03- 𝘗𝘳𝘦-𝘱𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦

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We finally arrived at a small town. It was filled with guys that looked like they'd kill us for even looking at them wrong. Granted, I had an assassin with me, so I was probably fine. Killua and I made sure to keep to ourselves since we weren't looking for trouble. I found a small vendor stand with a small woman in front of it. "Excuse me? Do you know where the bus to the Hunter exam is?" I asked. She got out a small map. She then moved her hand in a motion that might've been to shoo us away.

"Rude much?" I whispered to Killua once we left her stand. He laughed a little bit. There was a sun and a moon on the map in place of west and east. "Um, sir... Do you know where the bus to take the hunter exam is?" I held up the map to one of the bigger people there. He pointed at the moon. "You can take a horse there. We don't have buses here." He smiled. "You're here by the way." He pointed to a small dot that was near (what I thought to be) Northeast. I turned to Killua, wanting his input. He just shrugged. "Thank you, sir!" I waved and we ran away.

We got the horses and began riding. I had never ridden a horse before, and apparently, neither had Killua. I only say that because instead of sitting, he was standing on the horse. "What-" I said when we started riding. "What? This is how you ride a horse as a passenger." He said, as though this was a normal thing that humans do.

It had finally reached nightfall. I decided to set up camp since our horse was probably tired of running all day. "Here ya go, girl! Have some water." I got out a bowl-looking thing from my backpack and brought it up to the horse's mouth (A/N: ??? I don't know how horses work, I'm sorry) and she began to drink. Killua walked over to me.

"You like horses?" He asked. "Not really. They scare me. This one seems nice though." I smiled. With the hand that wasn't holding the bowl, I began to pet the horse's forehead. I turned to Killua. His eyes were half-lidded. He seemed deep in thought. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just been thinkin'" He stuck his tongue out, as though to say 'don't worry!' I smiled. "What are you gonna do after the exam?" I asked out of genuine curiosity. "Not sure. What about you?" He replied.

"I dunno. Traveling the world could be fun. I wouldn't want to go alone though." I sighed. "Wanna come with me?" I said, somewhat teasingly. He nodded. "You seem interesting. You're also...not as much of a loser as everyone else." Killua said and scratched the back of his head. "Wow. Such a high compliment from the great Killua Zoldyck. I'm truly honored." I said jokingly.

"I know I'm the best, aren't I." He giggled. "You're ridiculous." I smiled. 

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