like that. And you miss people you love for a lifetime. The pain is always a little less, but it never completely disappears." Juanma nodded. "But you learn to live with it," Mia continued quietly. "we like to remember these persons. For example, I saw my mother's face down there in front of me. I had the song in my head. And I wasn't afraid."

He held her a little tighter than before. "I often see my father in front of me when I'm sad." he said almost inaudibly.

"I know Juanma" said Mia. "Does it help you?" He nodded. "Mostly ... bit I miss him"

Mia held him tight. She stroked his back. Juanma took a deep breath. He broke away from Mia. She looked at him.

"Sorry," he said.

"No reason to be sorry, I would like always that you are not alone when you are sad."

Juanma nodded. "I can ... somehow I can only let go in front of you for a moment. I don't know how to explain that. You know I love Zoe and that won't change, I love you like my sister. But only you can do it  that I can let my feelings go completely. I'm just always a little afraid that Alvaro or Zoe will be angry. "

"Oh Juanma, the two of them  know that for a long time. Don't worry"

"The memory came all of a sudden, you know. I wanted to pull myself back for a moment, because I don't want to ruin the mood either."

"Everyone has that  from time to time, Juanma. Everything is ok. And tomorrow we'll go diving together. All four."

"Are you scared?" asked Juanma.

"We'll see that tomorrow." laughed Mia.

She heard a noise behind her and saw that Zoe and Alvaro were standing a bit undecided on the way. Juanma followed her gaze and shouted "Hey come over!"

Alvaro and Zoe joined them. "Everything ok" they asked at the same time. Juanma nodded and Mia said "Sure". Zoe sat down next to Juanma and looked at him carefully. She put her arm around him. Alvaro sat behind Mia so she could lean against him. "How quiet it is here," said Zoe. "You only hear the sea" Juanma took her hand.

"I want to know how cold the water is," said Mia, took off her shoes and put her feet into the water. "It's a lot colder than before," she exclaimed.

Ramiro and Isabel watched the four from the terrace. They stood by the railing. Isabel saw Ramiro's eyes shine. "Are you happy" she asked. Ramiro nodded. "Very happy," he said, looking at Isabel. "She is so much like Mariana. She reminds me of her more every day."

"Yes she is," said Isabel. "And I am immensely proud of her"

"You can be that too. She bit her through so much in that year at school. Alvaro has blossomed since he was with her. He was always a great boy, but she really brought out the best in him . And Zoe? Nobody liked her at school. But that was mutual. And now? She is everywhere. Juanma was an absolute problem child. He closed completely after the death of his father. He made Alvaros Life like hell sometimes. Mia gradually blew up the wall that he had built around him. And now he and Alvaro are so good friends. "

"Mia told me a lot about the boys and the arguments." laughed Isabel.

For a while they watched the four frolicking on the beach. In the meantime the boys had also put their feet in the water and got the girls wet.

"I haven't seen Alvaro so exuberant in a long time," said Ramiro thoughtfully.

"He always has to be strong for everyone, at least he seems to think so .. he takes care of Lupe, he wants to be there for Mercedes and, of course, for Mia. But I think the friendship with Juanma is good for him-I have the impression that the two can talk to each other well. "

Ramiro nodded. He put his arm around Isabel and pulled her a little closer and Isabel put her hand on his.

"Are you happy here" Ramiro asked her. "More than you think," said Isabel, looking at him.

"Isabel .. I enjoy your presence here so much. I am glad that we are spending this holiday together and I really don't want to imagine that we will soon be living thousands of kilometers apart again."

Isabel turned to him "time will tell how far we are away from eachother." She took him in her arms.

Mia looked up at the terrace from the beach. She saw Ramiro and Isabel together and smiled.

Go live your way Part 2Where stories live. Discover now