85- 𝘔𝘤𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘥'𝘴 𝘹 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘹 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘹 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘹 𝘋𝘢𝘺

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I woke up to see Killua bringing in pancakes from the McDonald's across the street, a great big smile spread across his face. "Oh good, you're up. Are you ready?" He rushed over and set the pancakes on the table gently.

"For what?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"It's our date day." He replied. "No matches, just us, and I'll pay for everything all day today."

"Really?" I yawned.

"You're adorable." He giggled. "But yeah, that's what'll happen today. Because you listened and closed my eyes when I wasn't ready."

"Thank you!" I grinned, hopping out of bed.

"Hey, don't thank me yet. I'm going to spoil the crap out of you today." He laughed, picking me up. "Now let's eat. Then, I'll leave so you can get ready." We heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I walked up to the handle and twisted it. Once the door was open, I saw Gon with a wide smile on his face. "Good morning Gon! How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good! Kind of nervous about my match with Hisoka. It's next month and all." He frowned. "Hm? Oh, that ring is pretty Y/n!" He smiled, pointing at the promise ring on my left finger.

"Oh, thank you! Killua got-" I was cut off by Killua's hand over my mouth.

"Hi, Gon." Unfortunately for Killua, his dino ring was on his left hand too, which was the hand covering my mouth.

"Hey, wait a second." Gon squinted. "Those rings are matching. And both are on the left hand's ring finger! You two got married without telling me?" He shouted.

"We aren't married!" Killua huffed.

"Then explain the ring!" Gon smiled, folding his arms over his chest.

"I..." Killua's cheeks got pink as he held up a trembling pointer finger.

"They're promise rings. Like wedding rings, but different." I replied, smiling down at my hands. "Our promise was to never leave each other." I looked up at Killua, who was smiling warmly, adoration in his eyes.

"That's right." He replied, putting his forehead against mine. "And I'm always gonna follow through with that."

"Good." I giggled, cupping his face and kissing him. "Your cheeks are all warm. You doing all right, kit kat?"

"I'm fine. Just blushing." He joked, touching my nose with his, like how we usually did. "Cuz you're cute." We were cut off by Gon going 'awe' right before we kissed again. "Ah!" Killua hopped at least 5 feet back.

"Sorry Gon, what did you need?" I chuckled.

"Oh, right, uh..." He thought hard. "I forgot." He laughed. "But I'm glad you two got married!"

"We aren't married!" Killua scoffed.

"Shush Killua!" Gon replied, popping the back of Killua's head. "Now, apologize to your spouse."

"Sorry, Y/n." He sighed, a bump forming on his head.

"No need to apologize." I giggled, kissing his head. "You okay?"

"Mhm." He nodded, his frown turning into a smile.

"All right, well, you two enjoy your date, I'll be training!" Gon waved, running off to either go to his room or find Wing.

"What I weirdo." I smiled. "A good weirdo."

"But a weirdo nonetheless." Killua laughed, spinning me around.

"I love you." I closed the door behind us.

"I know." He joked. "Ouch." He laughed when I elbowed his abdomen. "I'm kidding. I love you too."

"Good." I grinned, sitting on the bed and digging into my pancakes. "These taste really good!" I smiled.

"Glad you like them." Killua sat down next to me. "These under-paid high schoolers can cook pretty well.

"Mhm!" I hummed, swallowing some more pancake.

We finished eating quickly, and Killua left to go get ready for the day, leaving me to brush my teeth, shower,

 and get changed. I scoured through my suitcase-like backpack for some fresh clothes and found something I liked. I hopped in the shower and put it on afterward immediately. Once I was fully clothed, I took a moment to glance at myself in the mirror. I looked at my hair, to my eyes, to my nose. I looked at my skin, admiring the color for just a moment. I saw everything I used to not like about myself, yet those features weren't nearly as bad as I made them out to be.

I was beautiful. And I finally believed it.

I laughed and gently touched my cheeks with my fingertips, right before leaving the bathroom to go find Killua. I silently crept into his room to find him messing with his fluffy hair in his bathroom mirror. 

"Come on, hair, cooperate today, please!" He huffed. "Ugh, always so stupidly fluffy. Can you just slick back for once?" He ran his fingers through his hair, and it stayed for a bit, just before poofing back to its original position. "Y/n, stop watching me." He sighed, not looking away from the mirror.

"Mm...No." I laughed. "Why do you want your hair back?" I asked, walking in his bathroom and touching his hair, fluffing it around a little.

"Well, in all honesty, I'd rather have it be straight if anything. I hate my hair." He answered. "And since it's white like my dad's, so I'm naturally assumed as the heir in my family. It's so stupid."

"Well, I like it." I smiled, taking a piece in my hand and admiring it. "It looks like fresh snow,  but when it's all bunched up like this-" I grabbed a bunch of his hair and kept it in my hand. "It looks almost like a light grey. It's really pretty. But if you'd like, we can go and dye it if that makes you feel more confident. It'd be easy too, because of how light it is." I suggested.

"Have you ever had your hair dyed?" Killua asked.

"Yeah, a couple of times. It took a while, but it was pretty fun. Any colors in mind? I think a black would look good on you. Ooh, or maybe light pink!" I offered excitedly. 

"Well, I'm not so sure if I'd wanna dye it." He frowned, his gaze turning from me to his reflection in the mirror. "I'll leave it for a few weeks, and if I still don't like it, we can dye it. I'll even let you pick the color."


"Anything for you." He chuckled.

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