Ohne Titel Teil26

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Gaspar told the visitors a little bit about himself and his songs. Then the first melody was played and he started the first song. Alvaro and the others were at the disco; he had already written to Mia. He had a surprise for her, but he hadn't revealed that. It was agreed that Juanma and Mia would go on stage with Gaspar as soon as the last notes of the song had sounded. Gaspar welcomed the two of them on stage, introduced them and informed the audience that they would now often appear together in the disco.

Mia let her eyes slide over the audience, she saw Fede, Nico and Sofie, right next to them Roberto and Clara, Martin and Agos were also there, accompanied by Lupe. Then she saw Alvaro and Zoe. She waved her eyes back again and saw who was standing next to Alvaro. It was Ramiro, he beamed all over his face and looked very proud.

The first song was a song by Gaspar that the three of them had split up. Juanma had given Mia a helpless look, but was immediately under control again. The song went well. Then it was Juanma and Mia's turn alone. Gaspar was backstage.

The songs were well received and carried away the audience. Gaspar had put together a good mix of faster and quieter songs. The three of them met briefly behind the stage. Mia said: "Ramiro is here. I want to sing my song in between"

Gaspar nodded. "No problem, we have some time as a buffer. Now?" Mia nodded. Juanma held her tight. "I don't think I can do that today." Juanma only had small pieces in the song, but they sang together anyway. The song was very emotional for both of them, but especially for Mia.

"Yes, we can do it," said Mia and pulled Juanma onto the stage.

Gaspar had already stepped in front of the audience and announced the song. He handed the microphone to Mia and Mia said, "We're singing this song today for a very special guest, my dad Mr. Ramiro Archaval." The St. Marys' students cheered.

Mia took Juanma's hand. She began to sing and Juanma joined in on his behalf. He nodded barely noticeably to Mia. It was absolutely quiet among the visitors. Some had lighter on again and waved it. Mia watched Ramiro. She thought she saw that there were tears in his eyes. Alvaros eyes hang also also on her lips. He had his arm around Ramiro shoulders and the other arm around Zoes. Juanma gripped Mia's hand tighter. When the song was over, the audience went wild. "Encore" could be heard. Mia saw Gaspar at the side of the stage. He nodded and played Ya no Mas. The song was also very well received by the audience. Juanma then took Mia tightly in his arms. Gaspar announced a short break and Mia ran from the stage to Ramiro and Alvaro.

She threw Ramiro around the hold "Thank you dad for being here" Ramiro did indeed have tears in his eyes. He was so incredibly proud of his daughter and even though he had already heard her sing this song at a competition, the resemblance to Mariana had absolutely overwhelmed him. He took her very tightly in his arms and said "Mia that was so indescribably beautiful, you are so incredibly similar to your mom." Alvaro also hugged Mia very tightly and asked "Surprise successful?" "Oh yes, I never expected that," said Mia. "I really wanted to see your performance and Alvaro just took me with him," laughed Ramiro. Zoe had stood there the whole time, now she took Mia in her arms and said "a great performance". Mia heard Gaspar come on stage and said "I have to go back". She ran back to the stage. Juanma was still backstage. Mia fell around his neck and asked: "Have you seen Ramiro?" Juanma nodded. He said quietly "Zoe is there too". "Yes, she's there and she's watching you, Juanma. And we're making her proud now, okay?" She poked him lightly and laughed at him. Then came their use in the song and they went on stage.

Juanma looked for Zoe on the stage. When their eyes met he smiled at her. Zoe smiled back.

They got along well with Gaspar and it was really fun to sing with Gaspar, he always brought a few nice words between the songs.

The performance went great until the end. Gaspar, Juanma and Mia stayed a little longer with the others in the disco and Gaspar headed towards Zoe. Juanma's eyes darkened, but Mia put her hand on his shoulder. "Let the two talk," she said to Juanma.

Gaspar led Zoe outside. He also got straight to the point. "Mia talked to me. I already told her I deeply regret that I broke up with you. And yes, I want to be honest, it hurts a little to see you with Juanma. But you seem always happy with him when I've seen you. And if you don't really feel anything for me, but really love him, then don't do that to him now. "

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