36- 𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘹 𝘑𝘰𝘣 𝘹 𝘎𝘰𝘯!

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"Your dad?" Hanzo repeated.

"You see, my dad is a hunter, so I'm gonna become one exactly like he is! And then I'll be able to meet him. I know I'll find him someday." Gon said. "But, I feel like if I surrender now, I'm never gonna find him." He sighed as blood trickled down to his chin and landed on the floor. "So I won't give up."

"Surrender or you will die," Hanzo said again, shoving the dagger a bit farther into Gon's forehead. The two remained quiet for a while until Hanzo spoke again. "Fine, you win. I give up, okay?" He turned his back to Gon as small gasps escaped from a few people's lips. "I'm not allowed to kill you, and I just can't think of another way to force you to surrender; so I'll take my chances in the next round."

"Well, I can't accept that!" Gon sighed. "No fair! We both have to come up with some way we can have a proper match," he whined.

"Dude!" Quinn shouted.

"Why am I not surprised?" Hanzo smiled. "You just said that you'll never surrender so what the hell is the point of that, ya idiot?" He screamed.

"The point is, I don't wanna win like this! Okay?!" Gon yelled back.

"Then what do you suggest?"

"Let's work together and figure it out!"

"So in other words...I've already given up the match, but you want me to continue fighting and try to beat you again, right? But first, we have to work together to find you a way to win so you can feel good about your victory. Is that right?" Hanzo asked, quite menacingly.

"Yeah!" Gon smiled, not noticing the man's sarcastic and cynical tone.

"Moron!" Hanzo shouted, sending the other boy flying with his uppercut. Gon bounced across the floor almost comedically and lied there for a while afterward. He was most likely unconscious. "Hey, referee. I lose so move on to the next match." Hanzo declared.

"Understood sir." Mr. Masta nodded.

"But I'd like to say something first!" Hanzo's voice grew a bit louder.

"Oh, hurry it up! If this were some amateur author's book, this will have been the third chapter that the author had to write about this battle!" Quinn shouted, their hands on their hips.

"Where'd you get that from?" I laughed. They just shrugged.

"Whenever he wakes up, he'll probably decline his advancement." Hanzo continued, completely ignoring Quinn's remark.

"He's right; sounds like something Gon would do." Leorio sighed. Killua looked incredibly worried and confused.

 "And as we've all seen, he can be incredibly stubborn. Only one person fails this round, right? So if Gon is disqualified, wouldn't that render the rest of our matches useless?" Hanzo turned to face us all better as a referee whisked Gon away, slumping him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. 

"You won't need to worry. Gon has certainly passed. Nothing he says or does can change that now." Netero admitted as Leorio and Kurapika let out sighs of relief.  "As a matter of a fact, he could even throw a fit and kill me where I stand! But, we still wouldn't be able to revoke his license."

"Yes, I see," Hanzo said, nodding.

"So why?" Killua asked, looking bothered and confused. "Why'd ya let him win?"

"What did you say?" Hanzo turned and glared at Killua. 

"You didn't have to kill him. With your skills, you could have made him surrender. Somehow." Everyone glared at Killua, seemingly shocked at his statement. I stared too, a bit confused as to why he was degrading his friend in that way.

"I expect when I torture someone, my victim will despise me for the rest of their life. It's more effective and less stressful. When you're in pain, your eyes show a gleam of hostility towards the person responsible. Even with the most extensive training and discipline, that sign of rage is often difficult to repress. But Gon's eyes had no such gleam. Can you believe that? I had just broken his arm, but I could tell just by looking into his eyes that he had already forgotten about it." Hanzo explained. I glanced at Killua, who let out a small gasp. "So I guess you could say the little guy won me over. If you need a reason why I let him win, there ya have it." Hanzo said, walking back to his place in line. Killua stayed quiet.

Finally, it was my turn against Quinn. "Man, why am I always put up against my friends?" I sighed, glancing at Quinn who just shrugged.

"Do you actually wanna do this?" Quinn asked, looking seemingly bored.

"Hmm...Nah, not really." I glanced at them.

"'Kay, cool. Time for you to forfeit." They smiled.

"Me? I'm forfeiting? Yeah, right!" I chuckled, only until realizing they were serious. "Quinn, I'm not gonna just give up!" I sighed.

"C'mon! I've got a reason I can't lose. You don't!" They huffed and crossed their arms.

"Yeah, I do!" I said angrily.

"Solving your boredom isn't a real reason Y/n!"

"It's for someone I love! You're doing this for someone you cared about, so why can't I?" I yelled, clenching my eyes shut and attacking them with a left hook. I hit them, and I hit them hard. I watched as they fell onto the ground, and gazed up at me. Their eyepatch came off, and their gaze was steely. One eye was grey, which was something I already knew, but the other was a dark shade of green. "Woah..." I gaped, not being able to look away.

"Wh-What? You consider me some sorta freak, huh?" They grunted. "You gonna finish me off in this fight and pretend we never met after?" Their voice wavered with emotional pain and the buildup of tears.

"Quinn, you know I couldn't do that to you. You're still my friend." I smiled, lending my hand for them to take it. They puffed out their cheeks and grabbed my hand and I smiled.

"I surrender. I can't hurt them like how you're asking me to. I'm sorry." They sighed, making their way to the line and standing at the end farthest away from Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio. I watched as they silently sniffed, desperately wanting to show that I still care. I knew they didn't want me by them anymore. They put on their eyepatch and shook their head, rubbing the eye that was displayed.

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